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Author Topic: Adventurer Artisan  (Read 5230 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Adventurer Artisan
« on: September 18, 2018, 02:55:17 pm »

Adventurer Artisan
An Adventure Mode Crafting Overhaul

This mod has a few separate aims:
  • Provide adventurers with access to as many vanilla Fortress mode crafting capabilities as possible, plus reactions for some other items foreign to dwarves, with pure raw edits.
  • Maintain the crafting style of vanilla Adventure mode, with many things being assembled from component parts, but update the system to allow assembled items to have quality levels.
  • Replace crafting workshops with portable tools more befitting of a travelling artisan, from the humble mallet & chisel, to the workbench, all the way to portable magma furnaces.
  • Stay as compatible as possible with other mods. Only 1 vanilla file has been edited so far, reaction_other, and this edit is just to tidy up the Adventure mode crafting menu. This edit can be overwritten by other mods without causing any real problems.
  • Be easy to amend, so that it is no trouble to add in reactions for items added in future updates, or in other mods.

I've attempted to keep as vanilla as possible with this mod, but there are a few small deviations here and there, such as:

  • Expanded knapping, providing access to some of the new tools added in by the mod, as well as stone arrows, bolts, picks, spears, and large daggers, alongside the vanilla stone axe. Picks are added because they are used for a reaction to turn boulders into small rocks, the others are there just because it seemed reasonable to be able to make them.
  • Obsidian casting, for obvious reasons, cannot be done in traditional Fortress mode fashion as an adventurer, and it doesn't seem possible to fill buckets from adjacent magma, so a reaction to use a smelter to melt small rocks has been added, as has an obsidian casting reaction that uses a bucket of magma, a bucket of water, and a tool called a boulder mould.
  • There is also a glassmaking reaction to make a small rock, for easier knapping of actual sharp weapons provided adventurers have access to sandy soils.
  • Any and all blocks can be turned into logs, so adventurers can use them in buildings.

Reactions check containers in a strange manner. It seems to me that it checks the top item in the container's inventory, and cycles through them until it finds an item that doesn't fit the description of the item it's searching for. This means that if the items that are used in the current reaction aren't at the top of the container's inventory list, the container is ignored.

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DFFD Link:
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 01:11:01 pm by Ninjabread »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2018, 07:43:37 pm »

How do you get a bucket of magma? It doesn't seem to be possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2018, 07:04:23 am »

I used a little cheaty reaction during testing to save time, I assumed you could scoop it up from volcanoes and the magma forges in the bottom level of dwarven fortresses. I'll have to do a little testing but if that isn't the case I'll update with a reaction to smelt small rocks.

EDIT: Alright, I see the problem, you're only given the option to heat the bucket with magma, not fill it. I'll add in a rock melting reaction to allow access to magma. Be aware, it is very hot, probably best to melt your rocks as and when you need magma and not a moment before, or you may start to melt. I'll add another edit once I've updated.

EDIT 2: Updated! Details in the OP
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 08:24:43 am by Ninjabread »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2018, 08:37:01 pm »

I did another update cause, after a brief hiatus from DF, I tried playing with the mod, and fairly quickly noticed that there were no gauntlet or ammo smelting reactions, and while I was digging around in the files I noticed some items were returning more scrap than was being put into them too. Should all be fixed now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2019, 10:43:26 am »

So, in case nobody has noticed yet, this mod avoids an adventure mode crafting bug to do with items like bars and thread by setting their size to 1. The bug also affects stacks which is why bonecarving recipes all use just 1 bone even when the same reaction in fortress mode uses more. This workaround, however, goes under the assumption that you aren't gonna be going and using things you made in fortress mode, as fortress mode bars, for example, count as about 150 adventure mode bars. I have ideas for 2 other possible workarounds that don't have this issue, I'll outline them here and put up a poll to see what you guys prefer.

Option 1: Pseudo items
Essentially, this works the same way that the current mod does, without the fortress mode exploit, because fortress-made bars, thread, cloth, e.c.t. will not be usable. I'll call the new pseudo items something different so that things don't get confusing if you do happen to find those vanilla items.

Option 2: Containers
The bug does not affect items in containers because they are not directly requested by the crafting menu, which is why the reactions with water and lava work fine despite using a stack of 10 items. Considering this, I could scale the items back up to fortress mode size, and turn things like portable furnaces and looms into containers, and change the reactions so that these items are to be put inside the new containers. This does mean a little more fiddling around for the player than the other option, but comes with two pretty big advantages; it solves problems with stacks as well as items with these troublesome size values, so we can have bonecarving that uses more than one bone at a time if I can think of some tool to put bones in before carving them, and, possibly more importantly, if I give the containers the [DOES_NOT_DETERMINE_PRODUCT_AMOUNT] tag, you can auto-repeat reactions by putting enough reagents in the container to do the reaction more than once, though I won't do that for bonecarving since there's no way to split the stack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2019, 12:10:51 pm »

keep up the good work, this is exactly what I look for


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2019, 08:29:55 am »

Thanks! Nice to know people are enjoying the mod. Hopefully the next update won't be too long after the poll is done, but there are a lot of reactions to be tweaked. It'll be worth it though, no matter which way the poll goes, cause it's always good to be able to have adventurers and fortresses in the same world, plus I plan on throwing in a few extra things here and there.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2019, 09:48:00 am »

The poll is half over and only one person has voted, so I'm gonna take the poll down and start work on using containers in reactions since that's where the one vote was. I'm gonna assume everyone else either figured voting was pointless since their preference already had 100% of the vote, or didn't mind how I fixed the exploit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2019, 03:12:19 pm »

Took a little longer than I'd have liked, both due to IRL stuff, and some weirdness in the raws, but the update is done. Speaking of weirdness in the raws, bones don't seem to work in reactions from inside containers, so I couldn't make leggings and greaves cost more than 1 bone. There's also some weirdness with the actual mechanics of reactions with containers that I'll outline in the OP.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2019, 01:10:05 pm »

It's been a while but I haven't forgotten about this.

New update incoming, here's what to expect:

  • Workbenches are a little better. They are used in a few more reactions that can get quite repetitive, and they are no longer an outright requirement in reactions outside of the tailoring subcategory.
  • Brewing has been added as a category. Should be totally compatible with modded booze-producing plants/fruits/honey. The mead-making reaction actually works with any liquid that has a DRINK_MAT reaction product, so if you use mods that add kefir/kumis you should be able to use this reaction with milk. Could potentially be some even weirder stuff you could do since I couldn't figure out how to limit it to animal products without making it species specific.
  • I've fixed a few bugs here and there, a did little fiddling about with categories in a likely foolish attempt to make it less cluttered, e.c.t.

Fun fact: During testing, thanks to the absurdly large stacks of plants in hamlets, I learned that reactions respect container capacities, even when the container has the [DOES_NOT_DETERMINE_PRODUCT_AMOUNT] tag, so you can't make stacks of >100 units of booze without modding in an extra-large food storage container.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2024, 08:15:44 pm »

Hey, I've been gone for quite some time, sorry about that, finished up uni, started work, and then more recently figured out I've secretly been a woman this whole time, but figured I should test to see if this still works once adventure mode is back, assuming it's not been made obsolete by the vanilla game. If all is good then I'll sort out the dffd page and put it up on the Steam workshop some time after adventure mode is on the stable branch, and I'll try to sort out some graphics for the new tools after that if I can figure it out. Hope all 12 of you that downloaded this are well

DPh Kraken

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2024, 04:42:33 pm »

Very lightweight, I like it! Haven't really gotten a chance to play it, but I like the workarounds for adventure crafting pitfalls.
Mod releases


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Adventurer Artisan
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2024, 12:46:16 pm »

Thank you! Hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to give it a proper go, pretty exited about adventure mode coming back and working on this again