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Author Topic: Emmistêm-- "Eastportals", Gateway of the East  (Read 2045 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Emmistêm-- "Eastportals", Gateway of the East
« on: December 04, 2021, 05:57:42 pm »

Emmistêm-- "Eastportals", Gateway of the East

I've always wanted to try a AAR / playthrough of Dwarf Fortress and I'm having quite the time so far. Writing makes this game so much more immersive than it already is, and it's practically built as a story-generator. This fort is inspired by Kruggsmash's Monsterkiller and is something I've wanted to do for a long time. That is, a sprawling cavern fortress with all sorts of walkways, natural architecture, and pure dwarven engineering. Minecarts galore, huge underground cathedrals, the like. The plan is something like each cavern being a "district" of the fortress, eventually with the monarch at the very bottom in his own underground fortress.

Now, of course, this being DF, things may go a bit awry along the way. In fact, hopefully they do, since that makes for the greatest fun  ;D.

Sidenote, I've been playing Wildermyth a lot lately (awesome game, check it out) and the writing style is simply beautiful, and it's something I'm going to try to channel a bit for this fortress, since the beautiful hybrid-ancient-tale-poetry of it all melds well with Dwarf Fortress.

Without further ado:

A mote of snow drifts across the wayward dwarf's back, moving and unstaying. Like the final thoughts of winter come, the breeze is ever-steadying. Bokbuzong, "The Absolute World", this place is called. An infant land of myth wrung from trials wrought. It is here that a party of 7 sets out across the wilderness, much like many have before in this primal land of exploration. On a mission from the king himself, with such urgency as if to please him.

Spoiler: The Absolute World (click to show/hide)

For 500 years the writers have spun tales of this domain, but I'll spare you the details: a land of struggle and triumph like those you're likely acquainted with. From the wayward and hap-scatter hamlets of the south, the locus of human existence; the barren mountains and mires of the north, from which elves and dwarves secluded live in. The world is largely two distinct continents: the south a land of chaos and turmoil, as a singular dwarven civilization and a few scattered human realms exist in a constant war against darkness; the ever-long march of the dead slowly spreading like plague across the land. If not for the undead cattle and the animated remains of the miller's wife, those unlucky to have been born so far from the frozen north also must contend with the constant prattlings of the little green gremlins all races love so much, with their floppy ears, baby-catching-sacks, and troll-studded raiding parties.

In the north it is quite the opposite: almost 200 years of peace since the last conflict with the goblins. Largely a continent devoid of human civilization, and to the untrained eye a serene and un-tamed one as well. Elves lay hidden in their forest retreats, dwarves sleep soundly under the cloud-piercing mountains, while goblins mind their own on a few isolated peninsulas. Sure there is the occasional raid and such from the dark creatures, but no collective goblin war party had laid siege to another race on this continent for almost 2 centuries; to the contrary it seemed they were too interested in internal squabbles to be able to form an effective host.(That and, quite embarrassingly enough, the two largest battles the scholars have recorded to date had been the northern goblins failing to invade the northern elves.) This is not to say this northward expanse of pines and evergreens was completely free of danger. In fact, the north came with its own perils. A land of savage, untamed wilds, the dwarves here have had to fight nature itself over the centuries to survive. Beasts, once innumerable since the dawn of time have roamed the north. Now their numbers have been thinned by sword and blade, craft of civilized creatures, but their threat is ever-present nonetheless. It is here in this land our party of 7 travels. For almost a month now they have braved the mires and taigas, travelled across the elven heartland and cut around an entire mountain range, its silvered peaks cutting the sky like many others in this studded landscape.

Dwarves of Akëstbembul, translated as the "Dominant Mechanisms" in their stone-incensed language. It was currently the second largest civilized nation in the world (besides the goblin realms of course, 'civilized' being the key here). Sprawled across the northern continent, The Dominant Mechanisms have been a hardy force of the North since before most civilized beings can remember. Full of vibrant legends as alive as the fecund land itself, tales are sung across the world of the brave Dwarves of the North. Since leading the defense at the beginning of the coalition Undead Wars 2 centuries 'ere, to the famous last stand defense of the mountainhomes by the second king, Goden Wallpraised, the "Wall of Granite", who heroically died in a rage while dueling a hydra after it had already rampaged throughout the monarch's fortress, killing all of his children, leading to the Second Dynasty of Akëstbembul, the Dominant Mechanisms had been quite the instrumental force of lore and legend across the wild loam of the Absolute World. Their current bookish king has ordered them to travel far from the charted ranges and heathlands of the dwarven-stock, to set an outpost far in the east. Emmistêm, or Eastportals, it is to be called, a waypoint from which weary travelers can stop on their way onwards to the other side of the burgeoning continent: a stepping-point for the further expansion by the dwarven realm.

But the expedition leader had other plans; a waypoint he would found, sure, but it was unlike a dwarf to simply be satisfied with yet another damp hole under a mountain. Riches of the earth would be plundered, liberated from their ever-sleep of silt and gravel. From this isolated river valley halfway across the world, would raise a settlement to rival that of any other before it: an economic center of commerce that would make even his majesty the King jealous.

Emmistêm! Strike the earth for the plunder of its bounty before the harsh winter of the North can touch our unprotected heads! A new chapter of dwarven history emerges from the struggles and triumphs of the past.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2021, 06:12:37 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Emmistêm-- "Eastportals", Gateway of the East
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2021, 05:58:36 pm »

"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Emmistêm-- "Eastportals", Gateway of the East
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2021, 12:58:20 am »


Among the 7 is a dwarf by the name of Rovod Sazirotil. A tranquil, reposeful man, who values tranquility and doesn't anger, yet loses his patience all the same. Thoughtful, charismatic, very intelligent, and assertive: the effective leader of the group. A miner by trade and a miner by heart, it is this man who will found the mining company here that will bring his family fortune and his name great repute. A complicated dwarf: he doesn't like those who get their way through guile and skullduggery, but he doesn't quite respect the law either. A truly independent soul, who values most of all commerce and craftsmanship, and it is this trait he will bring to the burgeoning fortress. He snaps his fingers as he stridently takes charge, ordering the workers, his now close-friends, into their tasks like efficient cogs. Spring is young-- but they haven't much time if they're to tame this land.

2nd Slate 550 (Mid-Spring), the Diary of Expedition Leader Rovod Sazirotil

At last we've arrived! I was beginning to think we'd never make it. Our ranger used up all of his bolts on the way here, and to make matters worse his crossbow got shattered fending off a moose attack. He fought like a champ I tell you, cinnabar-blood in that one. I never thought I would ever be thankful for elves in my entire stone-trodding life, but they really helped us out a few times. Gave us some more supplies when we got swamped out crossing one of the many fords in the ripe valleys here. Even saved us from a bandit ambush once, came out of the leaves themselves as the fuckers were demanding the clothes of our back. I suppose when they find our outpost here they might be a bit peeved: this territory is all, by custom anyhow, the realm of the elves, although I'm sure once we start pumping metal out of the cliffs here they'll be thankful to have such a close fortress to arm themselves from.

I've chosen this spot since the scouts have said it to be one of the richest veins in the area. As I climb one of the valley sides I can see this to be truth: coal and iron and galena are abundant along with gems in the bare cliff walls. From up here it is quite breathtaking: a small blue ribbon of the native brook weaves through the stone in this one spot as trees congest the virgin ground here. These rocks will provide quite the vantage point for our sentries once we get to needing them.

Spoiler: The Valley (click to show/hide)

I'm the miner on this expedition, so it falls to me to create the initial shelter. A small hillock will be carved into the ground here for shelter while I carve into the mountain face. To carve the first portal of a new fortress is a massive honor and privilege for a miner, and so this moment has awaited me all my life. To my friends and family far away across the ferocious wilderlands of the north I dedicate these first pick-strikes to you.

5th Hematite 550, (Early-Summer)

We've been here 'round 2 months now and everyone has sorta settled into the routine. I'll tell you: it sure rains and snows quite a lot here. We've got our little hillock dug into the ground here. It's not much but the hatch keeps (most of) the rain out. The hatch won't keep much more than rain out, though, and so it's high time we get settled into the mountain sooner rather than later. At the very least, our 2 farmers have been hard at work, and the gatherer has damn near scraped the entire valley for food. It's abundant here, and we could probably sustain a modest population at least for a small while on just the local vegetation alone.

I went ahead and made the ranger our bookkeeper. He's not much of use right now anyhow until we get him a new crossbow. The carpenter is hesitant to try her hand at fletching, but she's quite the quick lass and so I think I'll bring her around yet.

Everything is going without too much of a hitch: which concerns me. Striking a new fortress into the ground is hardly an easy task. Whole legends and tales have been spun about the deed. In either case I've finished the main hall. The idea is to have one long passageway we can defend that leads into the belly of the fortress. Later on I want to dig me a great hall and entrance here before the main ramp, but that'll have to wait until we have a proper miner's guild. Next is the ramp. I want this fortress to be architecturally opulent, not that I'm an architect, but I figured it would be pretty cool to have a chasm with a drawbridge everyone has to pass over, along with a ramp that descends down around the chasm. We'll have to see what happens, but for now I'll start on the ramp anyhow. Figure we'll set a true fortress into the stone once we make the first cavern: we'll have plenty of room to carve out a niche for ourselves there.

Spoiler: Main Hall (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 01:00:29 am by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars