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Author Topic: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game  (Read 4277 times)


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2021, 10:39:14 pm »

Many if not all of our dwarves worship several dieties. We may run into the always praying and never satisfied bug, but it seems everyone is decently happy right now. Plenty of work and rest between opening caverns and rushing to exploit them and then closing up and doing some work.


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2021, 10:49:26 am »

"Hey awesome glad to be here at this fort and- WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! Goblin spearmaster zombies? Fleshworm packs? CASSITERITE?! Magma- oh wait no that's really good actually and the fort design is really cool so far"
Gonna get started!


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2021, 12:00:19 pm »

Not sure what I signed up for agreeing to run this place for a year, but seeing as we are literally all trapped here what could it hurt?

First things first. We built a new gate to the caverns next to the old one. The lever is next to the wall in the main hall.

Second thing is that magma chute the chef found! Best thing we coulda done found in this place!
Now everybody being excited about it talked about pumping the magma up with dreams of a proper dwarven city and that is great and all, but there's a small army of legendary zombie warriors outside and there are 30 of us.

So I'm putting a ceiling over the chute so we can safely build forges and make proper arms. Course we can still build the pump system later just not losing sight of the hematite in front of me for the gold I see down the tunnel! if you get what I mean?

Speaking of Hematite the only ones we found is near the surface and so, again to much grumbling, I had our boys start digging towards it and found a good vein. Dangerous work for all of us. If they dig in the wrong spot and cause a tree to collapse a hole will open from the surface to our fort

Next event apparently on the surface some great human warrior showed up to join our fort like the last ones, but we're all shut down and all with the zombies. Well, he done decided to start a fight with a zombie and proceeded to die badly. Elite Skirmisher eh?

(I changed our tavern to residents and long term only after this so we aren't just bleeding visitors constantly)

I tell you, what kind of fair fight is it for some necromancer to just stroll over to a graveyard and resurrect legendary warriors with all the abilities they had before dying? Ain't sportsman like

Hmm one of my neighbors is in some sort of strange mood and wants some stuff

Yeah yeah whatever you can have it, back to work everybody leave her be.

Well. ain't that pretty!

Anywho... we had one of our cats get killed by a weird mold-ooze thing in the caves and so I sent the chef's cooks or whatever to go get it!

well....that didn't go as planned. Least its dead and being butchered. Hopefully chef is more happy about food then he is made about the dead people

and I just realize we don't have water and the one injured person still alive is needing it! We cracked open the bottom cave again to access the water temporarily.

It is terrifying

Also I'd like to point out these hands sticking out of the ground? I know we can't help it the spores come from the lower caves, but it's a bit disconcerting when you get up for your morning ale and there's some hands wriggling on the ground.

My goals for the rest of this year are simple:

Set up magma forges
Get iron gear going
gold crafts for trade
and figure out what to do with the zombies!

Look I love a good fight like any dwarf, but I don't see a fair way to win that fight! I'm gonna gauge my fellow dwarves before I do anything, but I'm thinking of just dropping a ceiling on these ugly boys or dropping them into the magma


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2021, 05:44:05 pm »

Always good to keep a positive outlook in situations like this.  For example, the disembodied hands are not actively trying to strangle anybody, so we can probably ignore them.  Maybe use a cage trap?  Your goals are ambitious, and I applaud your efforts.  Iron & Steel is a bit more involved now, so might be worth securing a new section of open space instead of trying to dig around.  And on a personal note, don't forget that I can craft for us most furniture and statues using gemstones.  SHINY!

chaotic skies

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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2021, 05:55:15 pm »


(also PTW)
Don't let me start a forum game, smack me with a paper towel roll if needed

Professional Thread Necromancer


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2021, 02:18:19 pm »

Well, this is a difficult report...

First off our undead trap had finished. Simply put we were going to lure them out into the caverns and lock them in there for someone else to deal with later that way we could trade and grow our numbers for awhile, but just as the trap finished and I was about to pull the lever...they were all gone?

Did they simply kill enough wildlife to meet some unknowable kill quota? Or did they have a timer we were unaware of? Masters call them back? Either way NOT MY PROBLEM! Break out the booze!
(for real though in vanilla fort mode I'm used to them never leaving and I'm not sure what made them leave now)

We've had three aritfacts made in the meantime, but nothing special at all so I just threw those dwarves back to work immediately

We also had a massive influx of cave animals in the form of just under 30 cave pygmys, killer blooms and moldspawn

I butchered some of the blooms and moldspawn and saved others as war animals. My successor can decide what to do with the rest of our animals
We even trained a....zombie? A zombie wandered out from the caves and into a trap. I can't even tell you what species it was, but it's trained now? Again my successor can worry about that

Caravan showed up and immediately left, but the outpost liason did drop in to take a request. So that's nice? I requested metals ready to be made into good weapons and armor and some rhinos. Who in the magma sea doesn't want some rhinos, right? We did get some news too

1. Our homeland is under attack by goblins, shocker I know
2. We are at war with every necromancer tower in the world. They all proactively want to destroy us.
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Speaking of: The magma chute has been sealed for our use. I had some dwarves almost scratch their eyes out because I used different color stone blocks to finish the job, but Bomrek is currently missing an arm after a giant monster wandered in from that cavern so I think I made the right call!
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Here's the start of our forge layer. I went ahead and made some gold products for sale and use. If I had more time I was going to split up the forge layer into airlocked rooms so if we get hit by magma sea monsters we can safely seal it without endangering work elsewhere.

Finally, I had the miners start digging out a complex across the way from our current one. Again whatever the successor chooses, but I was going to make that a production complex with workshops, warehouses and military housing while the one we are in can be used for living and social things. Military already have a barracks there as well as a hospital!
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I also finished building coffins for our many dead, which ties in great to our next part!

So...that bad news?

Well, dwarves kept wandering into the caverns so we lost some people to killer blooms

A dwarven baby, Chaotic Skies Jr, wanders out into the caves crawling on all fours past terrifying plants, monsters and dead bodies just looking around. Militia dwarf in the making.
His dad Chaotic Skies Sr goes out to get him, and one would think that this dwarven dad would carry his son to safety, yes? No no no! He just drops by to give his son food and leaves this literal one year old to wander the darkness alone. If that kid isn't a legendary warrior one day it will be a tragedy

And uh...let it be noted for posterity that I did wonderfully for my brief tenure and I trust that my fellow dwarves will NOT exile me for the ankylosaur massacre of 154
Yes, so a ankylosaur tore a head off a dwarven child who was watching a fisherdwarf work. Well, in good common dwarven sense I dispatched 20 militia dwarves to deal with it!
Well, we had casualties including our Gourmand Del. He had his head torn off while screaming something about sautéing the monster.
I dubbed his replacement militia captain "Del II" and I hope none of the dwarves notice the difference or that Del is actually dead
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(Notes: F2 will take you straight to our magma forge level to save you some Z-level scrolling, lots of animals we caught we can decide what to do with, I looked at magma forging some proper iron or steel and with mods its more complicated and I will be including a picture of what is still required. Please excuse messiness as I sort of prioritized military prep over fortress beautification)
Here is save:


  • Bay Watcher
  • menaces with spikes of pine
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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2021, 04:34:13 pm »

Mon dieu!!!


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2021, 01:01:30 pm »

Man, we are dropping founders like it's going out of style.  Still, excellent work on expansion.  Magma and a hospital in year 3?  Even if we're short on water & wood, that's still incredibly fast.

2. We are at war with every necromancer tower in the world. They all proactively want to destroy us.
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I actually laughed out loud.  The Fortress that is specifically focused inward, wanting to shun the surface entirely.  This is why we can't have nice things.  That plus the constant stream of fungus monsters and dinosaurs (r.i.p. Del).  I'll pickup the save in a couple of days.  If nobody else wants a crack at it after that, then I'll call this an interesting experiment and hope it has encouraged other Dorfs to try a Cavern-only challenge.


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2021, 03:24:02 pm »

  If nobody else wants a crack at it after that, then I'll call this an interesting experiment and hope it has encouraged other Dorfs to try a Cavern-only challenge.

Come on join up friends!!!


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Re: Deep Dwellers - Cavern challenge succession game
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2021, 12:48:18 pm »

Error! You do not have permission to view this part of the archive.  I didn't even know DFFD had a private setting.  Just as well, I started up a single player Fortress I have become invested in. I would love to see someone post a community fortress of the cavern challenge, vanilla or modded.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 12:50:26 pm by Immortal-D »
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