Date: Nov 29, 2025
After disbanding initial disbandment due to the passing of both arch liberal amendments, the CCS being wiped out by a backer list before they were ever even formed, and having 3 sleepers in each major media position aside from CEO. The LCS had to make a come back after discovering that a rigged voting system was preventing the general populace from voting liberal ever... and that every proposition was conservative (bug)... sounds like conservative propaganda.
The founder in his wisdom found the best credit card thief, tailor, doctor, and psychiatrist liberalism could associate with and recruited 4 army veterans. Little did anyone know they would become army commanders someday each leading 5-6 individuals of their own.
After robbing the bank a few times, causing a nuclear meltdown here or there, the LCS has turned into an unstoppable political machine. The army commanders were each trained individually in religion, science, and economics. A new LCS "Death Squad" had formed. One unstoppable not because of their willingness to tote m249's around (as in many universes this was common). They were the evil variety... trained by the best in the world. These 6 men were collectively better than any locksmith, more persuasive than any politician, more skilled at surgery and psychology than most doctors, and were equally skilled if not more skilled than CIA secret agents. But most importantly, they were the most skilled infiltrators in the world. No one could tell these men were the enemy LCS... and then has been leading to the downfall of conservative civilization. Nowadays highly skilled members of society are indoctrinated into the elite LCS by being augmented, taught infiltration and combat by the leaders, and then subsequently sent to initiate a nuclear meltdown with the infiltration squad (I've done this 4x now for individuals that deserve high skill).
Continued raids on our home, the Medici Waste Disposal, proved fruitless as time went on. A surplus of army veterans that had done nothing except received training from the extremely skilled politicians and commanders of the base, and who through being used as a protective service for the holy founder (meat shield) became well suited for the task of murdering everything in their path, and were given the right of wearing heavy ceramic armor with assault rifles to be the perfect front line warriors in a raid. Protecting the 12 some other LCS skilled in shooting bullets into heads.