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Author Topic: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer  (Read 1824 times)


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The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« on: January 09, 2021, 03:40:13 pm »

Feel free to skip straight to Reply#4 if you want to...

I'm playing a game of adventure mode with character Erid Godenlocun. hopefully this adventurer won't get murdered in the first thing he steps outside. Not sure what's going to happen in the future myself. But I will do several plays at a time and write up what happens.

I've done some edits on the first two posts. Note to self - do editing before publishing next time. x_x
« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 07:29:07 am by Lestrage »
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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2021, 03:40:34 pm »

The world Setheredefini. This is a great island continent, with the south west being mostly sea, occupied by a great island. Examining the the main continent, it can be seen that it is divided a western part, and an eastern part. With the eastern side being the larger.

The fortress archive keeper provided me with some information on the main facitons, to help me in the journeys ahead. Hopefully these words are accurate and up to date. hmm...
- Erid

> Brief history of Zas Enas - The Crystal Doctrines

        This is our civilization. Aban Graniteknighted was the first king of this dwarven civilization. The first settlements founded were
        Oilringed and Sackamber. More settlements founded later. In midspring of 13, civilization 'The Late Seducer' attacked
        The Crystal Doctrines in the  armoured swamps. Dwarf Sigun Channelsaint led the defence against this. A offer of peace was made and accepted.

        The 'Spear of Worshippers' of The Crystal Doctrines founded the fortress Tholeslikot in 29.
        In 34 The Crystal Doctrines and The Woods of Wilting together entered an alliance to support The Glorious Kingdoms.
        In 103, several factions including the Crystal Doctrines swore to support 'the Big Winter' in war.
        In Autumn 83, The Crystal Doctrines held 'the mechanical festival'.
        The king wrestled with the grey brute Stagshil Dawnislands, and Stagshil was the victor.
        Stagshil is a great lizard twisted into human form and has lidless eyes. It has small grey scales. Stagshil was associated with seasons and death.
        In summer of 102, Crystal Doctrines attacked The Pale Shadow at Mistyrain, Shorast Postdent leading the attack. 'The Pale Brain' was hired
        by the attackers. The Pale Shadow was defeated and Mistyrain pillaged.

        By 104, it is known that a number of spies had deceived and infiltrated some of the settlements.

        In early spring of 140, The Gate of Cloaks of The Crystal Doctrines launched an expedition to reclaim Sprybusts, a mountain halls founded in
        year 65. This settlement was destroyed by the Roc Rinal Pantedsearches year 114. in year 140, after the expedition by Gate of Cloaks, a number
        of dwarfs arrived in Sprybusts to settle down.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 07:30:03 am by Lestrage »
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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2021, 03:40:58 pm »


« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 03:25:13 pm by Lestrage »
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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2021, 03:41:48 pm »

 ( Erid Godenlocun )
    Background : A hill dwarf in youth, recruited in young adulthood
    to the local militia of the faction The Crystal Doctrines. Recruited
    as a scout to the military. Assigned for the last time to the fortress
    Tholeslikot where service was completed. Discharged from service at
    mid-age with commendation.
    Profession :    Ranger
    Race :            Dwarf
    Property :       Ranger's dress kit. Backpack. Well-crafted woodwind Instrument (heirloom). Short-sword and buckler. Crossbow.
    Citizenship :   Citizen of Crystal Doctrines , Member of The Problematic Keys
    Belief:            An ardent worshipper of Ostath, the god of storms.
    Attributes :
        - physically tough.
        - has good intuition.
        - is highly agile.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 03:12:49 pm by Lestrage »
The platypus is making a plaintive gesture. The pangolin is striking a menacing pose. The penguin is laughing.


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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2021, 03:45:35 pm »

= POST 1 = (The Start)


    Erid Godenlocun shifted restlessly through his research notes. He noted the location of his fortress in the map of the world - in the north east of the world, at the
    foot of the mountain range. The strip of land between the mountains and the coast allowed for movement in northward or southward direction. In his mind he
    turned over his goal, and found that he was uncertain of what the future will bring. He only knew that he did not want to remain in the fortress.

    He noticed the settlements of The Glorious Kingdoms - origins in very much in the central part of the continent. If the notes were correct, these people were still an
    ally.  For some time he considered making his way to the central regions. Perhaps here he would find more leads to follow. 'A bounty mission, if I could
    hire some others to a group...' he vaguely thought, or 'maybe I could track down one of the lost artefacts...'.


    - Journal entry, the year 140 -
    Last night I dreamt it again.
    I was appointed a hearthperson of a copper stone citadel. With the orders ringing in my ears, I laboured through the bleak windy wilderness, in the rain and cold.
    As the giant fanged beast lumbered in my direction, I shrank back and hid myself.
    Then I was in trail of that dark shadow, tracking it down along foggy streets and dark corridors.


    - Granite, Yr 140, Spring -
    I've heard the talk of the kidnappings a number of times in our quarters by now.
    - 5th Granite Yr 140, Spring -
     - Fortress Tholeslikot

    With the agreed time of service to the fort complete, I have decided to go out into to the distant lands.
    If I come back at all, I won't come back empty handed. Maybe others will also see benefit from this venture.
    But yes, maybe it's wise to be cautious.

    I got the feeling that the commander did not approve of my choice to journey out alone, but he did let me keep my kit.
    He is a dour old dog. Muttered something about 'rash young fools'. I said nothing.
    To hell with it! the years have passed in these same old rock corridors... I'll walk the paths while I still can.


    - Entry 1 - Granite Yr 140, Spring -

    I am writing from the tavern at the entrance platform of the dwarven fortress Tholeslikot. We are in the region Emofeelera.

    It was a bit of a trip to the surface. Still a bit shaken from the fight with the cave troll. It came out from one of
    the cavern openings in the corridor.
    Now finally at the fortress entrance. It's night, and beyond the walls I can see dense dry dropseed grass lit cyan in moonlight, waving in
    the wind.


    - Entry 2 - Granite Yr 140, Spring -
   Tholeslikot entrance tavern, dawn

    Its early dawn and the people at the nearby tavern are still asleep. I've taken a nap myself since I made it to the surface.
    Should I have gone back for the dog?
    Well, we were not overly attached to each other yet. Perhaps its best that I let it stay in the quarters.
    I heard a story of a dwarf who went exploring... took one of the dogs out with him. Very useful in hunting, but one of
    the big birds the dog went after fought back, and it ended up injured. Dog survived but wasn't the same for a long time after that.
    Yes ... probably best I went out alone this time.
    Lets see ... 
    I would need some food and water. Also a basic knife tool.


    Erid paused, and saw that ahead to the left of his path was a small tree, with good shade under it. He made his way there and
    sheltered from the noon-time sun. The sun sometimes made him feel somewhat uneasy, but he was used to travelling on the surface
    during daytime.
    Crouching in the shade of the tree, he reviewed the events of the past hours. The band of monks he met at the point of crossing
    the  bridge. He had spoken to one of them, and learned that there was something foul going on in the tower of Glossgrooved.
    Something fearful. I should remember that for later, he thought. He looked at the hilly grasslands that lay around the fortress,
    and thought how empty it seemed. Not many creatures to be seen, other than groups of stray horses here and there.
    He got to work on making the knife edge, using the stones he found earlier. It will come useful in the wilds.

    - - -
    After taking his rest, he headed eastward and downhill, away from the fortress and the highlands. Crossing one small river at a bridge,
    he passed onto the dwarven hillocks named Chamberthrone. Briefly considering that the fortress, now in the far distance, he decided he may
    come back later, but for now to keep going onward.
    By now his packed food was running low. At the edge of the Chamberthrone settlement he stopped to process some of the meat he was carrying.
    As he went about his business, he thought on the trouble of having to always hunt for food, but as far as he knew the vegetation in the
    wilderness was not good for foraging.
    It was late afternoon when he entered Chamberthrone.


    - Entry 4 - Granite Yr 140, Spring -
    The main hall of dwarven hillocks Chamberthrone, night.

    I've reached the settlement Chamberthrone. A few dozen people live here. Looking around, I see that there is a bigger central hall
    and some surrounding buildings. As I was looking around, found a hatchway to an underground room. Some drunken dwarfs were waiting and
    sleeping there.
    Around sunset I entered the main hall. A number of important-looking people gathered here. No one was terribly interested of my arrival,
    they were talking business among themselves.
    I talked with the mayor of this place. He is called Mayor Meng Torchwinds.
    Asking about troubles of this place, he told me that several years ago his son 'Mosus Cobaltshakes' was kidnapped from this location.
    He seemed to be in grief by this unfortunate event, and also somewhat bitter.

    I asked where the boy might be now. Meng believed he may be currently found in Malignrushes in the armoured swamps, many day's travel in
    the north-west. I got a description and details on how to find the place. Unfortunately this is a dark fortress.
    I got the mayor's permission to stay in this building for the night. A relief.
    I must admit, we've have had knowledge of a number of kidnappings that had happened. Some relatively recently.
    Not all from the same place though.

    I've thought it over and made up my mind. I'll try to track down this kid.
    But is he even still alive?
    This journey is going to be long, but along the way I'll pick up more leads of information on the world, and things I could do.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 07:44:32 am by Lestrage »
The platypus is making a plaintive gesture. The pangolin is striking a menacing pose. The penguin is laughing.


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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2021, 03:51:02 pm »

= POST 2 =  (Trek through the Wilderness.)

- Entry 5 - Granite Yr 140, Spring -
- The main hall of dwarven hillocks Chamberthrone, dawn.

Last night, to pass the time I carved some of the bones I was carrying. I made 4 bone rings using my knife. I might be able to barter these for some equipment of currency later. Also made a small statue of my god Ostath, who brings the storms. I’ll keep that with me for good luck.
Now, reviewing the map, I see that 'Malignrushes' is far up north, and somewhat to the west. Part of the mountain that I came down from blocks me to the north. Travelling over mountains takes time, and generally a harder task.

More worryingly, further up north, several goblin dark pits are between me and Malignrushes.

So the plan is to travel around the mountain, by travelling east a short distance and then travelling north.
This’ll be enough distance to clear the mountain range.
Then there is a long trek in a more or less straight line far to the west. All of this is to clear the goblin pits.

Assuming all goes well on the walk into the west, I hope to reach 'Urnkiss' hillocks or 'Netfeast' fortress.

From one of these friendly settlements, I will rest and see what I can do. It is then another trek north, to Malignrushes area.
I'm uneasy of facing a fortress head on alone. I'm assuming the dark fortress inhabitants are not friendly types.
I will just try to scout out this dark fortress and see what can be done.


Erid woke up feeling very hungry and thirsty. He remembered how he ate sparingly last night. Dawn was breaking in the east, and he gathered his things to move out from the settlement of Chamberthrone as planned. He examined the  creased map a last time, and stepped out.

First he made his way to the river, and there filled up his waterskins. Having done this, he went on to drink some water before heading off.  He made his way north-eastward. Some way down the path, he saw a group of turkey gobblers. He thought of how until now he had only seen herds of horses in this land.

A northward angled river came into view, and he decided to follow it. Sometime later he passed an out-of-the-way dwarven village of a few small buildings. He wondered where he might be able to find trade, but decided traders would likely be found in towns or fortresses.

By sunset he had reached the furthest north-eastern part of Chamberthrone region. The way ahead to the north seemed to be wild country. He stopped at a bridge which he guessed was the last crossing in this region, in to the north.
As he settled down, he thought to travel a bit further, and then as planned, turn and travel straight and far into the west.


    - Entry 7 - Granite Yr 140, Spring -
- Outskirts of the rosy swamps, night


This morning I woke up uneasily. There was the smell of a wild-beast nearby. I looked around carefully.
Yes, there was what looked like a starving lion prowling in the distance, headed this way. 
I gathered my things in haste, got down onto the floor. Started crawling across the bridge, and out of its range of smell.
Calming down. I followed that same river northward. But I was on the wrong side, needing to cross to west. 
The land has begun to change now. The dry reed grass was giving way to greener dogs tooth. Rain clouds in the sky.
Walked northward enough, that I am now in the region known as 'the rosy swamps'.
The riverbed ends in a waterfall, and the channel continues now as a wide chasm.
I was testing the waters to see if I could swim. There was an alligator in the water! I was surprised but managed to dodge its attack.
Stumbled back to the upper bank a bit shaken.
Crossed the river further to south at a shallow place. Being careful this time.

As I'm writing this I am sitting by a camp fire I made on the west side of the river. Have rested for some time now.
The air is cooler, and a bit humid.


The next morning he got up early, feeling uneasy again. Nothing was in sight, but he felt unsettled.
Deciding not to linger, he gathered his items and quickly moved on.

He started climbing the hillside slope to pass the last distance into north, and suddenly stopped,
as his senses warned him of a hidden danger. With an intake of breath, he crouched and squinted in the twilight light.
He took out his crossbow and softly loaded a bolt.

In that moment, on to the path just ahead slid an immense serpent, coiling and winding its way forward, but moving silently.
The creature’s head swung from side to side, and it’s tongue flicked out. It seemed to be seeking out his position, and more than
capable of crushing a dwarf to death in its coils.

The moment the two encountered each other, the anaconda may have been surprised by the dwarf as much as him as him of it.
It gathered itself in sudden motion, to lunge.

Erid let loose the crossbow bolt, which hit it’s winding body, but did little to stop the creature. Erid dodged the savage lunge and sprang back,
trying to put distance between him and it. He drew his short sword, and swung desperately, the blade catching the serpent in the mouth.
It hissed in pain and swung aside. Erid sidestepped and swung again at the creature, and then fell back into the distance.

He realised that the creature was very tough, but slow in its movement across the land. Putting a safe distance between him and it, he let loose two steady bolts from his crossbow. One of which found its mark. He changed his angle of attack, and now drawing the short-sword and buckler, charged in at the creature from the side.
He furiously attacked, cutting deep wounds in the flesh of the creature. As he stabbed at the anaconda, the sword stuck in the creature's body. He freed the weapon as the wounded serpent writhed and tried to wind it’s coils around him.

Stumbling he retreated into the distance, and hung back with ragged breaths, with crossbow at ready.


    - Entry 9 - Granite Yr 140, Spring -
- The rosy swamps, night

    I’ve made my way to the turning point this day. Not seriously hurt from the fight at the start.
    In the end that snake died from blood loss, and I feel I've improved a bit in fighting ability with the sword.
    Gathered some of the meat and bones from the carcass, and took one of the fangs to  carry.

    I am now travelling directly west, passing goblin territory up to the north.
    I've crossed two northward brooks on my way west.

    - Entry 10 -  19th of Granite Yr 140 -
- The armoured swamps, night

    I've now entered the world region known as 'the armoured swamps'. If I recall, Malignrushes is located in these parts.

    Discovered another river flowing at a tangent. There seemed to be something in the water, watching. Might be alligators.
    I've been trekking through the wilderness all day. do not want to be caught out in the night. Getting tired and drowsy.
    Slogging on west. there are trees all around me, and dense dry zoysia grass underfoot.
    Another narrow river blocking my path. After weighing options I dared to swim across it.
    I made it with no trouble as the currents were not strong.
    A pack of little river otters up north...they were no trouble. No alligators in sight either.



Groggily Erid awoke from sleep at dawn to the songs of birds in the distance. Feeling stiff from the tramping and the fight, he carried on, on his way into the west, hoping to come across one of the friendly settlements sometime soon.

In the morning he noticed how the forest and grass was getting lusher. Then at one point he noticed a strange whistling. He was not sure what this may be, and felt cautious, and the need to stay alert. He realised that he did not want to spend another night in this wilderness. And so he went as fast and carefully as his fatigue would allow him.

He reached the area ‘the most forest’ around noon. The grass was green underfoot, and it was a dense forest. There were some murky pools of water here and there, but the water was not good to drink from. And along the way he noticed two honey-badgers wandering between the trees. He knew they were tough things, and since they were not aggressive this time, he did not care to pick a fight either.

He passed through ‘the braided prairies’ area without incident, in afternoon. Crossing another brook, he finally came across a pathway, which to him was a welcome sight. He followed it.

Now ahead he could see buildings of a dwarven hill settlement. He felt glad and relived at the sight. Erid reached the hillocks 'Urnkiss' in Ranoelana, 'the wealthy priary', in early evening.
He stopped at one of the path-crossroads, and waited to recover his aching limbs. Then he went on to contact the people who live in this place.


« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 03:54:23 pm by Lestrage »
The platypus is making a plaintive gesture. The pangolin is striking a menacing pose. The penguin is laughing.


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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2021, 04:00:39 pm »

« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 08:05:13 am by Lestrage »
The platypus is making a plaintive gesture. The pangolin is striking a menacing pose. The penguin is laughing.


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Re: The first story of Setheredefini - Erid Godenlocun - Adventurer
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2021, 04:06:13 pm »

that's all for this week. Hope I'm doing things right by posting directly to forum thread?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 04:24:30 pm by Lestrage »
The platypus is making a plaintive gesture. The pangolin is striking a menacing pose. The penguin is laughing.