Originally posted by Shakkara:
<STRONG>Perhaps consider adding it to the wiki utilities page?</STRONG>
Done. I was holding off on throwing it on there since it was a quick hack, and I didn't bother to make it version independent using the nifty tricks that 0x517A5D came up. However, given that people are having a problem with water being depleted now, I suppose it's not a good idea to hold off indefinitely on publishing it until I get everything to an ideal state.
<STRONG>Oh and while we're at it, is there a program like tileinfo that works on the latest version, it would really be helpful to figure out in what memory address a specific tile is located...</STRONG>
Shouldn't be too hard to write. The info for a given tile is actual split out across a couple of memory locations. Map data is split up into blocks, which each represent 16x16 sections of tiles. There are several 16*16 arrays within the block's data, each one representing different information about those same set of tiles. More details are here: http://www.dwarffortresswiki.net/index.php/User:Rick/Memory_research#Data_Block
Anyway, I'll try and cook up something quickly tonight.
Originally posted by Wolfius:
<STRONG>Yes, tis indeed double-plus spiffy. Thank you.</STRONG>
Glad I could help. And I got lucky: The night before I saw your post, I was looking over the memory research stuff and playing with some of the information from here: http://www.dwarffortresswiki.net/index.php/User:Mithaldu/Tile_types_in_DF_memory . That made my job a lot easier because that gave me what I needed to find all the pond squares. If I didn't know where the pond squares were, I would've had to cook something up that just dumped 7/7 water on the cursor position or something like that. And while that would be more versatile, it'd also take forever to manually refill lakes. With the utility the way it is, you can even choose to just run it once per game year or so and pretend you had a strong rain that refilled the lakes.
On another note, someone named Intently updated the wiki entry for water to include the following:
"Note: If there is lava in a murky pool, it will be raised to depth 7/7."
So there's an interesting bug / unintended side-effect associated with the program.
[ November 28, 2007: Message edited by: Erasmus Darwin ]