I was making my own game, but I decided to drop some of the concepts of my game here, because I feel like it would add even more depth to Dwarf Fortress.
In many ancient traditions, there are three things which are very important according to supernatural observances, and these are: Place, time, and directions.
The first, Place, are sacred sites, earthgrids, lay lines, and geomancy.
The second, Time, is astrology.
The third, Directions, are the "four winds."
These three, tied into stats, make a game very intricate.
Each location should minorly effect different stats in different ways, increasing some and decreasing others. Location should also sometimes effect entities' moods. This will make place important.
The procession of the celestial bodies: Each day, each week, each month, each year, should minorly effect different stats in different ways, increasing some and decreasing others. Seasons should also sometimes effect moods to some degree. This will make time important.
Each cardinal direction, should minorly effect stats, increasing some and decreasing others, depending on the direction that is being faced. This will make direction important.
With this, place, time, and directions are important, effecting the gameplay in many ways, in both Fortress and Adventure modes.
The possibilities are many.
If you want these ideas implemented into the game, then show support for this thread.