One of the issues with random worlds is that we don't pay enough attention about civilisations, or wars, or anything happening. Especially events very far from now.
I also think that, when Myths will come on top of this, it will be more or less the same. Or maybe worse !
I was thinking : why not using the time during world creation to give us a bit to read, on the left part of the screen (below the histfig count and year display)
Something like an extract of legends. Maybe random ? Or centered on important events ?
I don't know what you are doing during world creation but i often take a look, to see civilisations expanding or the details from the map or trying to think to where i will settle or what i want to do.
Why not using blanck spaces to pick events from history ? Like displaying all current wars, who against who. Or even, at least, the list of civilisations, and how many cities they own ? Anything actually could be interesting.
Or maybe following the life of a some random people.
You see like...171...172...173 "In 173, Urist McTravel had moved from X to Y"...174...175..." In 175, Urist McHusband has married with Urist McWife"...176...177...178..."In 178, Urist McUnlucky was devoured by a dragon".
When Myths will come, it will also serve to help players to know more of world creation, races types, or maybe some magic traditions without having to use more time to read legends or talk to people to know it. Some sort of general culture.a
Well, that's all. I think it's a shame that we couldn't have some sort of distractions during World Building, the same sort we have while reading Legend mode. The random part of it could even be funnier.