(This post was inspired by the thread suggesting that goblins and elves be infertile to keep them from swamping everyone else with sheer numbers in long-history worlds, but I think it's separate enough to belong in its own thread instead of trying to derail that one.)
It would probably be useful to have a token defining a creature's fertility level, providing more control over reproductive rates. This could be FERTILITY:PERCENT, or FERTILITY:MIN:MAX to allow some variation between individuals. Any time the game is deciding if a creature will reproduce, it would multiply the potential parents' fertility rates to determine the chance. This would make it easy to give very long-lived species a lower reproductive rate, and species that are supposed to be very prolific could have FERTILITY:100 to guarantee that they reproduce at every possible opportunity. It could determine population growth rate in world gen, and also the chance for a couple to conceive in fortress mode.
When hybrids are added, this could be expanded to FERTILITY:CREATURE:CASTE:PERCENT, so mixed-species couples can be less fertile than normal. Or more fertile, for that matter - maybe mortal half-elves become more common than ageless pure-blood elves when human and elven populations mix long enough.
A token to set the duration of pregnancy could also help fine tune population growth rates, and might help to differentiate livestock options a bit more.