Back in the Modding 47.x thread, in the beginning when I was bringing the Dark Fortress position issues up, Ive noticed a lot of tokens not working, as well as positions, and even the CUSTOM_X ones Toady mentioned, not always working either. Which is why I mentioned in the other thread that, World Gen for Dark Fortresses automatically create the positions, for each civ, and if a single position or specified token collides with a modded one, it crashes. It can either happen after placing all the Civs as seen from OP, as well as later down the road when more are made. Ive had modded positions work, but 2/3 times it will crash from it colliding with another, (which is why i asked in FotF for toady to give us a more explained answer behind it all). BUT then theres one confusion out of all of this that I have noticed, after giving up the first time once I found out the issue, I went back and tried to find out if theres some way to at least have the basics to have "something" in playable dark fortresses.
I have gotten this to work 100% of the time:
[NAME:expedition leader:expedition leaders]
BUT when I add in:
[NAME:militia leader:militia leaders]
The game crashes...
Which makes me think SQUAD is colliding with another World Generated position... which is why we need to find a way to see what CUSTOM_X positions can do what and have what tokens ect. X.X
Once I finish a few issues with my mod I will continue to goof around with dark fortress positions to at least get some resolve.