The crash happens whenever I generate a world, usually when it's on medium or larger, upon finalizing sites. It could be an error with the installation, but I've had difficulties with a reinstalled version too, and Cesarjunior had the same problem on his end. The fact that it's associated with finalizing sites makes me think the sentients might be responsible, but the crash still happens sometimes in versions without them. Oddly, a verison without the civs and a few other things, but with the uncivilized creatures, works if the creatures from the Solo movie are removed, but the full version of the mod -Solo still crashes.
*Looking back in my log, I see a bit about large worlds crashing before, but the computer I was using at the time would crash even a vanilla game on the same settings.
**Also, this bug usually crashes even small worlds, so this is probably new.
***Hey, I wonder if this is related to the adjusted body parts. I recently renamed all the custom body parts so that the mod would combine with others more easily. I'll check there, that seems like something that could cause crashes.
****Alright, here's a few leads. I found a pre-update version of the mod in my recycle bin, and I may have tracked the crash to the droid file.
*****Ugh. Pre-update version crashed too, and so did versions without the droids.