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Author Topic: How do I just dig tiles in dfhack?!  (Read 22866 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How do I just dig tiles in dfhack?!
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2016, 07:57:23 pm »

The console is the command window that opens when DF starts, and is always open (although you can hide it in a few ways). Ctrl-Shift-P is the command-prompt plugin, not the console. tiletypes only works in the console, not command-prompt, because command-prompt doesn't support interactive commands (i.e. commands which prompt for more information).
DFHack - Dwarf Manipulator (Lua) - DF Wiki talk

There was a typo in the siegers' campfire code. When the fires went out, so did the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How do I just dig tiles in dfhack?!
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2016, 09:13:35 am »

I dont know if you already figured it out but these are the steps you should follow to dig empty spaces:
- In the console (the one outside DF, not the inside command prompt) type: tiletypes
- type: paint material air
- type: paint shape empty

optional: if you want more than just a single square digged you could type: range 2 2 1. That should dig 2x2 squares of empty space, with 1 z depth. You could also increase z depth by changing the last digit. For example: range 10 10 3 will dig a 10x10 square, with 3 zlevels depth.

To actually aplicate those parameters you should position your cursor where you want to dig (press K and move cursor around) and then in the console window press "enter", and so on, as many times as you want. Tiletypes is incredibly useful, you can paint walls, floors, rock etc etc, awesome!
“Far, far below the deepest delvings of the dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How do I just dig tiles in dfhack?!
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2019, 01:05:16 am »

Sorry for the necro but I found that there were no sufficient answers to be found here to my liking.

Like the other posters said, if you want to dig using dfhack, tiletypes is your best bet.
Once you are able to get tiletypes running in the console, you are given 3 options:
1. Filter - Ignore this for the time being. It is unnecessary
2. Paint - We'll get into this
3. Brush - Brush Size, to be more precise.

Changing Paint syntax is as follows: paint [parameter] [parameter definition].
To find out what parameters exist, type in [help]. This will list what can go into the [parameter] bracket in the above syntax format.
To find out what each parameter does, type in [help][parameter_name].

1. paint material stone: this changes the material to a stone material. Because this is unspecified, the stone used will reflect on your embark. If you embark on a map with lots of limestone, this will default to limestone or whatever else is on your map.

2. paint stone sandstone: this changes the material to be specific. In this case, the specific type of stone to be used is sandstone.

3. help stone: this gives a short description as to what the [stone] parameter does.

3. Brush: the size of the brush. The syntax is as follows: range [x-length] [y-length] [z-length]. However, you do not need to enter all 3 parameters to work.

By default, entering only [x-length] and [y-length] parameters will give a [z-length] of 1. Giving only 1 parameter, the [x-length] parameter, or less will prompt the user to enter in all 3 parameters.

Do keep in mind that all commands entered through tiletypes will start from the lower north-west cornet. So for multiple z-levels, paint starting from the lowest level.
Also keep in mind that when specifying a stone to use, the name must match what is written in the raw files. Do not use [stone:limestone]. Do use [limestone]. What are raw files? Raw files refer to the files found within folder named "raw" in the Dwarf Fortress directory.

There are 2 types of "digging" using dfhack. One is used to remove the block, another is used to remove the floor above.

To remove the block below, simply use [paint] [shape] [floor] along with whatever material you want.
To remove the floor above, use empty air blocks as follows:
1. paint [shape] [empty]
2. paint [material] [air]
This will create an open space.

I hope this will be good future reference.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 01:08:26 am by athenalras »
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