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Author Topic: Absolutely Absurd Abductee Arms Race: Rayleigh Confederation (Turn 4 Revi phase)  (Read 6320 times)


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Disruption lens
A piece of alien technology that sort of resembles a camera or telescope, when properly calibrated and turned on, it can use electricity to generate a disruption bubble. This disruption bubble is an effect of varying size, which is theorized to be capable of restructuring matter at a molecular level, or transporting it instantly. Currently we can only manage a muddled mess of the possible effects, creating a field that randomly disrupts molecular bonds, and teleports a portion of the electrons fed into it to the targeted area. This form of disruption bubble appears as ball lightning, and is incredibly destructive to organic life, due to the highly complex chemicals that make up proteins and cellular structures providing a high bond-area ratio, and the combination of released energy and broken bonds destroying the complex structures. Currently we have an implementation of the weapon which basically acts as an AT gun. A large towed weapon powered by 2 large Prometheus reactors, once focused on the target and activated the disruption field bubble will pretty handily destroy whatever it's aimed at, with minimal effect beyond the radius of the field, though you can swing the weapon around to move the disruption field bubble once activated, which can be used to sweep through infantry if we can move the weapon fast enough. Uses Alien Credit
Quote from: votebox
SA-5 PIR():
RCBD/R (2): M1895, Vostok
MH-1 'Spartan' Helicopter (3): m1895, Vostok, DGR
Disruption lens (1): DGR
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 05:12:59 pm by dgr11897 »
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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Quote from: votebox
SA-5 PIR():
RCBD/R (2): M1895, Vostok
MH-1 'Spartan' Helicopter (4): m1895, Vostok, DGR, Rockeater
Disruption lens (2): DGR, Rockeater
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Quote from: votebox
SA-5 PIR():
RCBD/R (3): M1895, Vostok, DGR
MH-1 'Spartan' Helicopter (4): m1895, Vostok, DGR, Rockeater
Disruption lens (1): Rockeater
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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Turn 4 Design Phase Results
SA-5 Plasma, Infantry, Rifle
Our makeshift Rifles have served us well over these past years against the various beasts, but now is not the time to look upon the past. Now we look to the much brighter (literally) future.

The SA-5 PIR is a bullpup with the "power plug" built in the stock underneath barrel, and is much shorter than its cousin the SA-4, coming in at 80cm long with a 70cm barrel. Another difference is that it has 4 fire modes, Stun, which is basically just lifted straight from the pistol, low power firemode, which is roughly equivalent to our rifle rounds in terms of penetrative power, High power firemode, which is roughly equivalent to a AP rifle round in penetrative power with a bit more stopping power, and finally Anti-Materiel firemode, which is basically a slightly weaker version of the Gungnir's high power mode.
The SA-5 can be powered by the PAMR's batteries, the PAMR's large generators, or a newly made small generator roughly the size of the PAMR's battery. The batteries can support 60 low power shots, 30 high power shots, and 2.3 AM shots. The Large generator allows effectively unlimited ammo and doubles fire rate to 600/300/45 RPM, and finally the small generator also allows effectively unlimited ammo but doesn't increase fire rate.
We've also developed several attachments for the SA-5, a variable 1.5-4x scope derived from the PAMR's scope l, backup iron sights, a side mounted launcher for rifle grenades (basically just the earth rifle's barrel and reciever, but somewhat shorter with a better powder charge in the blank), and a bolo bayonet based on one we stole borrowed from a museum, the bolo bayonet being a bayonet/brush clearing tool, and more surprisingly functional dual purpose gear.
Easy (7 + 10) +1 = 18 (Unparalleled)
[GM's note: The PAMR Gungnir was a design-like revision, and this feels like a revision-like design to me - you guys have this backwards!]
While the SA-5 is a smaller gun than the Gungnir, it is capable in a pinch of fulfilling the same general role, though the Gungnir still fills the role better. But as infantry guns to be deployed more widely, with a more general purpose role and less of a sniper role, the SA-5 is a better fit.

It is capable of stun, using little power and firing quickly, paralyzing anyone it hits and briefly disrupting electronics. It is capable of ramping up to low fire power, which shoots fiery plasma balls capable of penetration roughly as far as a GPMG round, and to high power mode, which is stronger against armored infantry, and similar to the Gungnir's low power mode. Then it has an anti-materiel mode, which is almost as strong as the Gungnir in high power mode, but not quite.

Likewise, it uses the same batteries as the Gungnir, and introduces a new battery-sized generator for both itself and the Gungnir for perpetual fire without the increase in speed both benefit from using the larger generator.

It also includes rails so that various attachments can be added - the PRG, a variety of different scopes which can be used, or a bayonet.

In all, it's slightly less powerful than the PAMR, but fills a more versatile role. The PAMR will still see much use, as even it's low power mode is stronger than the SA-5's high power mode, but as an infantry weapon, the SA-5 is better for being more widely distributed. We can't give it to all our troops, as it costs the exact same as the PAMR, but most squads will have one or two.

Quote from: Same Post
RCBD/R Rayleigh Confederation Battle Dress/Rig
Some entrepreneur, a Siegfried Wagner from Abbera, has recently unveiled a powered exoskeleton they call a "rig". While the the exoskeleton itself is fairly unimpressive, it's control system has piqued our interest. It uses a noninvasive MMI linked to a small computer to give the user unprecedented control of their (barely useful) exoskeleton, with a HUD being beamed directly into the user's brain to give them important information such as "have I overloaded the suit" (they probably have) and "do I need to perform maintenance" (constantly). After examining one model, we've concluded that while the computer is certainly of human make, the MMI is clearly not, and frankly the fact he managed to kludge them together is impressive in its own way, so we've put him on payroll and set him up with actual materials to make a military grade suit. (-1 AC) GM's note: All I could find for this acronym is Alien Credit, so that's what I interpreted this as.

The most important part of the Rig is of course, the midsize generator used to power it placed at the back and underneath the outer two layers of armor. The second most important part is the MMI and basic tactile sensor network that allows the user a surprising amount of dexterity, as they can feel how much pressure they're applying and avoid accidentally crushing anything. The third most important part of the Rig is the actual exoskeleton, with servos that provide 2-3x human strength and can move slightly faster than a human, though not as agile.
The fourth most important part is the armor itself, being made from three layers, the innermost layer being kevlar/UHMWPE, the middle layer is the same Ceramic we use in the Achilles, and the outer layer is more kevlar/UHMWPE. While the armor does have gaps without Ceramic around the joints, the kevlar/UHMWPE covering provides very good protection, as we've seen with the Paris non-vital armor. The more miscellaneous pieces of kit include an armored gas mask built into the helmet, a basic monocular NVG, a rigging to carry a large generator among other things, on the back, an internal cooling  system (no heating system was made as it's already heavily insulated), and a "smartscope" that uses our universal scope rail connects with the MMI and beams a targeting reticule directly into the user's brain.
The RCBD/R is to be used as a hammer against enemy defenses, as it can eat far more punishment than a regular infantryman while being a far smaller target than a vehicle. It is to be accompanied by a support infantryman whose job is to carry all the miscellaneous stuff the Rig user needs carried.
Very Difficult (4 + 5) -2 = 7 (Poor Performance), Using Alien Credit

RCBD/R is a small, armored walking rig, adding nearly 2 feet of height to the wearer. As exoskeletons go, it's not as good as science fiction would have you believe armored exoskeletons of this size are, but better than we had on earth before the abduction. It allows the user to move faster, lift heavier things, and endure tougher conditions, but if one extends oneself too far it could potentially injure the wearer. Thanks to the Mind-Machine-Interface reverse engineered, the machine will automatically stop you from surpassing most of your limits, thus not tearing off your arm if you raise it too high too fast, but use of RCBD/R does feel like an intense workout as it pulls at your muscles much harder than something not pneumatically powered.

As played out in the design schematics, it's three layers of armor, in different amounts of flexibility, density, elasticity, and other attributes that go into making an armor good armor against different styles of attacks, do fit comfortably around the wearer. It even includes the "miscellaneous" parts such as gas mask, cooling systems, and putting a reticule directly into the user's mind. They can't be turned off or removed, so that's a small issue, but at least the cooling system can be turned down.

However, something tells you that the servos shouldn't be making those noises all the time. They wear down and break due to stress frequently during use, causing the machine to seize up, so it's recommended they be carried into battle and then activated there, rather than marching in them. The armor, too, rubs against itself and wears down slowly, making it less effective. The kevlar frays, the ceramic is slowly sanded away, and the other miscellaneous materials weren't designed to operate so close together as moving parts. That's not to say a RCBD/R isn't effective when deployed - it's just that to save on maintenance costs, we suggest we save their deployment for the charge, rather than using them all the time. Carrying them on Mules is recommended.

It costs 4 Ore and 3 Oil in construction and maintenance costs.

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)
It is now the turn 4 revision phase. At the end of this phase will be the judging of the second lore contest for a Research Credit, and turn 5 will be the first with a combat phase.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 03:33:30 pm by flabort »
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Disruption lens write up 2
The disruption lens was an accident. The result of studies in recreating the effect that teleported us here, we attempted to use a device from the microfusion reactor called an ignition lens, which is a device that temporarily alters physics in an area to allow for low energy fusion. Initial studies suggested we could modify the device to recreate a field that would allow for teleportation. Requisite modifications were made to try and recreate the effect. This was, technically, an utter failure. The device drew in massive amounts of power when creating the field, far more than anticipated, nearly causing a local blackout, and when the field was projected it resulted in total destruction of the test object. The very molecular structure of the object we used to test the effect was scrambled, while a rapid build up of free electrons in the field caused massive electrical arcs off of the field, destroying parts of the lab. When we cut the power and shut off the device completely a massive electrical discharge occured at the heart of the device, frying it and some of the components it was connected to. As far as we can deduce from subsequent, much more careful tests, we have accidentally tapped into three, possibly four distinct effects. Something to understand about lenses though, to explain some of it's behavior, firstly, lenses are programmed or calibrated to generate specific effects, parts of these are interchangeable, thus how we're able to attempt this at all, and secondly, a lens generates a small, low level version of it's primary effects around itself, it must do this, but we can choose the effect. Firstly, we have generated a field which creates a subspace bubble, a space between spaces and times that can be filled with matter, we also appear to have misconstrued parts of the programming, and made the passive effect be the intake of the field, and some residual parts of the ignition calibration appear to have made this specifically target electrons, causing the device to phase some of the electrons being fed to it in the form of electricity, into the pocket dimension. This pocket dimension collapses and goes back to realspace dispensing anything stored within when the power is cut, thus the massive electrical surge that destroyed the device. The second effect is that of intake, unfortunately mixed with the dispensing effect that returns stuff to normal space, this means that within the field a chaotic random teleport effect occurs which causes molecules to phase in and out of the pocket dimension with great speed and with a random destination, scrambling objects within the field. Overall, we learned a lot from this, and nothing at all. We are missing many of the pieces needed to even attempt a true teleport, and due to the nature of the teleport we experienced, the readings for the intake and output fields are intermixed and scrambled together making it incredibly difficult to reconstruct a true teleport field. But, many of the effects we did achieve could prove useful. Advanced computing could allow us to control the random teleports to rearrange matter within the field to a desired state,while the electron teleporting could be used to make a capacitor with nearly infinite storage, which we can deposit the energy from remotely.
Quote from: evicted Saint on discord
Weaponizing Jesus isn't something you do turn 4
Quote from: Alice on a different discord, to iridium, kind of.
hold on, let me keep blowing kisses at him until he stops
My Power armor arms race


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Quote from: Declaration of war against Sujia
Ladies and Gentlemen,

At 4 PM yesterday, the forces of the Federated Cities of Sujia launched a massive, coordinated assault against our Confederation.

The spokesman of the Sujian government announced later that day that their government had launched the invasion to gain stable sources of water and to “secure the existence of [their] people and a future for the Federation.”

This claim, pardon my French, is complete and utter bullshit. Despite having ten years to resolve their water problem through negotiations, Suija has not once attempted to open negotiations to resolve their water crisis. The Suijan government has deliberately and systematically neglected the long term needs of their people and their company for an entire decade until it developed into a crisis, and now they seek to resolve it through the dastardly and unprovoked invasion of a neighboring country that held no grudge against them.

The Rayleigh Confederation stands able and willing to aid those who need our help, but we can not and will not negotiate those who will perform what is, in effect, a backstreet mugging on a nation-state level as their first, last, and only means of conflict resolution.

If the government of Sujia insists on behaving like a rabid dog, then they shall be put down like one. Let it be known that the Rayleigh Confederation will do everything it takes to protect its territorial integrity and dismantle those who seek to threaten it.

To quote the Spartan King Leonidas, "MOLON LABE, MOTHERFUCKERS!"
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 02:15:50 pm by Vostok »


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Quote from: standardization snip, WIP
The constituent cities of Rayleigh were from several different parallel universes prior to the Spooky Alien Bullshit that got everybody smashed together into one giant megacity. As a result, you had various places where things were almost-identical-but-not-quite, and this caused endless headaches at the beginning.

Take currency, for example: Griefswald ran on East German currency before the displacement, Ingram's running around with some unique Quebecois currency issued by a Republic of Quebec that nobody's ever heard of, Aberra's from some corner of the world nobody else has heard of, and the various "American" cities are all running on subtly different permutations of US currency. Zastava and New Stechkin come from a world where the Kennedy half-dollar actually caught on (and continued to be 40% silver until 1989) and the $1 dollar bill faded into obscurity in favor of the $2 dollar bill, South Harmon's got Dukakis in a tank on their twenty-dollar bill for some reason and RFK's on the dollar get the idea. Then there's the issue of everybody starting out with different prices because 70s stagflation hit the various bits of alternate North America differently, so the whole situation's a giant flaming mess that nobody wants to touch with a 10 foot pole.

Then there's the fact that nothing *else* was standardized between the various cities, either. The electrical and plumbing systems were thankfully sufficiently borked that everybody just had to rebuild to the same standard, but pretty much everything else was fair game for altverse fuckery. Things like the Motorola 68008 beating out the 8088 for use in the IBM 5150 resulting in a wildly different computing landscape in South Harmon or Ingram trying to drive on the left side of the road for some mysterious reason were all over the place, and wouldn't *really* be ironed out until roughly seven years in.
Quote from: Artillery Tactics Overhaul
Using experience gathered from field exercises with our artillery corps and salvaged field manuals, we have improved our use of artillery to make it more responsive, more coordinated, and more capable of inflicting damage upon the enemy.

The first improvement is to incorporate the use of both field telephones and radios into the procedures for artillery support. This allows our artillerymen to both respond to requests for fire support more quickly and stay further away from the action, protecting them from retaliation by the enemy.

The second improvement involves artillery spotting. Now, when calling for fire support, our men are better able to describe what they want hit, correct the first few spotting rounds, and get the guns on target faster than ever before. This also allows them to call in fire support closer to their position, because now it’s less likely for artillery support to fall short and land on top of the wrong group.

The third improvement is the addition of time on target to our repertoire, By timing our artillery strikes such that everything hits at more or less the same time, we can get more hits in before the enemy can figure out that he needs to take cover, allowing us to get more damage in before they can react properly.

Finally, the fourth improvement consists of a lot of the theory behind the creation of fire support bases in Rayleigh doctrine, as seen in Vietnam. Basically, this would be a limited-scale forward operating base with artillery that infantry also operates out of, except I’m shit at actually describing it. The fire support base is basically a battery of guns rapidly deployed via airlift along with infantry and set up to provide both fire support and a location for troops to operate out of in a rapidly changing environment where you can’t take for granted fixed front lines. Or for when you’re stuck on floating islands and shit’s moving very fucking quickly.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2019, 02:00:32 pm by Vostok »


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Obvious revision is obvious:
RCBD/R Reliability Improvements
There are a host of reasons why the RCBD breaks down so easily. Nobody's fault per se. But now that the first prototypes have been produced, the flaws are clear, and now it falls to us to fix them.
More robust servos will be used, capable of withstanding the work asked of them. The armour will be slightly re-shaped, to reduce the wear it experiences. Other miscellaneous materials will have other miscellaneous fixes applied. The goal is not to improve peak performance, but to ensure that peak performance can be maintained longer.

A basic repair kit, with the tools/materials needed to fix the most common malfunctions (that could conceivably be fixed in the field) will be thrown together to be shipped out along with the armour, such that even when it does break down, it can be back in the fight faster.

I was going to propose a mortar-truck revision. But apparently the gravity is, like, 1/40th that of earth, we've had to cancel all high-jump contests after several contestants flung themselves into the stratosphere, and the 200mm mortar is not only usable by infantry, but can be carried without encumbering them. So now I dunno.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Quote from: M14E1 Motor Howitzer Carriage
The M14E1 is a motorized 203mm howitzer designed to provide us with heavier artillery that can still keep up with a rapidly-moving front line and provide fire support where it is needed.

The base vehicle comes from the M12 2.5 ton 6x6 truck, converted into a half-track for better off-road capabilities with added splinter protection. The gun sits on a turntable in the rear with up to 10 degrees of traverse when the supporting struts aren’t deployed, and full 360 degree traverse when the vehicle is fully set up.

The actual gun is a high-velocity, long-range version of our mortar design. The barrel was lengthened and reinforced to handle higher pressures, and the chamber of the gun was enlarged to allow for a higher case capacity.


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Quote from: votebox
RCBD/R Reliability Improvements (1): m1895
M14E1 HMC (1): m1895
I'd really prefer if the RCBD/R reliabilty improvements had some more stuff in it.


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Quote from: votebox
RCBD/R Reliability Improvements (2): m1895, Vostok
M14E1 HMC (2): m1895, Vostok
Spoiler: "Flag of Rayleigh" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "poster 1" (click to show/hide)
...and some shitposting:
« Last Edit: November 18, 2019, 12:15:29 am by Vostok »


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Quote from: votebox
RCBD/R Reliability Improvements (3): m1895, Vostok, NUKE9.13
M14E1 HMC (3): m1895, Vostok, NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


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Quote from: A conversation
“You mean you guys had Ronald Reagan as president? As in, the actor?” The old researcher at South Harmon Institute of Technology asks, pointing at the cover of a book on his coworker’s desk.

“The man was president for most of the eighties, yes.” Intrigued by the question and its implications, the other researcher shuts the lid on his laptop and turns to look at the eccentric professor he was working with. “Who did you guys have for president?”

“Dick Cheney. Boring man, but damn was he good at what he did.” The old man picks up the book--some biography of our 40th president--and begins flipping through it. “This is so...surreal, you know? What’s next, banks handing out mortgages like candy to people who really shouldn't be getting them and eventually crashing the economy?"
« Last Edit: November 18, 2019, 02:33:42 pm by Vostok »
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