I hate migrants.
Specifically, I hate the giant wave of migrants that shows up in Spring 2.
According to the wiki, migrant wave size is influenced by a fort’s created wealth. So I decided to figure out how much wealth it would take to attract a given number of migrants each season, by restarting the same fort again and again, producing different amounts of wealth each time.
I did not find what I was expecting to find.
At first I ran a few “typical” forts (file 1’s) to make sure that migrants would appear, and find out how many there would be (lots). Then I tried some meager but still functional forts (file 2’s), and had strangely uncertain results: sometimes zero migrants, and sometimes ten-ish per season, at the same level of wealth. Then one “high wealth” fort (file 3), with wealth artificially boosted by spiked wooden ball traps; it got plenty of migrants, more than the “typical” forts, but not by a lot. Then several “dirt hole” forts (file 4’s) at wealth levels below the file 2’s, trying to prevent artifacts, since I suspected they might affect the results; in these forts I again had strange results, sometimes a few migrants, sometimes none at all. Then several “modest” forts (file 5’s) at wealth levels mainly between the file 2’s and the file 1’s, again preventing artifacts... and again getting sometimes just a few migrants, sometimes none at all, even at wealth higher than the file 1’s, until I tried repeating a couple of these forts with high item creation, which triggered both artifacts and higher migrant numbers. Finally, the file 6’s all had moderate-to-high item creation, enough to trigger at least one artifact, and consistently saw higher migrant numbers.
All results are from a single fort, Kulalineth, restarted from early saves. Game version 44.10, vanilla. Pop cap increased to 300, visitors decreased to 0. Our dwarf civ has many nearby sites (over a dozen within 2 days travel, most with 100+ population). Goblins nearby. Caravans allowed to leave (unless specified) but no trading (unless specified). If the year’s wealth report value is given before the autumn migrant number, that means the “merchants have embarked” message appeared before migrants arrived (but note that the merchants sometimes take a while to get their asses off the map). Artifacts were created in the fort only if mentioned.
All the File 1 forts start from the same end-of-summer1 save.
All other forts start from an earlier mid-spring1 save.
File 1.1: confirming continued necessity of dwarven caravan wealth report.
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (5 adults), autumn 6. Locked dwarven merchants up until they dehydrated. Liaison allowed to depart. Fort’s created wealth was 8k at beginning of autumn; in late autumn, an artifact worth 11k was made. Total pop 21.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season; this caravan allowed to depart, wealth report 49823 (2075 per dwarf; even if only past year is used, still ~1650 per dwarf). Births 4 (1 after wealth report), pop 25.
Year 3: spring 27 (24 adults), summer 9 (8 adults). Births 2, pop 63.
File 1.1b: allow merchants to leave in year 1 but not year 2, see what happens year 3:
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (5 adults). Autumn 8 (4 adults), wealth report 20709 (due to unexpected artifact; 900 per dwarf). Total pop 23.
Year 2: spring 35 (24 adults), summer 12 (10 adults), autumn 11 (9 adults), merchants locked up to dehydrate (wealth report would have been 34600; 13891 this year, 165 per dwarf). Births 11, pop 92.
Year 3: spring 16 (10 adults), summer & autumn “attracted no migrants,” merchants again locked up to dehydrate (wealth report would have been 47168; 14k since last year, 26k since last report). Death 1, births 22, pop 129.
Year 4: (siege), spring & summer “attracted no migrants.” Deaths 3, births 8, pop 134.
File 1.2 (“typical fort”, 10k reported by first caravan, much more in later years; variety of jobs done and items made; multiple artifacts created):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (incl 5 adults), wealth report 10k (650 per dwarf), autumn 18 (incl 11 adults). Total population 33.
Year 2: spring 27, summer 15, autumn 7, wealth report 72k (62k this year, incl artifacts; 712 per dwarf). Births 8, total pop 90.
Year 3: spring 46, summer 21, wealth report 103k (31k this year; 193 per dwarf), autumn 14. Births 14, death 1, total pop 184.
Year 4: spring 28, summer 9, wealth report 149k (46k this year), autumn 6. Births 5, total pop 232.
File 1.2b (repeat):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (5 adults), autumn 6, wealth report 10k (475 per dwarf). Total pop 21.
Year 2: spring 27, summer 14, wealth report 73k (63k this year, incl artifacts; 969 per dwarf), autumn 15. Births 3, total pop 80.
Year 3: spring 29, (siege) summer 14, wealth report 119k (46k this year; 377 per dwarf), autumn 18. Births 3, deaths 2, total pop 142.
Year 4: spring 31, (siege) summer 11, autumn 23 (16 adults). Birth 1, deaths 3, total pop 205.
File 1.3 (typical fort, plus trading):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (5 adults), trade 3k (profit 1764), wealth report 10k (650 per dwarf, or 850 if traded goods count as fort wealth), autumn 18 (9 adults). Total pop 33.
Year 2: spring 32 (16 adults), summer 17 (10 adults), trade 10k (8k profit), autumn 19 (11 adults), wealth report 72k (62k this year, incl artifacts; 596 per dwarf). Births 8, death 1, total pop 108.
Year 3: spring 27 (24 adults), summer 13 (10 adults), trade 14k (12k profit), wealth report 103k (31k this year; 198 per dwarf), autumn 0 (bug? “some migrants” announced but none arrived), winter siege (killed the migrants before they reached the fort?). Births 19, death 1, total pop 166.
Year 4: spring 16 (14 adults), summer 15 (11 adults), (siege) autumn 15 (9 adults). Births 8, deaths 2, total pop 218.
File 2 (meager but still functional fort, as few items as possible, 4k reported by first caravan, as little as possible after):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 6 (3 adults), autumn 10 (4 adults), wealth report 3812 (165 per dwarf). Deaths 2 (werebeast), total pop 21.
Year 2: “the fortress attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 5696 (1884 this year). Births 4, total pop 25.
Year 3: “the fortress attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 7035 (1339 this year). Births 2, total pop 27.
Year 4: “the fortress attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 7884 (849 this year). Births 3, total pop 30.
Year 5: “the fortress attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 45k (37k this year, due to intensive clothing production and artifact; 1190 per dwarf). Births 2 (1 after wealth report), total pop 32.
Year 6: spring 33 (22 adults), summer 10 (9 adults), wealth report 47k (2k this year, 25 per dwarf), autumn “attracted no migrants”. Births 10 (most after wealth report), total pop 85.
Year 7: spring “attracted no migrants”. Births 3, total pop 88.
File 2b (repeat; accidental early artifact, indicating high enough number of created items to trigger one):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 7 (4 adults), wealth report 3839 (274 per dwarf), autumn 12 (8 adults) (unexpected artifact worth about 9k). Total pop 26.
Year 2: spring 11 (7 adults), summer 12 (8 adults), autumn 10 (8 adults), wealth report 17049 (13k this year including last autumn’s artifact, 200 per dwarf). Births 8 (3 after wealth report), total pop 67.
Year 3: “the fortress attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 19498 (2.5k this year). Births 6, total pop 73.
File 2.1 (meager but consistent, 3800 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 11 (4 adults), wealth report 3785 (210 per dwarf), autumn 8 (5 adults). Total pop 26.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, wealth report 7941 (4156 this year, 143 per dwarf), “attracted no migrants” autumn. Births 4 (1 after wealth report), total pop 30.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season. Birth 1, total pop 31.
File 3 (wealthy fort, 28k reported by first caravan, much more in later years; variety of jobs, many items, several artifacts):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 5 (3 adults), autumn 6 (4 adults), wealth report 28k (1550 per dwarf). Total pop 18.
Year 2: spring 35 (24 adults), summer 16 (12 adults), wealth report 121k (93k this year, incl artifacts; 1291 per dwarf), autumn 15 (10 adults). Births 14, total pop 98.
Year 3: (siege), summer 12 (8 adults), (siege). Births 10, total pop 120.
File 4 (dirt hole, 1250 per year; minimal mining/items/jobs to avoid artifacts):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 4 (4 adults), autumn 13 (4 adults), wealth report 1273 (53 per dwarf). Total pop 24.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 2551 (1278 this year, 47 per dwarf). Births 4 (1 after wealth report), total pop 28.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season. Births 3, total pop 31.
File 4.1 (dirt hole +1, 2400 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 4 (2 adults), autumn 4 (4 adults), wealth report 2428 (161 per dwarf). Total pop 15.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 4865 (2437 this year, 135 per dwarf). Births 3, pop 18.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 5865 (1k this year) at same time as autumn migrant wave. Birth 1, total pop 19.
File 4.2 (dirt hole +2, 2800 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 5 (2 adults), wealth report 2831 (235 per dwarf), autumn 7 (3 adults). Total pop 19.
Year 2: spring 2 (2 adults), summer 2 (2 adults), autumn 3 (3 adults), wealth report 5691 (2860 this year, 102 per dwarf). Births 4 (2 after wealth report), pop 30.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, wealth report 6335 (644 this year), autumn “attracted no migrants”. Births 3, pop 33.
File 4.3 (dirt hole +3, 3130 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 10 (9 adults), autumn 4 (3 adults), wealth report 3133 (149 per dwarf). Total pop 21.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 7260 (4127 this year, 171 per dwarf). Births 5 (2 after wealth report), pop 26.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season.
File 4.4 (dirt hole +4, 3500 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 11 (7 adults), autumn 5 (3 adults), wealth report 3518 (152 per dwarf). Total pop 23.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, wealth report 7042 (3524 this year, 135 per dwarf), autumn “attracted no migrants”. Births 4 (1 after wealth report), pop 27.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season.
File 5.1 (modest, 4400 per year; again, minimal mining/items/jobs to avoid artifacts):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 7 (5 adults), autumn 4 (1 adult), wealth report 4454 (247 per dwarf). Total pop 18.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, wealth report 9048 (4594 this year, 229 per dwarf), “attracted no migrants” autumn. Births 4 (2 after wealth report), pop. 22.
Year 3: spring 2 (1 adult), summer 2 (2 adults), autumn 4 (2 adults). Births 0, total pop 30.
File 5.2 (modest, 4900 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 7 (6 adults), autumn 6 (4 adults), wealth report 4888 (244 per dwarf). Total pop 20.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 9833 (4945 this year, 215 per dwarf). Births 3, pop. 23.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season. Birth 1, pop. 24.
File 5.3 (modest, 5400 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 6 (3 adults), autumn 11 (4 adults), wealth report 5413 (225 per dwarf). Total pop 24.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 10843 (5430 this year, 208 per dwarf). Births 3 (1 after wealth report), pop 27.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season. Birth 1, pop. 28.
File 5.4 (modest, 5900 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 2 (2 adults), autumn 4 (2 adults), wealth report 5959 (458 per dwarf). Total pop 13.
Year 2: spring 4 (3 adults), summer 6 (2 adults), autumn 5 (1 adult), wealth report 11821 (5862 this year, 202 per dwarf). Births 2 (1 after wealth report), pop 30.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season. Births 2, pop 32.
File 5.5 (modest, 6900 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 2 (2 adults), wealth report 6914 (768 per dwarf), autumn 9 (6 adults). Total pop 18.
Year 2: spring 10 (8 adults), summer 10 (4 adults), wealth report 14107 (7193 this year, 179 per dwarf), autumn “attracted no migrants.” Births 5 (3 after wealth report), pop 43.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, wealth report 14758, “attracted no migrants” autumn. Births 5, pop 48.
File 5.6 (modest, 7900 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 10 (7 adults), autumn 11 (5 adults), wealth report 7901 (282 per dwarf). Total pop 28.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, wealth report 16050 (8149 this year, 262 per dwarf). Births 3, pop. 31.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” each season. Births 2, pop. 33.
File 5.7 (modest, 8900 per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (8 adults), wealth report 8922 (594 per dwarf), autumn 6 (4 adults). Total pop 21.
Year 2: spring 5 (5 adults), summer 6 (4 adults), autumn 6 (5 adults), wealth report 17925 (9003 this year, 225 per dwarf). Births 5 (2 after wealth report), deaths 1, pop 42.
Year 3: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, report 17898, “attracted no migrants” autumn. Births 4, pop 46.
File 5.8 (“modest,” 10k per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 12 (7 adults), autumn 3 (2 adults), wealth report 10136 (460 per dwarf). Total pop 22.
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” spring & summer, wealth report 20346 (10210 this year, 392 per dwarf), autumn 7 (5 adults). Births 5 (1 after wealth report), pop 34.
Year 3: spring 6 (4 adults), summer 7 (5 adults), autumn 8 (7 adults). Births 3, pop 58.
File 5.8b, 10k per year, repeat but trying to get artifacts as of year 2 (i.e., creating many items, revealing caverns):
[same Year 1: (spring 7), summer 12 (7 adults), autumn 3 (2 adults), wealth report 10136 (460 per dwarf). Total pop 22.]
Year 2: “attracted no migrants” each season, artifacts, wealth report 21485 (11349 this year, 436 per dwarf). Births 5 (1 after wealth report), pop 27.
Year 3: spring 24 (14 adults), summer 11 (9 adults), artifacts, wealth report 60029 (38544 this year, 602 per dwarf), autumn 14 (10 adults). Births 2, pop 78.
File 5.9 (“modest,” 16k per year):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (6 adults), autumn 6 (6 adults), wealth report 16024 (763 per dwarf). Total pop 21.
Year 2: spring 11 (4 adults), summer 7 (3 adults), wealth report 32810 (16786 this year, 390 per dwarf), autumn 4 (2 adults). Births 5 (1 after wealth report), pop 48.
Year 3: spring 1 (1 adult), summer 2 (2 adults), autumn 2 (2 adults). Births 7, pop 60.
File 5.9b, 16k per year, repeat but trying to get artifacts as of year 2 (at first mainly by revealing caverns):
[same Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (6 adults), autumn 6 (6 adults), wealth report 16024 (763 per dwarf). Total pop 21.] First artifact in winter1.
Year 2: spring 9 (7 adults), summer 7 (4 adults), autumn 8 (7 adults), artifacts, wealth report 31271 (15247 this year, 311 per dwarf). Births 9 (5 after wealth report), pop 54.
Year 3: spring 2 (2 adults), summer 2 (2 adults), autumn 2 (2 adults), artifacts, wealth report 74343 (43072 this year, 642 per dwarf). Births 12 (5 after wealth report), pop 72.
Year 4: spring 26 (17 adults), summer 12 (8 adults). Births 6, pop 116.
File 6, high item production in years 1 and 2 (i.e., not trying to avoid artifacts anymore):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 5 (3 adults), wealth report 11634 (969 per dwarf), autumn 18 (11 adults). Total pop 30.
Year 2: artifact made, spring 36 (22 adults), summer 17 (11 adults), wealth report 42661 (31027 this year, 348 per dwarf), autumn 17 (9 adults). Births 13 (7 after wealth report), pop 113.
Year 3: spring 16 (16 adults), summer 12 (10 adults), wealth report 54702 (12041 this year, 81 per dwarf), autumn “attracted no migrants.” Births 7, pop 148.
File 6.1: modestly higher item production, with lower fort wealth (about 6k):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 6 (3 adults), autumn 3 (2 adults), wealth report 5943 (371 per dwarf). Total pop 16. Some barrels, 10 beds, 14 other furniture, 15 mugs, 60 blocks, 100+ stones.
Year 2: spring 11 (9 adults), artifact (24k!), summer 9 (7 adults), autumn 9 (3 adults), wealth report 38085 (32142 this year, 683 per dwarf). Births 5 (3 after wealth report), pop 50. Jobs included: 10+ wood, 22+ rock (incl more blocks), 10+ craft, 4 metal. Dug about 120 more tiles this year.
Year 3: spring 18 (8 adults), summer 20 (11 adults), autumn siege. Births 4, pop 92.
File 6.2: modestly higher item production, low fort wealth (under 5k):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 3 (3 adults), autumn 3 (3 adults), wealth report 4800 (369 per dwarf). Total pop 13. Some barrels, 6 beds, 10ish other furniture, 9 mugs, 40 blocks, 70ish stones.
Year 2: spring 11 (6 adults), summer 7 (5 adults), artifact (worth 4800), wealth report 13315 (8515 this year, 258 per dwarf), autumn 7 (arrived right after caravan embarked, so may still be using previous wealth report). Births 5 (3 after wealth report), pop 43. Some barrels, 3 wheelbarrows, 6 beds, 2 furniture, 6 mugs, 40 blocks, 3 copper axes, dug about 110 more tiles.
Year 3: spring 2 (2 adults), summer 1 (1 adult). Births 3, pop 49.
File 6.3: higher item production, decent wealth (9k):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 9 (3 adults), autumn 5 (4 adults), wealth report 9115 (434 per dwarf). Total pop 21. Some barrels and wheelbarrows, 10ish beds, 10ish furniture, 6ish mechanisms, blocks 48, 15 mugs, 90+ stones on hand, 4 cut gems, 3 clothing, 3 weapons.
Year 2: spring 11 (4 adults), artifact (4800), summer 13 (5 adults), wealth report 26205 (17090 this year, 363 per dwarf), autumn 14 (12 adults). Death 1, births 4 (1 after wealth report), pop 62. Roughly 15 jobs each for wood, rock, blocks, crafts, metal; and another 110ish stones on hand.
Year 3: spring 18 (15 adults), summer 13 (10 adults). Births 7, pop 100.
File 6.4: modestly higher item production, lowish fort wealth (about 6k):
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 5 (5 adults), wealth report 5846 (487 per dwarf), autumn 4 (2 adults). 20ish furniture, 110ish loose stones, 2 metal weapons, 4 rocks into mugs, 12 rocks into blocks. Total pop 16.
Year 2: spring 15 (8 adults), artifact (26400), summer 9 (9 adults). Births 3, pop 43.
File 6.5: similar to 6.4 but hoping for higher initial population (sigh).
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 2 (2 adults), wealth report 6069 (674 per dwarf), autumn 14 (10 adults). 20ish furniture, 100ish loose stones, 2 metal weapons, 4 mug 12 block. Total pop 23.
Year 2: artifact (6k), spring 19 (16 adults), summer 13 (10 adults). Pop 55.
File 6.6: similar to 6.4 and 6.5, finally getting higher initial population.
Year 1: (spring 7), summer 8 (8 adults), autumn 6 (4 adults), wealth report 6154 (293 per dwarf). 20ish furniture, 100ish loose stones, 2 metal weapons, 4 mug 12 block. Total pop 21.
Year 2: spring 11 (5 adults), artifact (4800), summer 9 (7 adults). Births 6, pop 47.
-- Higher created wealth (presumably since the previous caravan report) did generally attract more migrants. However, a specific amount of created wealth did not reliably attract a specific number of migrants (compare files 1.2, 1.2b with 5.8, 5.8b; compare files 5.4, 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6). Forts with the most migrants tended to be forts with BOTH high wealth AND lots of jobs/items. So, items/jobs might be as relevant as (or more relevant than) created wealth.
-- Forts with very few created items (to prevent artifacts) often failed to get migrants even if the created wealth was overall fairly high (see all the file 4’s and file 5’s). Also, in these forts, migrants were more likely to appear if the caravan left before autumn migrants showed up (that is, the dwarf population at the time was smaller, meaning higher wealth/jobs/items per dwarf): compare files 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 with 4.2; compare file 5.6 with 5.5 and 5.7. So, per-dwarf values might matter instead of total values. However, a specific amount of created wealth per dwarf did not reliably attract a specific number of migrants (compare files 4.2 and 5.1 year2 with files 5.6 and 5.1 year1; compare files 5.4 and 6.4). Possibly these variations are due to differences in the number of jobs done or items created; I usually didn’t track precise numbers of these. Or possibly the per-unit values are relevant (instead of per-dwarf), but I didn’t gather that data.
-- There were two different migrant patterns: either roughly equal numbers of migrants each season (see files 2b, 4.2, 5.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.6), or noticeably higher numbers in spring (see files 1.2, 1.2b, 1.3, 5.8b, 5.9b, 6, 6.2-6.5). This might indicate that there are two or more factors affecting migrant numbers, instead of just one.
-- It was surprising to me that a relatively small number of created items seemed to attract migrants so much: files 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 all got more migrants than I expected (10-ish or more per season), based on something like a dozen rocks made into blocks and another 100ish loose rocks lying around.
A tentative hypothesis: one factor (possibly created wealth, possibly per dwarf or per unit) provides a baseline number of migrants every season, but some other factor (such as number of jobs done, or number of items produced, or jobs/items per unit, or...) provides extra migrants, many/most of whom show up in spring. If true, this would explain why the “low number of items” forts (file 4’s and 5’s) generally got similar numbers of migrants each season (if any), while the “high number of items” forts (1.2, 1.2b, 5.8b, 6) often had the “spring bulge” and higher migrant numbers overall. Unfortunately, supporting this hypothesis would require more careful tracking of jobs/items than I’m willing to do, so I’m ending this here.
I suspect that no one other than me is terribly interested in this issue, given how easy it is to set the population caps in d_init.txt. But if others can confirm that “jobs and/or item production help attract migrants” or “per-dwarf or per-unit values are relevant,” it might be worth updating the wiki.