I've just blocked access OF the cavern, i.e. plugged all external entrances, so I now have full access to it, so we'll see how much my loom manages to produce (once the dorfs stop trampling it to collect the logs).
Given that the caravans haven't really provided anything of use, I've essentially played without so far. Moods and booze are the big issues, and my Elk Bird testing seems to indicate that once Animal Care is enabled, the birds get fed, so it ought to work to bring sheep on embark for wool. Given all the stuff you can't bring, you've got a lot of embark point...
Dead civ's are bugged even worse than normal with the current DF version. A normal civ will eventually crash due to raid equipment corruption, while a dead one can't raid at all, because the raid party is never moved to the target (it' presumably done by the civ, and since it's dead all its actions are probably bypassed). Thus parties leave the fortress, but never get anywhere or return.
I haven't paid attentions to non aquatic vermin distribution, but I wouldn't be surprised if they'd roam throughout the embark, including with their nests.
It seems this embark doesn't work well with invaders. My first goblin invader group had most of them arrive dead, with two alive. Those left immediately. The second wave was considerably larger, but all trolls and beak dogs, as well as most gobbos were dead on arrival. About 3 gobbos survived, but retreated almost immediately (but they did at least move a bit, unlike the first group that made a hello/goodbye visit).
Edit2: It seems even Titans die from exposure in the outdoor temperatures, at least organic ones. I caught one in one of my entrance tunnels a year or two ago (their attack trigger was set to a pop of 14), and let it out as summer turned to autumn. A third gobbo siege appeared, and the Titan fought the 3 or so invaders that didn't die immediately. One gobbo invader was thrown down on a ramp and that corpse did not decay beyond XX, and was, oddly enough, hauled to the refuse stockpile rather than the corpse one, as if it was undead, even though I didn't see anything indicating any unit being reanimated despite watching the whole conflict.
As the caravans have been AWOL for the last two years it's getting boring (and I did save scum to get the invasion: the attempt before that had the entire month go without any caravan arriving, and in that run I didn't let the Titan out until I was sure no caravan would arrive).
Stress is somewhat of an issue, although nobody has gone beyond a yellow arrow. I've save scummed past moods that call for unavailable items.