Hello, longtime lurker first time poster. Been playing on and off since 2012 and I’m very impressed with how far adventure mode has come, so much so that it’s been all I’ve realjy played in the latest version of the game. Exploring my world in the past two weeks I had some pie in the sky ideas for additional ways of fleshing our the worlds. I imagine the devs already have some of these in mind
Peasant weapons: this was spurred on by a cool encounter I had where I entered a town in the middle of an undead siege and the butchers at the market fought off zombelves with carving knives. Peasants should have access to tools and rudimentary weapons befitting their profession- clubs/truncheons, stone work hammers, sickles and scythes, stone axes, pole axes, etc. naturally, you could start with a peasant weapon closely affiliated to your max weapon skull if you don’t begin your game locally important.
Construction: it seems like coming in the future are more varied town/city interactions. It would be interesting if, when founding a site, you could hire peasants from a nearby hamlet or town to construct the site for you, in opposition to duping a bunch of art lovers into joining your “performance troupe” just to perform manual labor out in the woods. This could be a perk of service to a lord or just paid for with sums of local currency. Likewise, delivery of furniture produced by craftsmen in town.
Site magnet: right now interactions and intrigue/quests involving the player are a result of the player choosing what to pick up on in the world. And right now sites you build are sort of just cool places to store your loot. It would be interesting if as your reputation increases, sites were the way the world came to you. If you’re a master bonecarver, collectors will travel far to see your products, if you’re a bard travelers will stop by to make merry and bards and poets will come to learn from you (potentially a way to introduce poetic forms to new cultures). If you’re a great warrior, beast hunters may seek you out to join your band. Then prominent figures could send out agents and couriers to make direct requests of you- to solve disputes, slay monsters, commission crafts or request you travel far to perform for them. On the flip side thieves can respond to your reputation, and perhaps religious orders opposed to licentiousness will demand you cease merry making.
Provisions: having to stop fast travel to eat/drink when traveling over long distance can be annoying. Perhaps you could mark comestibles in your inventory with a [p] and they’ll be consumed as necessary while traveling.
Religious and military processions: which could either be merry making and musical or dark, self flagellating, I’m thinking death temples parading skeletons. Victory parades where loot is displayed, or military parades as a show of force after taking over a settlement or resisting an insurrection. Commemorative parades held on specific dates to mark site specific historical events. Could take the form of fairs as well
Symposiums: towns with libraries and certain conditions around peacefulness/conflicts could hold symposiums where intellectuals and artists from other civilizations can arrive and possibly create new art forms. This could be a world gen event impacting knowledge of art forms
Cults: marginalized or subversive cults meet on the outskirts of society, in the woods or perhaps ruined buildings/sewers/catacombs. You could track them down for purposes of eradication or joining up by following known members, or on the flip side, waiting around shrines you stumble upon.
Sand: throwing sand/dirt in someone’s eyes should have a chance to stun/blind an enemy
Drawings/prints: like books and scrolls but as a portable way to admire art. Could require a press (not as in a Gutenberg press) in order to make copies. Presumably your engravers would be skilled at this and could choose to do them in their free time if materials are available.