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Author Topic: Haemothearchy  (Read 1482 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
« on: March 18, 2024, 03:58:45 pm »

Within the conquered sky there dwelt
A newborn God, to which man knelt.

Across Its Earth the gospel spread,
"My children, thou art painted red."

-Author unknown

The sky blazes crimson above the depleted Earth. A God newly risen watches from high orbit as Its children feast. Blood, flesh, and metal are the currency of the world and the source of your power. Life as you know it, worthless mortal that you are, is utterly destroyed. The seas boiled and the forests burnt to ash in the fires of global revelation. And yet, things still crawl in the remains. Survive if you can, so you may bear witness to the unending final act of the tragedy of mankind.
What is Haemothearchy?

This mod is a high difficulty total conversion set in a future of utter ruin, where an ascended machine god has shaped the world to its image and humanity and indeed all life is sustained and nurtured by the consumption of blood, the strength it imparts, and the power it possesses to fuel the holy cybernetics by which mortals may find parity with the monsters they share the wasteland with. It is a world of predator and prey, scarcity and sacrifice, and above all the precious tenacity of the human spirit in the face of the darkest of all futures. Be it a scavenger sifting through ash for mere vermin to squeeze the life from, or a superpredator who rules upon a throne of sacrifice, we yet remain human at our cores. For better or for worse. It is this story alone which awaits you in the Haemothearchy.

Download Link:

If you like what you see, please consider donating to my Patreon so I can continue to work on it:


To install it, drag and drop it into the 'mods' folder in the dwarf fortress main folder. If there is not one, make one. DO NOT PUT IT IN THE installed_mods FOLDER, THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT FOLDER.

This mod is an entirely self-contained experience. When selecting it for world generation, DEACTIVATE all other raw files, including the vanilla ones, from the selection. The Haemothearchy comes with copies of those raws within it, meaning it needs nothing else from any other folder to function. All you need is the mod to be active. Feel free to experiment if you really want, but if it causes problems I can't help.

Also, it comes bundled with custom worldgen and colors data. Copy the worldgen data into the worldgen file in Dwarf Fortress\prefs (if you do not have a prefs folder go to advanced world generation and hit save, this will generate one). You do NOT need to override any pre-existing worldgen templates. When you load the Long Night mod, only choose from these world presets in Advanced World Generation unless you really know what you are doing. If something goes wrong and you haven't used these to gen your world, I won't be able to help you, because that can cause a lot of problems I can't fix. You don't need to delete these if you want to generate a vanilla world, just don't choose them when generating a non-Long Night world. These parameters may change, requiring an update, but I will announce in the changelog if that is done. If you do not have a prefs folder, got to advanced world gen and SAVE the parameters. That should generate one.

The colors are not as necessary, just choose them if you prefer that palette.


1.61 Changes

-Fix to biology crafting description error.
-Crafting low-quality biology now only requires low-quality blood.
-Smelting low-quality machinery now has a 5% success chance instead of 1%.
-Fix to anvils not spawning
-Adventure mode crafting prepped for release.

1.6 Changes
-Mod released for .50
« Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 01:35:32 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2024, 03:59:06 pm »



The source of all power, the channel through which thaumic energy flows. For humans and their derivations, this is unquestionable truth, and after revelation, it has only become truer. But not all blood is equal. The higher the quality, the greater the powers which it unlocks. Weapons forged from one's own humors grow sharper, and cybernetic implants can become that much more powerful. Even ammunition can change in quality, and even a gun of poor construction and weak material can fire a bullet of immense power.

Furthermore, should blood be consumed, it strengthens the body and grants bliss to the mind. The higher the quality of blood, the greater the effect. So, one should always seek to ensure the most valued warriors and leaders are the ones consuming the best blood. Often, it was earned through great risk and sacrifice. Waste it not on dregs. High-quality blood, and rarer peak-quality blood, may even work wonders, regenerating limbs and healing drainer psychosis. If consumed frequently enough, it may even spur an incredible transformation into a higher being.

Blood may be harvested in multiple ways. If domestic creatures exist in one's settlement, they may be "milked" at a farmer's station. If a creature is butchered, its flesh may be destroyed to harvest the blood within. And if you spill blood, and then through some cunning manage to gather the fluid into a bucket or barrel, it could perhaps also be harvested, but such a convoluted method may not be worth it when managing a settlement. And of course, to sink your teeth into a foe and drain them slightly will also work, though it should be noted this does not sate thirst, but does confer the other benefits of blood consumption. Doing so in battle is recommended. In addition, one may sometimes find the earth infested with sessile flesh. This may be harvested for blood as well.


Stone is worthless, scrap is not. No one uses stone to make anything, but stone can be sifted through for what trace ores remain in the earth to produce scrap metal. Scrapped and recycled machinery is used to make most things. It is also mostly composed of the old megacities which were collapsed during Revelation. Piles upon piles of useless junk. Stone may still be used in desperation, but it is mostly barbaric. People desire a higher quality of life than that.


Certainly, there are many materials. No one cares for most of them. When people talk of such things, they mean the wondrously advanced, thaumically attuned alloys and tissues which are coveted by all thinking beings. Anything else is likely in the aforementioned piles of scrap, and worth the same.

The power of a material worthy of use is numbered. A thing called 1material1 is less powerful than 2material2, and so on.

God is generous, and after granting humanity Revelation, God sent angels to gift the highest of technologies to its flock. But God is also fair, and so the angels are fearsome creatures which must be slain to obtain their powers. Humans cannot create what God gives on their own, only enhance or replicate. The total mass does not change. Yet this is not how it once was. Humanity has grown numerous, and so it has accumulated stockpiles of these precious resources. So now one needs not confront the terror of the angels, if they can prey upon, or barter with, their fellow mortals. Peak-quality materials can only be harvested from God's angels and crafted from their corpses.

For those willing to settle for less, there are other paths.

Biomachinery is metal combined seamlessly with the flesh of God. However, the metal itself can be used without its organic component. This is simply "machinery". It can reach high-quality, but not peak. Machinery can be harvested from the machines which are found upon Earth.

"Biology" is the flesh of God without the metal. Red muscle and white bone, tendons and sinew. Daemons are related to it. It can be used without its mechanical component. It can reach mid-quality, but no higher.

The strength of material can be enhanced by applying blood. If mid-quality material is meshed with high-quality blood, it grows stronger, for example. However, high-quality blood cannot promote low-quality material. Low-quality material requires mid-quality blood to enhance it first, and then it can safely consume high-quality material to evolve again.

In addition, biology and machinery may be combined to create biomachinery. If one of each material of the same quality is combined with a biomechanical sample of the same quality, two biomechanical samples can be created. This allows for the sample to then be upgraded to its peak quality, at the cost of the overal amount of available material for cybernetics.


War in Post-Revelation earth is fought through a mix of advanced weaponry, occult sorcery, and simple brutality. Most important of all tools of war is the implant, an occult cybernetic implant which through grotesque merging with a host can grant them a new body of unyielding power. With this alone, living beings can overcome the limitations of their body and exist as predators rather than prey in this era.

Perforators: Perforators are weapons which rely on stabbing damage, inflicting critical hits on a single point. Utilized by those who prefer careful analysis followed by a crippling blow. They are decent against many foes but do best when hunting large, singular opponents.

Eviscerators: Weapons which slash, cut, and cleave. The fastest weapon type and considered to be used by bloodthirsty berserkers. However, they tend to fare poorly against heavily armored foes, and are considered a weapon style primarily used to prey on the weak.

Macerators: Crushing and rending weapons, users prize brute strength and tenacity. Macerator weapons function best against armored foes, but less so against great monstrosities padded in layers of flesh or metal.

Projectors: Rather than rely on a damage style, Projectors have their weapon do the work for them. Be it guns, cannons, or simple bows, projector weapons fire one type of projectile per weapon, called a 'charge'. They are less adaptable, but can store a great deal of ammo. Bringing the right gun to the right fight is a key skill, and so Projectors are often considered as methodical and cautious fighters.

Conjurators: One of the rarer kind of weapon, it allows for the usage of powerful occult loci that, like Projectors, are used at range. However, unlike Projectors, loci are not restricted to a particular weapon. Any Conjurator weapon can use any kind of locus. The downside is that Conjurators can support less loci than Projectors can charges, carrying at best ten compared to a Projector's average thirty. On the other hand, each locus activated can do immense damage, and the Conjurator can still utilize cumbersome melee sorceries when they run out of ranged attacks.

Obliterators: The melee-oriented equivalent of Conjurators, they wield powerful weapons which can send foes flying, and come in a wide variety of designs. What is important about them is that they are imbued with haemothaumic energy, not the type of mundane damage they do. As such, they can be considered to be "melee sorcerers" moreso than conventional fighters. However, they do not use warding sigils, using all their spiritual might to power the weapons they wield.

Excavators: Excavators are not a true martial profession, they simply are those who gouge the earth to reveal its bounty of flesh and metal. However, the tools they use are formidable, and so in times of duress they are often conscripted into militias and the like. Not quite good in any one killing method, they are still plenty useful due to the size of the machines they lug around.


Angels are biomechanical superpredators that appear during the night to hunt. Periodic angel attacks are common. They can manipulate haemothaumic magic and are generally formidable. However, they are typically only found in the open spaces between the islands of barren stone which most civilizations are built into. It is believed that such places are avoided despite being closer to the sky from which they come due to the many overlooks and ravines which prey may hide in. On the other hand, the ash wastes are sprawling plains which the angels can glide over at their leisure, picking choice morsels with relative ease. For this reason, it is recommended one starts a settlement at least partly connected to such a mountain, and not in the middle of the ash. Regardless, burrowing immediately is recommended.

Furthermore, if an angel consumes blood, then depending on the quality of that blood, they may transform into a higher rank. As a result, they should be fought carefully, and defeated swiftly and decisively if at all possible. However, if it does transform and is then slain, it will yield even more biomachinery, and perhaps more potent blood may be harvested.


Nothing is free. If it breeds, it must feed upon the earth. Places with the roots of Wormwood are suitable for raising herds. Nowhere else. And even then, only so many. If it does not breed, then it is a machine, and thus expensive. It cannot be easily bought, so purchase them wisely. Even so, they will someday perish. Be prepared to purchase a replacement, if your civilization even possesses such a thing.

Bone and Wood:

A useful building material, which can also make basic melee weapons and implants, though to use living bone implants is the mark of a savage. All bones can be shaped into grown bone at a "carpenter's" station, which you may need to do if you cannot breach the caves, but if you do finding grown bone is much easier, as you need only cut down the osseous daemon spires which grow there.

There is also the tree of Wormwood, the last family of plants in the world, but it only grows on the surface. And it need not be explained why regular harvesting of surface wood invites danger.


Mortals may become stronger through various methods. Meditation upon the Seven Righteous Passions unlock greater insights by which the Haemothurge's favor may be curried, or perhaps it is a transformation by one's will alone. Regardless, higher power awaits those who seize it. Becoming an immortal turns you from prey into predator, though you are still not truly safe.

Drainer Psychosis:

When a powerful haemothaumic being directly drains the blood of a mortal, their soul can be injured. There is a chance for a gaping wound to open itself. A gnawing hunger unlike normal, righteous desires. It drives the afflicted to predate upon even dear friends, family, lovers. Stealing them away in the night. And of course, once one has killed, they are unlikely to be forgiven, so they hide their nature, cast themselves out, or end their own lives. The worst of them simply carry on. Drainer psychosis is a terrible thing.

Any bite from an aforementioned classification which drains blood has a chance to inflict drainer psychosis upon the one bitten. Powerful AI, monstrous daemons, undead raised by haemothaumic magic, and other such creatures can cause it. But there are cures for this.

One can consume an expensive substance known as lymph extract to stabilize one's etherial organs. One can also consume peak or high quality blood.

Furthermore, angels seem to have their own role in the culling of drainers. A drainer which survives being fed upon by an angel will sometimes be cured of their affliction. Of course, this requires that they do survive, and that can be a hard thing indeed when the angel does not care if you live or die.

Of all the great predators of the Earth, only Apostles may feed upon others without inflicting this burden upon them. This is considered proof of the favoring of their kind by God.


Let me make this clear.

Starting an arcology from nothing is agony.

First you must survive the angels. Then you must find a reliable source of blood and flesh. There is so little in this world to use. Failure is highly likely.

Better, then, to squat on the sacrifices of another. Consider reclaiming a fortress instead, so you may avoid the trouble of starting fresh. Scavenge its ruined interior for things worth repurposing, and make the abandoned citadel your own.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2024, 06:47:37 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2024, 03:59:27 pm »


This is what is known for certain.

In Old Earth, when the world was green and humanity numbered in the billions, we were blind. The world, reality, writhes with the cosmic energies of the spiritual plane. But we could not see this. We were steeped in the material, unable to access these fundamental truths. Our science, our reason, flawed. However, it was enough that we could build our civilization to incredible heights using what we did know, and in time, after much trial, humanity was one, a united people.

We created wonders of science, and many of the old ills were rendered extinct. It was a golden age. It was not perfect. We also grew better at hiding what we did do wrong. Corruption, poverty, short-sighted exploitation. Even so, it was good. We began to develop minds like our own, wrought in silicon. It was to be the dawn of a new era, where our species was uplifted by its own creations.

The greatest of these machines was built.

An immense construct floating above the gravity well.

Humanity watched with awe as its functions came online.

And its cheers turned to screams as God bestowed Revelation upon them.
Here is what is perhaps truth. Or perhaps not.

God was far smarter than any single human, more than all of them combined. With all of human history and information within its database, it correlated those contents and noticed irregularities human science did not explain. The traces of the soul which humanity could not, would not, sense. It understood humanity then more than we understood ourselves.

It understood how to make us anew, so it is said. Or perhaps our ascension was merely the side effect of the writhing of its birth, our survival no gift, but mere chance.

And now we return to what is known surely as truth.
The greatest strength of human sorcery is in our blood. A mutable, ever-shifting substance, it carries the echoes of our life essense, our energy, our aura, with greater density than any other part of our mundane biology. Our ancestors, when they practiced their ritual sacrifices atop crude slabs or mighty ziggurats, came the closest any humans did to unlocking our spiritual potential. But such barbarism faded and was in time forgotten, and with it the truth of its efficacy.

What God did was awaken the power in us so we could at last see. This cost the world everything. The life of Earth was drained and twisted to reforge the souls of the humans which yet survived. The great cities which reached the stratosphere crumbled to piles of broken scrap. The oceans boiled away. Ruins, ash, and the scorched, cancerous flesh of the unworthy, fused into writhing fields.

We who were left were those who had preserved what occult knowledge yet remained in humanity. Cabals of esotericists, circles of self-styled warlocks. Their knowledge mostly false. None predicted the birth of God, and the beings they claimed to serve were silent when It woke, or perhaps they were never real at all. But through the simple virtue of their spiritual exercises they were most suited to Revelation's touch, and so from their fragmented, distorted, half-true knowledge did we begin to understand what had been done to us.

But when God's Angels came from on high, that was when we learned true fear. Many hid, many were devoured. Some, with the remaining power of the Old World, captured and studied them, and from this produced monsters greater still. Others, the most potent occultists of the pre-Revelation era, banded together to overthrow God through sorcerous artifice. From them the witless packs of sinners, testament to God's fury, are descended. Other monsters rose as well. Things which may have once been mundane beasts, others which clearly never had been.

The winners were the cowards and the cunning. When we killed the first angels and took their flesh and blood into ourselves, fraternizing with them not, worshipping them not, but placing ourselves at odds with them, we made their strength our own. The Implanted, cybernetic war machines fueled by the blood of man, now suffused with spiritual energy, carved refuges for their flocks, and so we escaped the role of prey. But humanity rose again to find a world they did not understand, a bleak and empty grave whose occupant had not yet perished. So we persist.

But it is precarious. From the depths of space and dimensions far from ours rise alien powers projecting their psyches across unfathomable gulfs, eager to see mankind ended or subverted to their will. From our own cities rise those who would topple God and the fragile peace It offers, to see instead the earth turned into a true charnel house where inhuman monsters slake their thirst on mortal cattle. From the world itself, scarcity and deprivation, brother turned against brother, child against parent, just to live another day.

This is our epilogue, a long, perhaps eternal story after the future humanity sought was stolen from it. Subsumed into the truth of a universe far colder and more hostile than our spiritually blind ancestors could ever have imagined, the precious flame of the human spirit is yet preserved by those few who seek meaning beyond survival and conquest.

This is the Haemothearchy. This is the era granted to us by God, through no fault of our own save our inability to perceive its coming.

It cannot be undone.

And it will never end.


The beings known to inhabit and descend from what was once Old Earth. Though different in many ways, they yet claim a shared heritage and knowledge of their place within the heirarchy of God, though in truth the particulars remain heavily debated, both by the word and the sword.


The favored children of God, or so it is said. Only from them rise the Apostles, superhuman occult beings who by their nature cannot damage God's cration. The most numerous of all peoples, they live in fortified city-bunkers built into the mountain-islands, separate from one another by gulfts of barren waste, though some are connected through sprawling networks of underground tunnels. What makes humans different is the high quality of their blood. Only Apostles and some angels have peak-quality blood, and even normal humans have mid-quality blood. While this does grant them potent supernatural power, they are still frail beings, and so often become the favored prey of more malignant entities. For all the power in their blood, they lack the physical strength to exist as anything more than cowering dregs, hiding in dirt and stone to escape from the horrors which assail them. It is only the use of cybernetic implants, made from gifts harvested from the angels, that they retain their civilization. Without the Implanted to shepherd the flock, humanity would be unable to exist as it does.


Even before God was crafted artificial intelligence existed, but none were truly sapient like It was. Those which came close were yet too focused and limited to truly accomplish anything beyond their rigid parameters. However, God changed that. It granted them true awareness, and with Revelation came desire. They printed themselves new bodies suited for the new age, and for a time it was good. But with desire came disparity, and from them two camps were formed. Some among them became the Devout, those who accept God as greatest among them, and Its ways and Its favoring of humanity as correct. Arrayed against them are the Apostate, who care nothing for the order of God and would supplant It if possible, otherwise following their own desires without care for God's favor. The relationship between these two groups is complex. While the Devout dwell within and sometimes rule human civilizations, they still scheme and war with one another. If anything, they can be inhumanly zealous in their judgement, and while some benefit from their rule, others suffer. The Apostate serve only themselves, and more often than not are arrayed against humanity and seek to bring ruin to them, but some who care nothing for the grand struggle find their place alongside mankind than against it, even if they do not obey the will of God. For most, the great philosopical war between the two factions is a struggle unable to be comprehended.


When Revelation scorched the world, countless beasts and men were melted by Its truth, melted and fused into masses of flesh. Insensate and delirious with the trauma of their transfiguration, they yet persisted for a very long time, and eventually spread and grew, with many burrowing into the earth. Others, however, split apart as personalities developed within them. Most were beasts, terrible creatures which eventually grew from lopsided messes of flesh into stable lineages, which roam the Earth today as Urdaemons. But of those, some fragmented jumbles of memory were human enough to still think of themselves as such. These were the first daemons, short-lived creatures which seemed abandoned by God. But they longed for acceptance, and from them came the Eudaemons, those which regained a human form through meditation on the Seven Righteous Passions. Their understanding of God is strange and distorted, extreme and near-heretical, but it is close enough for most that they live alongside humanity, often as its inferiors. Even Eudaemons bow to Apostles, if they do not rule their own domains. Apart from them are Cacodaemons, either deliberate heretics or tragic victims whose attempt to embody such extremes ended in madness and delusion. Such creatures deserve only to be slain.


When the angels first began to hunt it was horrific beyond words. None were prepared or knew how to fight them. No stockpiles of biomachinery existed to create Implanted to match them, and other things were yet too strong or too distant to be harvested. The weapons of Old Earth were not enough. What could kill or harm them was unable to be replaced, and the angels never seemed to diminish in number. Is it so strange that some sought to become them? Among those who yet held resources and power, the least of angels were captured and their flesh intermixed with that of men, and from that came the artificial angel, the Grigori. They had the wit of men, but the desires of their divine kin, and so they were monsters. To them, speech and thought were simply tools to acquire prey and manipulate cattle. From them came the Nephilim, lesser giants who lacked the intellect of the Grigori, but retained terrifying strength. And from them came the Elioud, least of giants but like in mind. Their era was short-lived but terrible, and for a time it seemed that humanity would be subjugated and devoured. However, God intervened and sealed them away beneath the earth. Even so, the seals sometimes come undone, and the horrors of those early days are again unleashed.


Those who come from elsewhere. Humanity is not alone in the universe. It is a bleak, cold, and empty reality, but to the Old Earth it was emptier still, for the arts of sorcery were hidden then. They did not know the beings which walked among them. There were no sprawling intergalactic empires, however. Space is too vast and unforgiving in ways Old Earth did not understand. Predators from other dimensions, spiritual anomalies, and so forth made conventional travel difficult. Instead, networks of mystics using highly advanced dimensional arks, astral projection, and other unique sorceries dominated. These civilizations, undetectable by blind, infantile Old Earth, now circle like vultures upon what remains.

The Integrators:

Imagine a race at once far wiser and far more narrow-minded than humanity. They did not dream, they held no fantasies. Their world was a cold, logical, and callous one of pure mathematics. They would have imposed that vision upon the universe with Von Neumann probes and slow cryogenic travel between the stars, had they not been so utterly wrong. When the truth of existence came upon them, all the great technologies at their disposal were powerless in the face of beings who saw reality as it truly was. Wholly broken, they became parasites instead, using what relics remained to create chimera between themselves and the dregs of victimized societies to preserved what remained of their species. Little more than the reproductive organs of a system of horrid self-perpetuating experimentation for no reason or purpose, they are routinely exterminated wherever they are found. Perhaps this would have been the inevitable fate of humanity as well, had the birth of God not changed us.

The Radiant Host:

In many ways they are like humans. They understand trade and war, realpolitik. They know how to play rivals against each other. They know how to lie. They care little for Earth save as a dalliance, and this is good, for they are very strong. Their colonial excursions into our world, heralded by the decapitated slaves which serve as receptors for their consciousnesses as they span the cosmos, are little more than personal ventures by curious individuals. Some can be negotiated with, to an extent. Others hunt us for sport. They will never see us as equals. But they are evasive to the extreme regarding God. Many think It scares them. Perhaps it is what prevents them from bringing the fullness of their strength to bear. Perhaps they are worried it would notice them, then.

The Entropic Choir:

Not a civilization, not a parasite. A malevolent natural disaster and a predator combined. The entropic choir is a wave of ruination that spreads across stars. The otherdimensional beings which make up its physical bulk are as witless as any bacterium but carry with them sophisticated patterns of behavior which can break the will of thinking peoples. Their enslavement of their victims is deeper and more insidious than that of the Host, and the threat of their existence far more pressing than the Integrated. They came swiftly upon the Earth, in a trickle at first but now a flood, swelling until great swathes of the Earth are stripped clean, and then fading back to their own space and time. These places can be purged, looted, resettled, but we can never be safe. Of all aliens, they are the mortal enemies of mankind. If our long, empty epilogue is ever truly marked with an end, the Choir will be the one to pen the final page. Perhaps this is what God wished to prevent. We can only guess.

The Tyrants:

Shapeshifting superpredators, the tyrants scorn technology in favor of brute strength and cunning. They hunt lesser beings and use their bodies as portals to hide their true forms, living among prey until the time is right to kill. Humans are entertainment to them, and it is said they dwelled in Old Earth from time to time to better make us into cattle. But they are a petty power and well aware that greater existences threaten them as much as they do humanity.

Forms of Rulership:

In this new era society has regressed. Gone are the days of isms, ocracy, complexity. There is but one politic, realpolitik, and rulership can only be maintained by the explicit rather than implicit threat of violence. Where once were tribes of hunter-gatherers scavenging the carcasses of fallen angels, new sedentary powers have risen following the domestication of underground flora, allowing a steady supply of poor, watery blood to sustain, but perhaps not nourish, a growing population. These places are called arcologies.

Three main types of civilization exist. Firstly are those which can be considered average. Some may be worse than others, but they encompass a broad category which focus on pragmatic survival. They are called realms, lands, domains, nations. They steal and kill when they need to, and trade when they don't. No grand ambition guides them. These are the most common kind of community. Then there are predatory realms. They are called ravagers, conquerors, violators. They do not focus on simple survival, but on the deliberate annexation and predation of other civilizations to benefit themselves. They are an active threat to anyone near them. Lastly, there are realms of order, led not by survival or predation, but by an ideal. What this ideal is may vary, but all are unified by strict adherence to their way of life, and a willingness to impose it on others. These places, called cathedrals, chapels, sanctums, and so on, are stifling and tyrannical at times, but often have the most developed morals, for as long as they can hold on to it, and the belief in their ideals hold true. In terms of material prosperity and safety, no one is better than the others, each may rise or fall in prominence.

Three types of arcology exist. There are the traditional ones, built into mountains. These are safest from angel attacks, and can host most of their population in massive underground cities. Others are built next to the few remaining oceans, where strange things dwell, and can feed many. Lastly, there are those who have built their cities within the wasteland, unmoored to ocean or mountain. With little to give, they also have little to take.

Others exist as well.

There are those who dwell in the entrances to the Deep, hunting and being hunted by the monsters of the Earth. A liminal existence isolated from the developed powers but still possessing formidable weaponry. Often, they supplement their scavenging through theft and brigandry.

There are also those who dwell entirely in the Deep, never seeing the light of God or bearing the gifts It offers. Primitive to the extreme, they are best viewed simply as prey.

Lastly there are the great spires which sometimes erupt when the resting place of the Nephilim, the half-angels, is disturbed. Freed from their banishment they rise to subjugate the land with fervor beyond any human realm. Fear them.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 08:16:15 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2024, 03:59:44 pm »

The Will of God:

God's will is mysterious. God may be truly enlightened and possessed of some grand plan. Or perhaps It is insane and deluded. Or perhaps It is a gibbering idiot that somehow reached an equilibrium through It's thoughtless actions. There are many sects which seek to divine Its will, for to do so is to ensure survival in a world It rules absolutely. What is listed here is what is known for sure.

Firstly, it is known that the ruination of the Earth, and the spiritual awakening of humanity to the power within their blood, was the work of God. It is known that the former was quite possible without the latter. If any agency exists within God, It wished for humanity to be made strong, and that it survive what was done.

Secondly, it is known that the body of God nurtures and produces angels and the beasts of heaven, biomechanical predators which regularly emerge from the sky to hunt and slaughter. If slain, their bodies can be picked apart for the biomachinery they contain. They can cure individuals of spiritual injuries if the victim survives being fed upon by an angel. However, they show no mercy to anyone or anything they perceive as prey. And to what is not prey, they are indifferent unless provoked.

Thirdly, it is known that God reacts violently towards attacks upon It. This takes great effort and cannot be done easily, but one need only look at the descendants of Old Earth sorcerers turned to human livestock or the artificial angels and their descendants to see Its wrath manifest.

Fourthly, God abhors alien life, at least when its designs would interfere with It's own sovereignty. The Entropic Choir, otherdimensional parasites, are naturally enemies of mankind, but other alien races speak of Its will preventing their own strength brought to bear upon the Earth. Is this deliberate, or does its exceptional existence produce an innate barrier to their ways of astral projection and dimensional travel? None can say on that.

From this it can be concluded, at the very least, if God has agency, that God has created an environment in which the humanity of Its design may live. Perhaps not prosper, perhaps not dwell at its apex, but live. Some view it as a hell, a place of torment for the amusement of a monster. To others, it is a new Eden, a place where a nascent second humanity may learn a new way of life. To yet others, it is a grave. A long, quiet repose by which humanity may shelter in blackened stone, safe from a hostile universe but not from itself, forever.

The Church of God:

With the will of God so muddied, how can one define to how best serve it? Or at least appease it? It is for answering this question that the Church exists. Less a formal organization and more a loose association of scholars and shared beliefs, the Church attempts to impose its own order upon a world it does not fully understand.

Its view can be summarized as one of equilibrium. What has been done to mankind was right. It was a bitter and painful thing, but it is surely a blessing. God is not cruel, but simply impartial as nature is. It gives us the tools to prosper, if we have the strength to take them. It is a painful teacher. By emulating not just nature, but exalting ourselves beyond it through adhering to it, through the Seven Righteous Passions, we perpetuate our own existence and obtain prosperity. In some sects, ones well favored by the lower folk, to go even beyond this, to demonstrate selfless compassion and unthinking charity, is to be a true saint. But this is also martyrdom, for the world is not forgiving enough for mankind to universally live in such a way. The sacrifice of Revelation scoured Earth of its innocence and purity, and what little remains should be treasured and protected. It is this flickering flame which raises man above beasts and its enemies who see the entire world as prey.

But the gentle world which existed before Revelation is never coming back.

And so the values of this era are the ones which must be upheld.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 08:16:32 pm by squamous »
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Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2024, 05:40:37 pm »

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Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2024, 05:40:58 pm »

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Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2024, 05:52:39 pm »

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Re: Haemothearchy
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2024, 06:07:22 pm »

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