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Author Topic: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)  (Read 7178 times)


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (9/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #105 on: February 09, 2019, 10:57:16 pm »

"Everyone, I have something very important to tell you all, and would like you to gather at the observatory in a short amount of time. I have done an investigation and have managed to gather information relating to the attack of Sol by Bygar, specifically where they are from, what they are, and why they attacked. I'm terribly sorry to bother you about this but I believe it is of the utmost importance and it shouldn't take long."
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

Ardent Debater

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #106 on: February 09, 2019, 11:14:10 pm »

[Pururu, the Smol One]

"I'd like a loan. How about I... pay 2 Essence back each tick? I can take... 3, loans."
Pururu bids for the loan, with 2 Essence paid back over 3 ticks. And is willing to take all 3 loans, if possible.
"Ah, grand! Now let's see here..."
He thought hard about timings, so that he could make the best of the situation.
"Blong, is it? I'll take a loan, and pay all 6 in 3 ticks from now."
If this succeeds, immediately pass the 4 Essence gained to The Strider for two Void Bottles.
"Don't worry, I won't be drinking the damned things."

Spoiler:  Blong’s Loan (click to show/hide)
Quote from:  Demonic Spoon
"The Market would like to one out of your loans Honourable Blong. In addition to the repayment, the Market offers you relaxation in the Market's mud pits, some comfortable slippers made of the finest spider-silk, and a feast of finest deerflesh and corn!"
Try to take out on of Blong's loans.

Blong considers each offer in turn, and after what feels like an eternity, deigns to speak. "I's all... Good... Deals... Good'ta... Share... 's three... Each'a ya's gets... One..."

Blong decides to distribute 1 loan each to Pururu, the Market, and Kit Rougard, as soon as-

[Pururu, the Smol One]

Pururu, seeing the interest, and thinking of the loan wars, makes a new bid, for all 3.
Pururu bids for the 4 Essence loans with paying 2 Essence per tick... for 4 ticks. Totaling 8 Essence, rather than 6.
"Pururu wishes for Essence now. Lots."

"WAIT... Dis'a... Better deal..."

Blong revokes his previous statement, and gives each of his three loans to Pururu, for a total of 12 Essence, to be repaid at 24 Essence at some point in the future.

Offer to take a loan from Blong.

"S'ry, but ah... 'ready worked somefin' out..."

The Angels of Market begin happily trading with the various merchants.

Market buys 1 Realm worth of Starbeasts for 2 Essence

Buy 2 Essence jug for 5 essence

Action 1: Market informs his worshipers of these wondrous deals, and recommends the Hundredwinged begins trading for specialty Purusian spider silk (Potential tradegoods: Metalwork, looms, feathers, Food, art, Spices, Books, stories, ivory, camel spit, camel hairballs, etc.), and the Living Forges begin crafting fine metalwork, before the Market begins shifting itself between large gatherings of mortals, allowing them to trade with the merchants within it.

The Market receives One Realm's worth of Star-Beasts for a price of 2 Essence!
The Market receives One 2 Essence Jug for a price of 5 Essence!
The Market informs the Mortal Races of Frewt the Oft-Irritated's Deals and for once, he is Quite Happy!

"You drive a hard bargain, Sultaness of the Sands, but these are the finest of fragrances. Eight bottles of Camel essence, straight from the source, in exchange for four bottles and we have a deal."
"Ah, but Camelia must protest! Camelia's children can only produce so much essence! Camelia can offer 7 but no higher! Yes, 7, but no higher!"

Counter-offer: 7 bottles of fresh Camel spit!
"You drive an exceedingly fierce bargain, my mistress, and I am forced to concede. You know, many don't appreciate the taste of dromedary essences, but you'd be surprised how much of a market there is for it only twenty-seven zymbweks away."

The Strider trades 4 Bottles of Exotic Fragrance for 7 Bottles of Camel Spit!

Guar also buys a healing salve for 4E from the trader.
"Camelia wonders if the healing properties of Camel spit could be improved by studying the work of Outsider healers."

Camelia will purchase two of the healing salves from Frewt for 8E.
Guar and Camelia purchase each of Frewt the Oft-Irritated's 3 Healing Salves for a price of 12 Essence!

The very walls around the Vrsyn begin to speak, "Vrsyn, the Market echoes the words of Luda Ncebekan, Deity of Forge and Storms, and Guar, Deity of Caverns and Life, in welcoming you to our bubble!"

"I am Market, of Trade and Angels! Master of Ten Thousand Trades, Haggler of the Seven Moons, Merchant of a Million Spices! My priorities are the spreading of trade, and of the angelic way!"

"The Market has taken in the orphaned remains of a race of another god as they left the bubble, the poor Djinni, and they now flourish in the city I have built! I have created races, the Hundredwinged, and in collaboration with Luda, the Living Forges, who are both doing well. I have created a great city, with fertile soil and rich resources, for any races who wish to live there."

"And if you should join the Market, I can create for you, microscopes, telescopes and observatories, mirrors and lenses of all sorts, the tools required for your magic, and isolation, if you should desire it."

"And while this is not related to your race, the Market would like to mention that, now that I have firmly established my foundation within this bubble, I shall soon follow the great example of Ednaera and Guar and begin creating forces to protect it against incursions from the void."

Guar buys both sets of Archdrake bones for 4 essence.

Come little Vrsyn. I bought you entry into this bubble. The Red Caves will be your home, until you tell me what your ideal home is and I create you a more permanent paradise fit for your needs.

Guar can understand this, he too moves slow and with caution. Like the great rivers which carve the caves, Guar is steady and endless. Guar entered this universe with a vision. He saw great glowing caverns, illuminated with the beauty of mortal creation. He saw great cities, raised by mortals. Statues of heros and wonders stood tall among the streets. Mushroom parks, lit by their etherial glow, brought life and nature into the stone cities. Great murals were carved upon the walls, depicting the history and wonders of this realm. Guar gave much, so that he could bring his mortals to life. And now that they are, Guar works towards creating a bastion of culture. Art and architecture will spiral up from the depths. Theater, poetry, and literature will sing out among the silence of the caverns. Deep in the forges, smiths will forge the most elegant and finely crafted armors, weapons, and items the metals of this world can offer. The gems and metals of the deep, brought forth so that gods and mortals alike can wonder at their elegance. And my mortals will shine brightly, for the wonder of Guar's kingdom will not be built by his hands, but through the forges lit in the souls of mortals, burning bright with the passion in their hearts, and tended by the strength and elegance of their powerful hands. This is the kingdom Guar is creating for his Nauts.

Outside the mortal realms, Guar sought to create a realm of wonder and comfort, for which to house his guests within this universe. The Red Caves were designed as a realm for which mortals of all make and muster could call home. An endless expanse, a cavern of divine proportion, with no walls. Red sands fill the realm, atop the eternal rock, and lining the many oceans. Life flourishes here, vast oceans filled with food. They shift and move, often disappearing and refilling in new places, creating a shifting landscape which never ceases to generate new wonder. Here food is easy to catch, water is always clean and refreshing, and danger may not enter. It is true, this realm is made for another, for the children of our esteemed guest Blong. And your time there will be only be temporary. For Vrsyn, it is not what I have done which is what matters, but what I offer.

Guar sees your plight, the distance you traveled, and the pain you feel. Guar cannot and will not erase that pain from your hearts and those memories from your soul, for they have forged you into something you were not when you lived in your realms. You old god, your old lands, and your old selves are gone. Guar sees this, and does not feel pity. Guar sees strength and tenacity, that which could venture through the void and arrive on his doorstep. This is why Guar paid your toll, not because you were pitiful, but because you were not. Guar saw the strength of the mountains and the tenacity of the depths within your plight. Not every mortal could survive such. Guar is impressed. And thus, Guar offers you a home here. Do not confuse my words here, mortals of the dead god and distant lands. Guar does not offer you simply refuge, or entry, Guar offers to build you a new land for you to make your own. He offers a new home, a new life, and a new future, not to the mortals who left their destroyed lands, but to those who survived the void of their own persistence and strength, for Guar knows upon the completion of such a journey, you would not be the same as you once were. The hardships and loss burned eternally into the souls of your people, stoking the fires of your hearts.

And so Guar offers thus: In exchange for your devotion, Guar will rise a land of your own design. A new kingdom, built on a vision. As Guar built his kingdom upon his vision, Guar will make your kingdom upon yours.

Speak to the Vrsyn:

I Am Not One To Talk Overlong. I Helped To Build The Living Forges. I Struck Lightning Into Living With The Diviluge. I Built The First Storm For My Workshop. I Will Make More. Fog, Clouds, Smoke, Fire, And More. These Are The Tools Of My Craft. I Will Forge A Realm For You, If You Desire It. Share Your Vision And You Shall Have A New Home.

The Vrysn appear to consider each of the divines in turn, and they convene among themselves for some time. Eventually they seem to come to a decision, and their leader looks as relieved yet forlorn as possible for a creature without a face. [GLORIOUS][ARE][DIVINES][!][THE][VRYSN][HAVE][CONSIDERED][EACH][OFFER][LONG][AND][THOROUGHLY][BUT][-leader-][IS][SADDENED][...][VRYSN][CANNOT][REACH][CONSENSUS][...][VRYSN][WILL][BE][DIVIDED][ONCE][AGAIN][...][HENCEFORTH][THERE][ARE][NO][ONE][VRYSN][THERE][ARE][THREE][VRYSN][ONE][IN][SERVICE][OF][EACH][DIVINE][!][PRAISE][UNTO][GUAR][MARKET][LUDA][NCEBEKAN][!][WATCH][OVER][-leader-][VRYSN][FOR][-leader-][JOURNEY][IS][OVER][...] With that, their leader turns each of its eyes inward, and to the slight alarm of each deity, releases a superheated beam of light from each one, severing its own mucous strands and vaporizing its own eyes. The leader thrashes for several seconds, then the sliced pieces fall onto the Market's floor with a faint squelching sound. The Vrysn then divide themselves into three groups, each one going to a separate deity, though the largest number chose Guar.

The Vrysn have split their 1 Population unit into Three Distinct Groups!
0.6 go to Guar! 0.2 go to The Market! 0.2 go to Luda Ncebekan!

They await the guidance of the divines!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2019, 11:27:26 pm by Ardent Debater »


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #107 on: February 09, 2019, 11:23:07 pm »

His eye twitched. Well. He noted that in his grudges. As a new god, he only had 1 thus far.
"Pururu: Greedy."
A dark idea crept into his mind, and he turned to the jug dealer.
"Hey, jug-man, would you accept a payment plan? Say, 2 Essence over the next 3.5 ticks, paid every half tick, and if I miss a payment, you take all your jugs back from me? That's 14 Essence for that 4-jug, plus default protection."
« Last Edit: February 09, 2019, 11:28:10 pm by KitRougard »
Scream all you want
They don't understand
Your Comic Sans font
A language of another land

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #108 on: February 09, 2019, 11:37:35 pm »

Action 3: Assuming it costs 0E, Camelia visits the Observatory to listen to Fanw's debriefing. Camelia will prepare to bravely run away at the first sign of an attack.

Camelia pays attention to Fanw's announcement from afar.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 12:06:21 am by Kilojoule Proton »

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Happy Demon

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #109 on: February 09, 2019, 11:38:26 pm »

[Pururu, the Smol One]

Pururu Purrurrurrs with delight at not one, but 3 loans. So much Essence, 12 Essence. However, she notices something new in her lands. It has her worried, so she makes something big and strong to go there, and protect her Purusians.
Pururu makes 1 Population Unit of Yetis in the Taiga Islands. Due to the recent relocation of 1 unit of Purusians, and the migration of the Hundredwings, there should still be space to spare.
"Protect the Purusians from harm, Yetis."
Soft and fluffy protectors for the sweet Purusians. While Pururu is still in the Observatory, tending to Sol.
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #110 on: February 10, 2019, 03:19:07 am »

1 essence is gifted to Guar to create a stonebubble home for all the Vrsyn to live together in.

"Everyone, I have something very important to tell you all, and would like you to gather at the observatory in a short amount of time. I have done an investigation and have managed to gather information relating to the attack of Sol by Bygar, specifically where they are from, what they are, and why they attacked. I'm terribly sorry to bother you about this but I believe it is of the utmost importance and it shouldn't take long."
A single angelic observer is sent, the Market being fearful of ambushes.

Action 3: Market spends 3 essence on further expanding the Nexus, it's lands bulging and ballooning, it's gleaming towers promising prosperity and wealth. It's portal network expands to include a single portal to the Stone bubble, and further portals to all the other existing lands, with more popping up periodicality as the lands grow.

[3 essence, +12 popcap]
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 05:31:29 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #111 on: February 10, 2019, 09:35:49 am »

The Angelic Observer comes to the barrier, and for a second it ripples, before opening for it.

Once the Observer passes, the barrier closes once again.



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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #112 on: February 11, 2019, 04:02:44 pm »

Give 1 Essence to Guar for use in the combined realm for the Vrsyn.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


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Re: Lo, Divines! (Ye Gods inspired God(ess) game) (10/10)(IC Thread)
« Reply #113 on: February 16, 2019, 07:05:41 am »

Ednaera is around.

1. Ednaera herself goes to teach the Hundrewings the beauty of song. She hopes they will learn to use their gift of strong vocal chords to create beautiful songs.
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