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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.2  (Read 3709 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.2
« on: September 29, 2022, 08:51:00 pm »

Those alive now scarcely remember the old world, but they remember how it ended.

Long ago, a league of forgotten powers declared war upon the world. It was defeated, but dragged the rest of civilization down with it. The earth, a depleted husk after one hundred years of industrial war, bears scant resemblance to what it once was. Pocketed with the scars of chemical storms and artillery barrages, it hosts a humanity which has forgotten the luxuries and gentleness of that forgotten age. A low, perpetual state of conflict exists, over land, over people, and over matters long forgotten, waged by the ghosts of long-dead ideals.

But it is no longer man alone that claims this earth. From his laboratories and abandoned trenches stumble new breeds of life, staking their own claim upon the blasted soil now too ruinous for humanity to retame. And from the deep forests and endless caverns crawl things which have not been seen by the eyes of men for thousands of years, woken by the thunderous last gasp of human civilization. And stranger still, whispers from nowhere, spreading madness and delusion amongst those who would dabble in the esoteric arts, which yet remain incomprehensible even in an era where rationality seems to fracture.

It is an era of deprivation and struggle, fraught with war, banditry, and desperation. Only the most cunning, stubborn, and simply lucky can rise to power, and it may all be for naught in the end. But what else is there? Only a broken world awaits.

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If I can get enough money to reach my goal, I can focus on modding full time and put out bigger and more frequent updates.

Broken World is a dieselpunk setting with supernatural horror elements, depicting a humanity living in the apocalyptic ruins of their ancestors after a sanity-shattering era of industrial conflict. The focus is on the struggles of the inheritor nations for supremacy and the human element which lies underneath, along with the encroaching threat of a entirely new kind of horror. Plenty of opportunities exist for the player, but be aware that more often than not the impact of a single fort or adventurer in this world is far smaller than most of my settings, as worlds are designed to have large populations and huge conflicts. Even a playthrough that does everything right might succumb to an endless tide of enemy invaders.

This mod was originally intended as an overhaul of Broken Chain, and can essentially be considered its sequel.

Just download it, place the folder somewhere, and play it. This mod comes with its own .exe and everything, you do not need to copy and paste, drag and drop, or otherwise move any files around beyond the initial step. It works exactly like installing and playing the vanilla game.

Also, there are presets in Advanced World Generation with the proper parameters for playing the mod. Not using these parameters may cause crashes or weird things to happen.

Download Link:



1.2 Changes:
-New "workshops" added, trench segments and barbed wire. They function as cheap defenses which can be rapidly produced and turned into sprawling networks which can be shot through, but not moved through. However, they can be destroyed by building-destroyer type creatures. Most big vehicles or machines count as that. This should allow you to create sprawling networks of defenses which repel infantry but are weak to tanks, in keeping with the spirit of the mod. It is also cheaper per tile than fortifications or walls, so you get a lot of bang for your buck.
-Armor types changed from breastplate, light, and heavy to breastplate, half-armor, three-quarters-armor, and full-armor in keeping with historical armor coverage designations.
-Clubman and poleman renamed to "light fighter" and "heavy fighter" respectively, so they can use a wider variety of weapons (some have also been renamed).
-Forklifts added as more expensive but higher-load alternative to wheelbarrows, there's also handcarts.
-Abhumans changed to vivisects. The concept of monsters derived from the Great War is that they are openly half-formed, malcreated things, butchered by surgery and chemicals into monsters. Taking a page from the good doctor Moreau, vivisects are living beings with surgically altered bodies, which unlike reanimates are capable of reproduction, and also unlike reanimates have a very short lifespan. This will also help contrast them against the genuinely supernatural, which are horrific monsters that, against all reason, lack the markings of human butchery which people see as a requirement to go against natural law.
-New enemies added, the Branded. Humans enthralled to the will of an ancient occult civilization, those who delve too deep can awaken a new player in the great game all too happy to combine modern warfare with their own forgotten knowledge. Really, they should just be humans, but the game won't let me do that. Think of them as a culture more than a race. As for their masters, they are not set in stone, but should be suitably terrifying for the time being.
-Taverns will now have names with shack, hut, inn, bed, bar, or shelter etc in them rather than random foods.
-Advanced Worldgen Parameters now clarify how populated the map will be in a more concise way.
-"Magnetic" weapons changed to "electric" weapons. Same principle but with more zapping noises. Back in the day electricity was the quantum mechanics of its time, used to pull sci-fi wonders out of the air and justify the inventions of mad scientists. I intend to keep with this trope.
-Weather changed to be a bit more manageable.

1.1 Changes:
-Fix to various caravan issues.
-Fix to coal mining.
-Kingdoms will now use horses.
-Reanimate civs will not have reanimate pets.
-Reanimates will have properly dulled emotional propensities rather than whatever I did before.
-Automated Surgeons SHOULD only reanimate corpses or heal people which are adjacent to them. Also, they will only regrow the limbs of reanimates now. The living just have to suffer as cripples, but if their bits are intact can still otherwise be healed. Let me know if there are still problems.
-You can now construct brainjacks of all types using a new workshop, the Brainjack Dock. The dock allows you to manufacture bodies, armor, and weapon types for a brainjack, and combine them to create brainjack bodies. When a human is placed in a room with an empty body, they will (eventually) be integrated into it through an automated surgical process, becoming an immortal warrior machine. Do be aware this is expensive, and something to be bestowed upon favorites. Currently the customization options might be lacking but you should be able to make a diverse ensemble overall. Also, this is complicated and something might go wrong, do tell me if you run into any errors.

-Fix to "butchering" vehicles, it should yield metal blocks which can be melted to get bars of the material.
-Some lore about common technologies on the bay12 page.

-Fix to Brainjack stuff


-Broken World released
NOTE: As this is the initial release of this mod, expect potential bugs and errors, and lots of changes in the future. However, it is playable and does not CTD, so if you feel like trying it out in its current state any feedback is appreciated.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2022, 01:14:20 am by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2022, 08:51:19 pm »

The World:

The world as it exists today is a destitute land polluted by the most destructive war humanity has ever known. Much of the old history has been lost, but what remains clings tightly to existence. Modern societies have built themselves around renewable or at least widely available resources, even if they are crude and unrefined. On the other hand, some things have advanced even further than their ancestors could have imagined. Firearms have been replaced with pneumatic guns, which use pressurized bursts of air to propel bullets with as much deadly force as any explosive reaction. Immortality of a sort can be obtained through esoteric sciences which leave scholars baffled even as they delve even deeper into new applications of it. And in darker corners of society, the old arts once more proliferate, and strange beings skulk in what places man cannot live on.


Once the sole rulers of the earth, the Great War nearly rendered them extinct. Now struggling to survive amidst famine and ceaseless conflict, they continue to hope for a better tomorrow, though it may never come. Their greatest advantage is technological prowess, having retained some of the industrial base which the old world possessed. Provided they retain this advantage, they may yet survive an uncertain future. Though most are native to the continent, a great many came from outside of it to contest the League, and so countless arrangements of features and widely varied cultures can be found among them. Over the centuries, however, most have levelled out into the meta-cultural groups which can be observed today.

Emblematic of the Great War, reanimates are humans animated by scientific processes into quasi-living thralls possessed of immense vitality, but fragmented psyches. Often partially if not entirely amnesiac, and with reduced mental capacity, they exist as laborers for mankind, to be bought and sold like chattel, though the quick-thinking among them can earn their freedom. It is said that during the height of the War, there were more dead walking the earth than the living. They can be divided into countless specialized forms, optimized either for a type of labor or simple aesthetics, though most are merely the standard model.

The immortal rulers of the new world, once used as the war machines of the old. Using similar techniques to reanimation, a human mind can be suspended indefinitely after separation from its body, and interfaced with machinery. Through this method, autonomous war machines led armies of the living dead in battle across the earth. When society collapsed, they used their forces to carve out their own petty domains, which expanded into the nations that rise and fall to this day. Brainjacks represent a vital part of modern society, as a brainjack war machine can outcompete a crewed vessel, and coupled with an indefinite lifespan turn them into the ultimate weapons of war, provided they have an industrial society at their back to reinforce their complex bodies.

The third form of man which science brought into being, vivisects are humans granted animalistic features through surgical operations, with special procedures done which ensure such traits become hereditary, though even then they require additional medical care to escape their shortened lifespans. Developed during the Great War, their capacity for reproduction allowed them to be directed against the enemy in great numbers, but that same trait made them more prone to revolution for the sake of their offspring or mere survival. Most these days live outside human civilization, and frequently opposed to it. Some suppose vivisects to be a potential rival to mankind, fighting to see which will own the world of tomorrow.


Though there are no nations which can claim any great lineages or trace themselves back to some proud nation, one can roughly define various cultural groups primarily based on where they began to establish civilization. Composed of the natives of the continent, imported conscripts, and the countless millions of displaced citizens, all manner of humans can be found across no man's land.

The Military States:

The most typical breed of nation on the continent, one run by a military power. How much freedom the civilians have varies, but there is no denying it is the soldiering caste which rules, often hereditarily in the case of the ruling class but there does exist a degree of social mobility in the form of rising through the ranks. However, the old ideologies of nationalism and patriotism are long gone. No propaganda or indoctrination exists here, only the brutal realpolitik of a desperate existence. The military rules because it keeps order and puts bread on the table, that is all. Its conquests increase one's own chances of survival, so they are accepted, so long as they continue to perform well. If not, well, more than one such state has succumbed to revolution. They run the gamut of technological innovation, with pneumatic guns and weaponized industrial equipment a common sight.

The Old Kingdoms:

Despite the slow integration of the continent into the League's bureaucracy, the proud northerners were never quite brought to heel. While they were integrated into its system in the end, the northern lands retained knowledge of their ancestral bloodlines, and upon the League's fall were quick to re-establish them, or at least convincingly fake it. Moreso than the exiled states, bound only by mutual desperation, the old kingdoms fare better due to their strongly unified culture and sense of chivalry, which while perhaps only surface level provides a veneer of law and justice which grants them far better stability. However, the poor state of their frozen lands leads to technological stagnation, with the average footsoldier equipped with antiquated gear outdated even prior to the Great War. Some keep to themselves, while others turn their eyes on the warmer south and its fertile fields.

The Bunkers:

Though the heartland of the League's territory was spared the ultimate devastation it inflicted on its enemies, it certainly did not escape unscathed. Multiple offensives had already landed and spent years, decades within the continent. Waiting for them was an immense network of bunkers which stymied their advances, built inside hollowed out mountains and armed with the best technological advances the League could produce. When the war ended, the bunkers remained, as did their inhabitants. Isolated from the main League governments over centuries of war, the bunker-dwellers had already diverged considerably from both typical League culture and each other. When the world finally collapsed, they emerged to find a landscape far different than the one their ancestors sought to protect. However, most still consider the continent to be their birthright, and act as though they are the de facto rulers of the new earth. Backed up by their highly advanced machines of war, it is often hard for individual nations to dispute that claim, though as a whole they are too numerous for the bunker-dwellers to suppress.

The Old Armies:

Societies of reanimate soldiers gone feral, these armies loyally continue to hold the territory demanded of them during the Great War, though increasingly they question their purpose. With many merely struggling to survive, they have turned towards new human society, and cautiously forged a relationship with the outside world. Each army has its own agenda, though distorted and half-forgotten, and none can say just what if anything such forces may be planning.

The Hordes:

Vivisects descended from the surgically mutilated conscripts of the Great War, they now fight to see their own future secured, even at the expense of mankind. While a noble goal in theory, vivisects suffer from short lifespans and erratic minds, and often take the short-term view when it comes to the future. As such, ravaging hordes of conquering savages are a frequent threat many humans, and civilized vivisects, frequently are anxious over.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2022, 01:22:03 am by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2022, 08:52:08 pm »


The Broken World's technology has diverged heavily from our own. A century of industrialized warfare has radically changed what is viable for a civilization to invest in. Not to mention, esoteric sciences which seem to defy conventional wisdom have allowed for even stranger developments to occur.

Pneumatic Weapons:
While firearms were used in the past, the air gun dominates the present. Which somewhat finicky compared to explosive propellant weapons, they do not foul with smoke, nor endanger the user of a misfire happens. The fact that gunpowder is cut from the logistics chain also greatly increases their attractiveness in the resourced-deprived post-War era. Advancements in metallurgy have allowed them to be nearly as lethal as firearms, but they often suffer from a low firing rate. These days, culture has generally turned against firearms as well, viewing them as dangerous, barbaric, and wasteful tools that harm the user as much as the target. That said, explosives still have their place, but as ammunition such as rockets, grenades, or mines rather than propellant.

Electric Weapons:

Crude electric weapons which use magnetic or centrifugal force are also favored for mid to heavy vehicular weapons due to being better at rapid fire and merely requiring electricity to use. Battery power has also advanced considerably, making such weapons more viable if too expensive for most factions to mass produce. The most advanced factions, however, use electric weapons even for their infantry forces. Brainjacks can be produced at the brainjack dock workshop.


The Great War kicked off before the computer chip could be invented, and in the modern dark age it is unlikely it ever will be. But esoteric science has offered a solution. Instead of needing a mechanical brain, a human one will suffice as well. Though the best and brightest are interred with their minds and sanity intact, brains of lower quality are lobotomized and turned into glorified calculators for use in less intelligent machines. Mere drones, turrets, and mundane vehicles often have such a lobotomized brain allowing them to function on autopilot. Whether the person used as such a device is still "there" is unknown, and best not thought about.

Improvised Weapons:

Due to the lack of automatic weaponry and the proliferation of heavy body armor, closing to melee remains a viable and frequent tactic, but it is rare to find dedicated weaponry for this task. Instead, much of it is improvised by off duty soldiers, and can be divided roughly into trench clubs, which utilize a short baton as a handle, and trench pikes, which use a long one. But when it comes to add-ons, it can be anything from metal studs to swords to captive bolt weapons to explosive mines.


Pistols use small-caliber bullets
Rifles use medium-caliber bullets
Sniper rifles use large-caliber bullets
Shotguns use shotgun rounds and slugs
Rocket launchers and recoilless rifles use rockets
Grenade launchers and grenade slings use grenads
Anti-tank rifles use anti-tank bullets
Punt guns use punt gun rounds and slugs
Harpoon guns use harpoons
Hand-crossbows use darts
Crossbows use crossbow bolts
Arbalests use arbalest bolts
Ballistas use ballista bolts


Combat in the post-war era vacillates wildly between the deployment of astounding technologies and savage barbarity. Men armed with scavenged tools turned weapons of war clash with immortal war machines leading armies of the living dead, while baying mutants cobble crude arms from the wreckage of the human world. Certain truths, however, remain constant.

-Melee is not to be underestimated. When taking forces to raid beyond your settlement, always bring melee troops with you. Otherwise, your gunners can easily be rushed and overwhelmed. Club users can be equipped with riot shields for advancing through a hail of bullets, while pole users can inflict immense damage if used with precision, but lack defense.
-Brainjacks are the core to victory. These cybernetic killing machines are the backbone of any modernized army. You need to both protect any you have and focus on destroying any that the enemy uses. Rockets and mines are ideal for this purpose, but come with their own risks.
-Gunners are vital. Though they can be vulnerable to a massed infantry charge due to the nature of pneumatic or electric guns to fire slowly, their penetrative power and raw destruction more than make up for it.
-Reanimates make the best infantry. The living dead, animated by processes poorly if at all understood, can recover from grievous injury and ignore pain as they wade into combat. If possible, reanimates should be prioritized as soldiers, ideally with human or brainjack commanders.


The stresses of the Great War caused many to turn to various helpers to cope with the trauma of the conflict, a cultural habit which never ended when the war did. In the post-war era, drugs of all kinds are openly sold, used to both motivate and pacify the masses as needed. Note that once the pleasant effects of a drug end, the withdrawal pains begin. These can be fixed either by waiting the withdrawal out, or countering it with more drugs. Choose wisely.

Cannabis: A mild relaxant, it is more or less similar to beer and relatively harmless.
Tea: A mild stimulant, it is considered a drink of class and held in high regard.
Coffee: A slightly stronger stimulant, it is the drink of the working man, increasing focus and excitement.
Opium: An expensive luxury, its users are either rich aficionados or dregs enthralled to it. Grants immense pleasure but comes with a painful withdrawal.
Cocaine: The strongest stimulant available, it grants immense focus and activity levels but may well prove fatal if used too frequently. Best saved for the harshest of times when sleep is a luxury and the mind cannot be allowed to relax.


The world is depleted of resources, yet dependent on industrial systems to survive. In this age, steel is king. The bronze and iron ages were thousands of years ago, no one in their right mind would use such metals as weapons or armor. This limits the metals you have access to, and makes it much harder to form a self-sustaining settlement. Likewise, crops and animals can also be harder to come by or more expensive. You will need to rely heavily on your parent nation to sustain yourself. In the modern era, the self-sustaining village hamlet is a relic of the past. Trade, connections, and cooperation are the way to survive. Thousands fight in armies, thousands work in factories. Your settlement is but one cog in a massive machine. Ideally, you should focus on whatever resource is most available, and use that surplus to trade for whatever you lack.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 02:50:14 pm by squamous »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2022, 08:52:33 pm »


Though much has been lost, much else persists. Accounted here are some such things.


Religion is a complicated topic in the modern era. It has greatly eroded in influence following the Great War's devastation. Prayers and churches did not stop bombs, gas, or invading pillagers. Faith couldn't restore what was lost in the brutal offensives conducted by both sides. As a result, what religions survive are often local cults or the strongest and post persistent of old beliefs. The two main forms of organized religion are historical deification and Humanism.

Historical Deities:

These are, essentially, deified figures from the Great War. Political and military leaders exaggerated into heroic, mythical beings, prayed to for luck, guidance, or protection from misfortune. Who they truly were has likely been lost to time, and what they contributed to the war can only be inferred by the facets of existence they are believed to influence. A god of pestilence and disease may well be an innovator in the field of poison gas, or maybe a doctor that helped cure a devastating plague. One of conquest could be a conquering general, one of seas and storms a naval commander. Only the ghosts of the old world know for certain, and they aren't telling.

Spoken of in more secrecy however is another theory. An idea that not every one of these figures is truly veneration of a human. After all, to invent a fictional history is an easy thing in an era bereft of knowledge to say otherwise. Historical Deities can easily be fabricated to create a national mythos for a modern civilization, or as a veneer to justify wars against a neighbor, or even worse activities. With so many, its not hard to believe that not all of them are legitimate, as much as such a thing could be. As a result, the Historical Cults are constantly at each other's throats, seeking to disprove the historical veracity of a rival cult and expose them as a modern fiction. And perhaps deeper still, is the fear that some may be covers for the veneration of even more sinister deities, ones with no relation to anything begat of man.


Humanism is the single largest religion on the Central Continent, though it has roots in the south. In its land of origin, most humans venerated the spirits of the land, of animals, trees, and their own ancestors equally. According to the Humanist scripts, however, there was a great revelation in which the twin progenitors of humanity, the Ancestral Marriage, Primordial Ancestors, etc, made themselves known to a certain prophet, and of him demanded that humankind be united in veneration of them. The worship of ancestors was false, as they were mere false gods whose origin could be traced to the Original Pair, and worship of beasts or mountains or rivers or plants was the worship of indifferent deities which had no care for a species of clever apes. Only through service to the Progenitors, who arose from nothing and asserted domain over all things by right of their own divinity, could one find spiritual fulfillment and material prosperity. The Humanist faith spread with immense virulence, reaching across half the world and eventually the Central Continent, where it remains an important cultural pillar to this day. It emphasized working for the sake of the community, the preservation and further growth of mankind, and humanity's innate special nature due to its having descended from the Progenitors. However, it is a faith that often comes into question in this era. The atrocities humans committed against one another in the Great War and the bleak future it has been consigned to has caused many to doubt Humanism's promise of a better future and promulgation of mankind's innate goodness and worthiness to rule. More and more it rings hollow, a relic of a world before it was ruined by the actions of its stewards. But even so, some cling to it, hoping the wisdom of the Progenitors may yet guide mankind out of this dark timeline.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 03:38:12 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2022, 08:52:58 pm »

The Unknown:

The horrors produced by the Great War are common knowledge, but the world is old, and there are things which dwell within it which have existed far longer than the civilizations of mankind. These creatures have stirred since the end of civilization, and even now plot to reassert their rule over the fragmented and butchered realms of humanity and its kin.

The Kings Under The Mountain:

On of the oldest Continental legends is of an ancient collection of civilizations dating back to the bronze age, or perhaps older. When the Humanist faith found its way onto the continent, it was opposed by these empires, which worshiped something else, a pagan pantheon of deities hungry for sacrifice. In a great miracle, the Ancestral Marriage flooded the land, and brought ruin to the pagans, banishing them to the depths of the world.

As time passed and the Continent grew more separated from the declining Humanist faith, however, these pagans were looked on in a more forgiving light. Here, some thought, were the true progenitors of Continental civilization. They should be the model of our culture, not the foreign anthropocentrism favored by the Free Entente. And so worship of the forgotten pantheon was resumed in secret by some parties, and it is said such worship persists to this day.

But one cannot help but ask, what of those ancients banished from the surface? Surely myths have some basis in fact. If those humans really did wander into the pores of the earth, then they may well have persisted. Perhaps in the lightless caverns they continued their worship of their old gods. Perhaps in time, the gods answered back.

If the old faith were to gain strength once more, it may well bring with it a new peril to the already embattled world.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 03:21:44 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2022, 08:53:17 pm »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2022, 08:54:34 pm »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.0
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2022, 08:55:02 pm »

I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.2
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2023, 03:48:06 pm »

Any plans to migrate this, amongst other projects, to the Steam Workshop?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress: Broken World 1.2
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2023, 03:36:49 pm »

Any plans to migrate this, amongst other projects, to the Steam Workshop?

I have plans to migrate a fair amount of my work to the steam workshop. In fact, I'm practically pacing around my room forcing myself not to, I want to so bad. The problem is with steam's lack of adventure mode and third party utilities like Legendsviewer, testing things properly is really hard and tedious. Having the Long Night to deal with is a huge headache already, but I am fully resolved to start porting my work as soon as adventure mode comes out at the very least. Though admittedly I might have to bite the bullet and port one or two earlier than that given how long it is taking, but no promises.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 03:43:45 pm by squamous »
I make huge and comprehensive overhaul mods, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can do this full-time:
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