This subject has been taken up in following topics on this forum: showing size difference between wine vat to wooden barrel:
Wine vat has to be a C-constructed building. Sizes 1x1,2x2,3x3,4x4 or even like depot 5x5 could be optional for different sizes of wine vats.
Wine vat 1x1 should be holding 60000 volume. Like 10 barrels. Mining cart holds 50000 volume in comparison.
Wine vat 1x1 should take 10 wooden logs by carpenter or 10 bars of metal to construct by metal craftier. Alternatively wine vat building could take 1 component named "1x1 fuid tank", which could be made in carpenter workshop or in (magma) metal forge out of the mentioned. Such item made out of metal should be smelt-able.
1x1 =___60000 volume =__10 barrels. 10 logs/bars
2x2 =__240000 volume =__40 barrels. 20 logs/bars
3x3 =__540000 volume =__90 barrels. 30 logs/bars
4x4 =__960000 volume =_160 barrels. 50 logs/bars
5x5 =_1500000 volume =_250 barrels. 70 logs/bars
Wine vat should work like waterskin in adventure mode. (Added challenge, if some sort of combining fluids like in "making roast" was added, but not necessary for function)
Wine vat should like a lever have 2 option. a) Pour barrels in or b) Fill barrels from. Also 1 mechanism could be added as a part of wine vat's construction.
I know there is nothing on Wikipedia about wine vats, but basically those are just fluid storage tanks and storage tanks are mentioned separately from barrels in Wikipedia. (Added challenge, if we could get water+bucket stockpile, water barrels and water vats in fortress mode, as this would solve issue with bucket bug in there or elaborate under ground cistern constructions to fit a water well into hospital. Player should be able to build hospital then way faster to deal with injuries.)
This is how side of 11x11 tavern in fortress mode could look, when providing visitors with 11 different alcohols stored in 11 constructed 1x1 vats, instead of barrels: