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Author Topic: Gods of Mu (IC)  (Read 761 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Gods of Mu (IC)
« on: October 25, 2018, 12:15:29 am »

The world is dim and flat. A single plane of existence, dimly lit by the shifting aura of the web of fate. It is here the mumans awoke, alone in a barren world. A small light floats above them, fading in and out in regular intervals. The rest of the sky is an ever changing tapestry of shifting auras, to the gods, the strings of fate are clearly visable wandering across the night sky. Yet the light doesn't cast far beyond their domain, ringed by the Unshaped Dark Lands. The mumans lived simple lives here in the dim light. Life is sparse and simple, survival is a struggle. This is the worlds the gods awoke to, and it is to this world they introduced themselves.


Sign of God: A cube exactly 9.12 centimetres on each side, made out of the same blue glass. Mortals are drawn towards it from great distances, and all who touch it will know of Order.

Kel created a small cube which drew in many mumans. They came from far and wide to touch the cube, for it beckoned them in. Those who touched it were given a deep understanding of structure and order. For many, this manifested in visions and emotions completely unknown to them. When the effect ended, many felt faint echos of that order which had been suddenly forced upon their soul. They had been restructured both in spirit, but in mind. A small set of them came together and formed the First Tribe, the Order of Order. Their goal was to find or create the order they had experienced.

Several mumans seek to build order, many mumans become more susceptible to order.

Choose one: Three of Wands, Six of Swords, Ace of Swords


Sign of God: An unbelievably bountiful population of fish that practically throw themselves to be eaten by mumans. Those who eat the fish receive hallucinations of Iqta and that she caused the fish to appear. This is found in one particular coastline in the world and only happens as a population of muman come near.

The ocean in the southwest corner of the world teems with fish for a few days. The nearby mumans rejoice! Their struggle is temporarily relieved. They heartily devour the fish and come to have vivid visions of Iqta. Many come to worship the deity over the course of a few days, their bellies full and their struggle to survive forgotten, they are happy. All is good for a time, but when the effect ends and the waters become less fertile, many are upset. Fights break out and many accusations are made, some against those who ate too much, others for those who didnt worship enough, and others against Iqta.

Many worshipers gained, infighting begins between several groups and individuals, and a few come to distrust you.

Choose one: King of wands, The Chariot, Five of Cups

Magne Lightbearer

Sign of God: Living things in the vicinity appear to grow pregnant, regardless of sex, over the course of minutes to hours, ultimately giving birth to harmless fire.

One area of Mu is afflicted by a confusing and unusual experience. All mumans in the area are affected. Their bellies swell and grow, filling with warmth. The mumans are scared and confused by this strange occurance. This doesn't improve as fire is expelled forth from their genitalia. Panic and fear erupt and the mumans are confused and fearful.

Many mumans become confused and afraid.

Choose one: Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, The Moon


Sign of God: The Thousand-Eyed King's Sign of God looses a flight of beautiful Peacocks for entire towns to see, inspiring both awe and an aching drive to beautify oneself with the possible ultimate goal of turning oneself into a Peacock. While the flight of Peacocks is visible, mortals may enter the Thousand-Eyed King's realm by carrying flowers and walking into reflective surfaces.

Another area comes to view another particular spectacle. A flight of peacocks travel nearby. Those that see this parade of fowl come to desire beautification. They look upon eachother and themselves, and come to decorate themselves. These decorations are almost always in the style of peacocks. Those that do so come to have visions of The Thousand Eyed King's realm and are deeply struck by its beauty. When the effect ends, many cry for they were no longer beautiful and had to return to the drab reality of their lives.

Few mumans come to respect and desire beauty, many are more open to concepts of beauty, few are depressed by how ugly the world is.

Choose one: The Hanged Man, Ace of Cups, Seven of Pentacles


Purple mist of a royal color will spread out from plants of the forest, marshes, and grass plains, any wisenheimer or Mortal that inhales the fumes will have their cerebral network show hallucinations of themselves in different realities all together as the same in taking in a psychedelic, but in the end of the hallucination a giant alien eyeball staring into their very soul, always watching on how their growth and achieving their vision is, what they provide to the universe. Knowing that a god is watching them.

A purple haze comes to roll across the land. Fearing this mist, many run, but more are caught in its path and breathe it in. Those that do are all granted the same collective vision, themselves and others who breathed the fumes sitting together breathing deeply a thick purple smoke. This is followed by an appearance of a giant eye which watches them constantly and accesses their progress. After the effect ends, those who were effected are effected in a variety of ways. Some turn to worship out of fear, others try their best to forget, and others are fearful and turn against you.

Some fearful followers gained, some are less receptive to you, many are unsettled.

Choose one: Nine of Swords, The Sun, Five of Pentacles

Acter Nobody

Small groups will have a collective vision of the Pedestal District, always including a visit to the top of the tower, and a feeling of Acter's existence while within the temple.

Small groups of mumans experiance the same vision. Their eyes haze over and they see the pedestal district, a beautiful sight to behold. Their vision allows them to wander the streets and explore this magical mirage. Before the trance ends, they visit a temple to Acter and can feel his presence there. After they awake from the trance, some swear their vision has improved. But its hard to tell.

Some groups become more susceptable to your influence.

Choose one: Ace of Wands, Two of Pentacles, Six of Cups

The God Equation

Sign of God Card: A glowing carving, one that imparts knowledge of the first piece of the god equation, and thus the beginnings of arcane mathematics, into those who lay eyes on it.

A glowing carving appears on a rock formation within the Brightlands. Some come to lay eyes on it and their minds are filled with mathematics and equations, concepts completely foreign to them, but wholly understandable as if they were ingrained in their very soul. For days several mathematicians used rocks and sticks to carve intricate equations into the dirt and onto rocks. Yet when the effect ends and the glowing carving disappears, so too does their understanding. The mathematicians are left with incomprehensible carvings and a this terrible feeling that they had lost something.

Some mumans are more susceptive to you, a few gain a desire to understand mathemagics, a slight few are driven to insanity by the knowledge they had gained and then lost

Choose one: Knight of Wands, Page of Cups, The Devil


The dark, warm places nearby: hidden valleys, crags, basements and trash pits, begin to fester and rot at an insane speed. Plant and animal life begins to rapidly grow from these places, transforming them into strongholds of biodiversity and decay for a time.

Several mumans are struck by a horrible smell. Following the scent they find many cracks and crevices, hollows and holes, to be full of rot and festering slime. Yet almost as if before their eyes, fruit and life grow rapidly and bounty springs forth from these springs of life. Many mumans rejoice and devour what they can, becoming satiated for the first time. Simple animals and insects are drawn in and the mumans watch and observe them between joining them in feast. When the effect ends and the life decays without return, reactions are mixed.

Many are more receptive to you, some feel spited that they had experianced plenty but now are hungry again, a slight few are struck by a morbid curiosity concerning death.

Choose one: Four of Swords, Two of Cups, King of Pentacles

Finally as the First Turn draws to a close, a new force stronger than any god awakes. The Weaver, a figure as mysterious and innate to this world as the behemoth its built upon, awakens. Shrouded and dark, even the gods have trouble watching it’s movements closely, its eight ethereal arms twisting through the sky and its body more and more shrouded by mystery until it’s torso fades into the obscurity of the unknowable. The Weaver begins his work. Masterfully grasping the otherwise ethereal lines of fate and intertwining them into a beautiful tapestry of destiny. A shard-like dagger rests still at the Weaver’s side, waiting patiently for the moment the strange figure becomes dissatisfied with the cloth. Seeing the new world and the actions of the gods, the figure looks quietly upon the world and heavens. Then, it begins it’s work.


O raw, pulsating thread. Become one. Become bound. This is but the beginning.

------On Mu-----

The First Tribe: the Order of Order:

First was the Order of Order. The purposeless Mumans gathered, united by a common purpose. It didn't took long for the Tribe to establish a ruling system and a set of laws. With Order came Coordination, and the Order learnt quickly to take advantage of the strengths of each individuals to further the goals of the whole.

The Order is strong. The future is promising.

Civilization: The Order of Order
+Law System
+Values: Orderly and coordinated
+United by a common Purpose
=Know of Kel

The Clans of Strife:

Second was the Mumans of the Southwestern Ocean. Unlike the Mumans of the First Tribe who knew Order, these Mumans knew Chaos. Strife and mistrust spiraled until the very reason of the start of the conflict became blurred in time. Eventually, fighting became natural for them, as it was the only mean of securing the scarce resources of the land and ocean. These Mumans splintered further into countless savage groups, that would be known as the Clans of Strife.

Civilization: The Clans of Strife
-Warring and savage
=Know of Iqta

The Seekers of Beauty:

A terrible calamity struck the Mumans who knew Beauty. With the grim realization of the world's ugliness, one idea sparked in the mind of a depressed Muman: life and the world were ugly, unforgivably so, but there was something beautiful: Death.

This nameless Muman took his life before the eyes of a crowd of Mumans. A shocking, terrible, yet fascinating act. The Mumans who witnessed were mesmerized, and all saw what the nameless Muman saw. Yes, dying would free one of this sinful and ugly world. Dying was undoubtedly the most beautiful act.

An unprecedented amount of mass suicides occured, this belief spreading like a virulent plague in the minds of the Mumans.
Those who despaired from this ugly world sought freedom in death.
Those who desired beauty sought the ultimate beauty in death.
Those who were open to beauty were distraught at first, and then intrigued, and eventually converted. They too, ended up seeking beauty in death.

Civilization: The Seekers of Beauty
-The plague of mind: Beauty through Death
+Desire Beauty
=Know Beauty
-Depressed by Ugliness

The Worshippers and the Rejecters of the Eye:

Once the mist had dissipated, the numbers of worshippers stopped growing. Seeing an occasion, the more numerous Mumans who didn't give in to madness hunted and captured the worshippers of the Eye, and exiled them. The Eye became a taboo among those who stayed behind, causing these Mumans to start seeking other sources of worship to forget the trauma. With hardened minds, they managed to endure the harsh conditions of the world better than normal Mumans.

The Worshippers of the Eye travelled through the unforgiving lands, turning into a nomadic group on the edge of extinction. Slowly, starvation thinned their numbers, with no respite in sight...

Civilization: The Worshippers of the Eye
+Worship the Eye
-On the edge of extinction

Civilization: The Rejecters of the Eye
-You don't speak of the Eye (Taboo)
+Open to worship other than the Eye

The Mumans who feared Fire:

The day when their bellows gave birth to fire had marked these Mumans. They started being scared of fire, the flickering flames reminding them of that traumatic day. As such, cold and darkness embraced them one by one, never returning those back.

Civilization: Unnamed Confused Muman group
-Fear of Fire
-Nearing extinction

The Seekers of Answers:

These Mumans kept the vision in mind, keeping an oral record of it. Some grew even more curious, trying to discern some hidden meaning behind it. This caused them to set off to explore, in search of answers. They never stayed in one place very long, sustaining themselves and leaving, allowing the land to conserve its scarce traces of fertility.

Civilization: The Seekers of Answers
+Seek answers
=Know of Acter

The Mumans who glimpsed at the God Equation:

While several minds were lost to insanity, a few strong-willed Mumans sought to understand and reverse-engineer the strange carvings. After long, toiling days, the group who would be known as the Uncoverers managed to retrieve the lost knowledge. To celebrate the accomplishment, the Mumans renamed their society the Uncoverers of Mysteries.

Civilization: The Uncoverers of Mysteries
+Understand Mathematics
+Determined Mathematicians
=Know of the God Equation

The Mumans who knew Plenty:

The screaming hunger, the burning thirst. Since the Mumans knew the silence of their needs, their pleas and cries were stronger than ever to their ears. No longer could they bear them, and as such decided to act on it. These Mumans hunted other Mumans. And then they feasted.

Finally, the screaming needs silenced shut, and they found a new purpose. To never again hear that screaming need, no matter the cost.

Civilization: The Tribe of Craving
+Values: Cannibalistic, Ruthless, Violent
+Value Satiety above all

Spoiler: Civilizations (click to show/hide)

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Spoiler: Artifacts (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 12:51:07 am by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2018, 12:19:51 am »

Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2018, 12:23:18 am »

Posting to weave :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2018, 12:26:48 am »

((Seems like I didn't make it. PTW.))
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2018, 01:20:42 am »

Ace of Cups
Divinatory Meanings: House of the true heart, joy, content, abode, nourishment, abundance, fertility; Holy Table, felicity hereof. Reversed: House of the false heart, mutation, instability, revolution.
The Thousand-Eyed King with Plumes of Starfire and Frigid Tears is touched by the terrible beauty of the Mumans' self-destructiveness. However, the Thousand-Eyed King, ever the pragmatic peacock, judges that these tendencies can only lead to the disappearance of beauty from the world. Thus, the Thousand-Eyed King blesses the Seekers of Beauty with contentment and joy (with a side of fertility), hoping to instill an appreciation for how much more beautiful they already are than the heathens

If this backfires/reverses, the Thousand-Eyed King would instead aim this blessing at mutating the Seekers into more Peafowl-like forms even at the expense of stability.

"A touching sacrifice, my children, but all of you are already beautiful in my thousand eyes! Rejoice in your comeliness, and spread it to the ends of Mu!"

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2018, 03:20:44 am »

Iqta of course chooses The Chariot.

Iqta applies the Chariot upon the minds of the various Clans of Strife [CoS]. With a goal in mind, she placed in their heads the idea of crafting simple tools to catch fish and rafts and canoes and the tools necessary to make such crafts. She also granted them the spear.

"Blessed are the folk of the sea and clans, for you show the drive of life, of fury and plight!"

"For that great ambition rendered, I grant a secret to prowl the shores and plunder from the sea its bounties of flesh and scale."

"Do not dally or doddle, but grow and take sail, to bounties yet unprevailed
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 03:29:48 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2018, 07:49:18 am »

Ace of Wands, please and thank you.

With this, Acter will send his answer-seekers into a renaissance where many new truths of the world will be laid bare to them, they will develop new tools and ways of thinking, their culture will flourish, and those that put their mind to a task will be able to see it through to the end.

And if they meet other tribes that's cool too.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2018, 05:17:10 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2018, 10:13:53 am »

X’arilyg inevitably chooses the Sun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2018, 10:26:36 am »

Mardos chooses the Two of Cups
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Maximum Spin

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Re: Gods of Mu (IC)
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2018, 11:03:15 am »

The Moon!