There is a Minecraft server named
Civclassic. In Civclassic, you play Minecraft as you normally would, using vanilla Minecraft, in the latest version, but, there are hundereds of plugins, all amounting to this: Civclassic is a server built around creating nations and cultures and civlizations. And I was wondering.
Could we make a Bay12 Dwarf - themed Civclassics nation?
The Bay12 Dwarven Nation
(Currently recruiting and eagerly accepting suggestions)
Anyone may jpin this, by typing in the IP adress of Civclassics and running the game (The ip is However, before you do that, let's plan this out.
[Warning: Politics ahead!]
At the top of the heap is the Low king, ruler of the nation, King of kings, Armok's chosen, etc. Etc. I will be undertaking this role until the nation's infarstructure is set up, and once the capital is at least partially complete. However, once I step down, there will be an election for the next High king. He will get the rest of the month in office, as well as the next month, but after that, therw will be a new election. Each month, the current Low King must step down and a new must take his place. If someone goes a second time, he will be known for his second term as Urist II, and if he has a third, Urist III, and so on and so forth. Below him are then seven Chieftains or kings or whatever they get named. These will be the Kings of Seven "Folk", with the Royal city seperately administrated. The Kings/Chieftains have full rulership over their Folks, and serve the exact same term as the Low king, each month being re-elected. They must all swear loyalty to the Low king, and the Low king can overrule any decision they make.
Any Dorf has a vote. One vote. One for the Low king, and one for the Chief of their Folk. Any Dorf may put themself up for office. Each Dorf will chose a Folk to join, although they can live anywhere within the nation. They may change their folk by asking the Chief of the different folk. They do not need permission to leave.
There will be a strict Building code: Build Dorven stuff!
That's about it. If it's sufficiently Dorfy, go ahead.
One fort for each Clan, and another being the capital.
Any Dorf may join the army.
I think you get the idea, so I'll stop. Please mention below if you wish to join, and if you want to name a Folk and become it's first ruler, go ahead.
Please say anything you wish to say below: I would also like to spask, if we get enough peopel, should we mention this on the Bay12 discord?
I'm tired, so I'll stop now and organiza this more in the morning.
And remember :