This is a thread for posting great seeds, and for figuring out the world generation tricks.
I'll start with this awesome volcano embark, the fruit of several days labor trying to figure out exactly what the parameters in world gen do. This embark has a bit more than 10,000 iron total from all three ores, several thousand units of fuel (bituminious coal and lignite are both present), a dwarven-crapton of copper, gold and even platinum. Plus a fair amount of diamonds (not the best vein I've seen but hey). And of course flux : miles and miles of marble, more than enough for your steel industry and your construction needs.
The site is a perfectly flat and wide valley running north and south, covered in trees, and carrying a small stream. There is deep soil, which happens to be loaded with gold and turqoise. Massive cliffs rise to each side on the east and the west, running the full length of the valley. The magma pipe towers in the eastern cliff an impressive 25 z levels above the valley floor. It's a !FUN! accident just waiting to happen.
The only way this site could possibly be better, were if it had a single square of aquifier on it for self-contained power and plumbing. Oh well. The lack of waterfalls is EASILY remedied by a little dwarven industriousness. so without further ado:
Created in DF v0.44.03.