Cool. Maybe I can entice some more people with a Rules Dump
Each turn is at most four hours long. This four hour timespan is hereafter referred to as a Watch. Each Watch, the two sides will prepare for the next assaut. This will be done by maneuvering units and building siege equipment. At any point, the Attackers may order a number of units to assault the Walls. At this point the standard Watch System is interrupted to allow the Defenders to perform some last-minute reactions.
If at any point there is an Attacking unit within the castle that is not currently in combat with a Defending unit, the castle is breached and the Attackers have won. If the Defenders can hold the Attackers at bay for 7 days (42 watches, or 168 hours) the relief force will arrive and the Defenders will be victorious.
The Attackers’ main resource is it’s soldiers and they are without number. They are the ones who build the engines. They are the ones who use them to assault the walls and they are the ones who will die in droves to seize the castle.
Siege Equipment requires wood to build, harvested by soldiers, as well as time to put together, again provided by soldiers. Wood is harvested at the Central Camp. Each hour that a unit harvests wood, they will produce as much wood as their strength. Siege Equipment requires a number of “strengthhours” to be built as well. This is similar to the concept of manhours, but altered to take into account the differing strength of the soldiers available.
For example: Building a Siege Tower requires 20 strengthhours. Thus it would take a single unit of Goblins (1 strength) 20 hours to build. A single unit of Orcs (2 strength) could build it in 10 hours. A Unit of Trolls and a unit of Goblins (4 strength total) could build it in 5 hours.
Siege Engines:
Siege Tower - 16 wood, 20 strengthhours (allows two units to scale the Walls without suffering archery fire)
Ram - 4 wood, 8 strengthhours (allows destruction of a Gate)
Trebuchet - 12 wood, 18 strengthhours (can destroy the castle's Walls and Towers from a Staging Area)
Ladders - 2 wood, 4 strengthhours (allows one unit to scale the Walls, not impeded by moats)
Mantlets - 4 wood, 8 strengthhours (Protects one unit from archery fire)
Siege Equipment:
Fascine - 10 wood, 4 strengthhours (fills the moat, allowing Siege Towers, Rams and Mantlets to reach the walls)
Stakes - 4 wood, 4 strengthhours (repels a unit of knights sallying at this Rampart)
Units start the Central camp, and must travel to the castle walls to be able to seize it.
It takes two hours to move between the 2 southern Staging areas and and the Central Camp, two hours to move from one Staging Area to another, one hour to move from a Staging Area to an associated Rampart and one hour to move between adjacent Ramparts.
Whilst moving, a unit moving from one location to another can transport items with it:
Up to its strength in Wood or
1 unit of Ladders or
1 unit of Mantlets or
1 Ram (2 strength required) or
1 Siege Tower (3 strength required) or
1 Trebuchet (3 strength required)
Naturally, more soldiers will be needed to breach the castle. A unit at the Central Camp can be sent out to gather additional units. After four hours, they will return with a new unit.
Attackers have Goblins, Orcs and Trolls. 1d12: 1-6 Goblins, 7-10 Orcs, 11-12 Trolls.
Start with 18 Goblins, 15 Orcs and 6 Trolls
Goblins: 1 Strength, have ranged weapons, night vision
Orcs: 2 Strength
Trolls: 3 Strength
The Defenders have a limited number of soldiers, and must use them as efficiently as possible to ensure survival. However, they also have dedicated infrastructure allowing the garrison to focus solely on fighting back the Horde.
The Foundry is the manufacturing center of the castle.
Ballista - 8 hours (Tower Engine, can destroy units despite Mantlets and Siege Towers)
Trebuchet - 8 hours (Tower Engine, can target any siege engine in nearby Ramparts and Staging Areas)
Ladder Poles - 4 hours (Wall Equipment, prevents the use of 1 unit of Ladders)
Reinforce Wall/Tower/Gate - 4 hours (Increase the strength of a Wall Section/Tower/Gate)
The Watchtower is the headquarters of the Rangers. These skirmishing specialists sabotage enemy logistics.
Lay Traps - 2 hours (The next unit to travel the designated path is destroyed)
Sabotage Engine - 4 hours (Destroys target siege engine)
The Barracks contains equipment and supplies to train new units. A unit of knights are needed to teach.
Train Archers - 6 hours, 1 Recruits
Train Spearmen - 3 hours, 1 Recruits
Train Veterans - 6 hours, 1 Spearmen
The Courtyard is the staging area of the defenders. Here units may wait in reserve, ready to take to the walls and defend the castle. Knights stationed here may also Sally Forth, dealing damage to attacking units at nearby Ramparts.
The Hospital is where all casualties on the defenders side are moved to. Each hour, two units in the Hospital are restored to health, moving them to the Central Courtyard. Half the remaining units in the Hospital (rounding up) are then destroyed.
It takes time to move units within the Castle. Specifically, it takes 30 minutes to between adjacent Courtyards and 20 minutes to move from a Courtyard to the associated Walls/Towers.
Defenders have Archers, Spearmen, Veterans, Knights and the Hero
Start with 20 Recruits, 20 Archers, 10 Veterans, 5 Knights and the Hero
Archers: 1 Strength, have ranged weapons
Spearmen: 1 Strength
Veterans: 2 Strength
Knights: 3 Strength, can sally, can teach
Hero: 3 Strength, cannot die
All defending archers on the attacked wall, as well as the archers and engines in the adjacent towers, shoot at the attackers as they cross the moat. If the moat is filled, units behind Mantlets will not be targeted by archers, Defending and attacking archers will then both shoot as units scale the walls. Units scaling the wall are targeted first. Units using siege towers will not be targeted by archers. Attacking units awaiting their turn to assault behind mantlets will not be targeted by archers.
Attacking Archers will attempt to suppress defending Archers. For every two attacking units of archers, one defending unit of archers is suppressed. Suppressed archers may not shoot. Archers in Towers cannot be suppressed.
Once an attacking unit reaches the walls, all units on the wall are considered part of the melee. Archers cannot shoot whilst in a melee.
Each combat turn, the total strength of the attacking and defending units in the melee are summed together. Then, each side takes casualties based on the power of the opposing side. A unit must suffer damage equal to its power to be destroyed, however a side cannot lose more units in a single turn than the opposing side has in units.
During the combat turn, another wave of attackers will scale the walls. By the end of the turn any survivors from archery fire will reach the top. If any attackers are still present on the walls during the combat phase, no archers on the wall may shoot at the scaling units. Archers and Siege Engines in towers may shoot regardless.
Unless given orders otherwise, attackers will not retreat. There are six combat turns per hour. Thus huge continuous assaults can receive reinforcements from outside the immediate area.
Instead of scaling the Walls, the attackers can batter down the gates. Each Combat Turn that one or more manned Rams are present at the walls, the Strength of the Gate is reduced by one. Once it has dropped to zero, the Attackers can assault through the Gatehouse without first scaling the Walls. Units on the walls will automatically engage these attackers in melee.