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Author Topic: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort [NEEDS PLAYERS NAOW]  (Read 6068 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #45 on: November 09, 2017, 02:44:47 pm »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #46 on: November 10, 2017, 12:27:35 am »

Chapter 1: Turning Point

1 Granite, 124

The hamlet of Twigtorch awakens from nightmares of the past year onto the indifference of a new year. 

Farmer Bayar is shrouded in a cloak of melancholy unable to face outside because the corpses of his wife Fath and the prior overseer MoonyTheHuman is still littered and splayed about on the the front entrance of the tunnel.

Farmer Sanctume summons his emotions and buries them deep within.  He laid his stubby hand on Bayar’s shoulder and says, “I shall step forward to take upon burden of duty and make things right here in Twigtorch.”

The twenty surviving citizens are robust and is the backbone of labor to make Twigtorch prosper.  The first and immediate action is to find a some place for the four dead, include MoonyTheHuman.  A passageway is dug on the first wall  section of the tunnel entrance, and winds around north into a room for the fallen.  A fortification from the from is carved so the somber room can be seen without going through the passageway. 

Likewise, a similar plan for an adjacent passageway and room for animal remains seems like a worthy task.  And just like that, Farmer Sanctume transitions to the overseer role. 

Spoiler: Tunnel Entrance (click to show/hide)

Beyond the tunnel entrance is the wild growth of a vast forest climbing along the hills.  The trees continue its spread along the stream running from the eastern edge and snakes southwest down to the south edge of Twigtorch proper. 

Spoiler: Twigtorch Local Map (click to show/hide)

As for Twigfort, the hamlet’s foodhold cuts into the northwest hill where part of the sandstone yielded no aquifer and allowed the miners to delve deeper excavations of microcline, orthoclase, and gold nuggets.  But even down in the orthoclase layer, the work area still borders some damp stones.

The first cavern reveals at marble but with no sign of any iron-bearing ores.  A secured dig site among the marble quarry looks like an abandoned sleeping quarters or tombs.

The food stores are low and drinks are alarmingly low.


The corpses are moved out of the tunnel entrance.

Spoiler: Corpse View Room (click to show/hide)

Numerous trees are felled.  Miners followed excavating the hills so it will be flat for an above ground village so visitors and adventurers may come.  Ramps are removed and strategic cage traps are planned to be lain.

The scattered orthoclase boulders are gathered and turned into building blocks by the masons.   The “Tavern”, dubbed for the first building, is planned to be multi-level with two floors of 6 private bedrooms “inns”, a generous dance hall, a comfortable dining area for 10, a kitchen and brewing facility, and above-ground farms down in the 3rd-level basement. 

The legendary stone crafter, Craft Z. Z., will use up all the diorite rocks to make large pots.

The Carpenter’s House refers to the second building erected using cacao logs.  It is of modest to house the carpenter’s workshop, with two private rooms on the second floor, and an attic space on the third floor.  It has one basement for coffee logs, and tea tree logs. 

In early spring, the elven caravan from Iramimame arrived.  The elves did not seem to mind some of the corpses still lay about.  An elven merchants even has a facial expression as if the rotting corpse was a wasted delicy.  Nevertheless, Mech L. O. managed to scrape together cut gems to trade for a leopard, a grizzly bear, and barrels of fruits.

Speaking of grizzly bear, a small area by the stairs is set assigned for war bear and war dog trainings. 

Spoiler: War Animal Training (click to show/hide)


Before mid-spring, nineteen migrants arrived to join Hamlet Twigtorch.

The Military candidates are bolstered by Spear D. I., Spear K. N., Guard E. B., Guard D. D., Guard R. U., and Imic “Imic Bones” M. K.

The forge crew added A Forge E. S., A Forge R. L., W Forge I. L., W Forge K. L., W Forge R. M., W Forge Z. A., and W Forge Z. D.

Food services added Farmer A. M., Farmer C. K.

The Craft division added Craft K. O., and Craft S. B.

The Specialist divisions is created and began with:
Kingawsume, “Cheese Kingaw” because he wants to make cheese.

And Spriggans “The ScareLess” is a peasant with no particular skill, who dreams of crafting a masterwork someday, but has no item preference, and has no ambition whatsoever.


26 Granite

The werelizard Osta has come from the north, even before the newest migrants step past a tree on the east edge of Twigtorch.  The civilian alert “Safety Inside” is activated, and a newly created “Hide” along the east edge and down by the riverbank.

It is fortunate that a wild tapir distracted Osta for some time away to the north.  “Hide” is deactivated so the new arrivals can come in.  By the time Osta arrives near the entrance, it turned into a friendly goblin.  Not so friendly to the eyes of Kingawsume who gave chase, but Osta has fled Twigtorch. 

Spoiler: Werelizard Osta (click to show/hide)

This threat brings forward the realization that Twigtorch is defenseless.  The mechanics suggested cage traps and the carpenter will build many cages.  So along the future main road, 2 mechanic shops, 2 carpenter shops, and 2 mason shops are built.  A pair of stone stockpiles for microcline and sandstone line along the workshops.  Logs scatter about so there is no immediate need for exclusive wood pile.

Speaking of threats, someone rises and haunts Twigtorch.

Spoiler: Haunting (click to show/hide)

The Military also need to training sooner, so the weaponsmiths are to make silver maces, silver war hammers, copper crossbows and copper spears. 


Before the end of late spring, Forge R. M. claims a forge interrupting the armorers making copper armors.  Forge R. M. grabs a platinum bar left behind on the forge, and wants a stacked leather.  A butcher’s shop is hastily built and the only candidate for slaughtering is the recently acquired leopard.

Forge R. M. creates a platinum short sword worth 118,800☼.

Spoiler: Platinum Sword (click to show/hide)


Summer arrives, and the Militia Commander promotion is given to Cmd Forge R. M. so he may use his platinum sword, and heads the squad “The Rocks of Dawn”.

“The Cooperative Shields” are the mace squad.
“The Mechanical Cloaks” are the spear squad.
“The Robust Gears” are the guards who will be training hammer and eventually move to crossbows.


It is still early summer when a human caravan from Omon Medi arrived.  Masterful diorite large pots and 5 silver spiked balls are traded for some weapons, cloth and leather.
And before early summer ends, Ten migrants arrived include 2 kids: Kid A. O., and Kid G. F.

Forge: A Forge B. E., A Forge D. N.
Food: Farmer K. U., and Farmer L. R.
Builder: Miner U. K.
Military: Guard E. L., Guard S. L., and Werty Zerty, Guard Werty O. G.

Immediately, the new Guards are added to The Robust Gear squad.  On the way to the Twigtorch, Guard Werty punched the head of a hostile iguana.

Spoiler: Guard Werty (click to show/hide)


Mid-summer arrives, the squads are training, and many cage traps are set.   Twigtorch feels a little more secure from the outside.  But such complacency in security reveals an enemy within.

Spoiler: Vampire Screening (click to show/hide)

/ooc “Oh fuck. A vampire in the fortress.  I’ve read about it, but I’ve never had one my game.”

This is the turning point where Twigtorch has the potential to be a metropolis of culture, learning, trade, entertainment and adventure, but instead, it is shrouded with suspicions and deceit and death. 

A dungeon is needed in the literal sense to hold prisoners in a pit or cell.  The last ten migrants are suspects. 

A small cell is dug accessed through a ramp and closed by stone hatch covers.  Once locked, the prisoner below will be secured.  But, now the puzzle to lure the citizen suspect without alerting every other citizen.

Beginning with the two kids, a toy stockpile on each can lure the bastards.  Hatch cover locked. 

For the adults, a personal lever for each to pull now is a good idea. 

Forward thinking, a vampire’s mansion.must be excavated.  It will have a bedroom, an office, maybe even its own barracks.  Definite a control room full of levers.  And an air-lock for safe delivery of supplies. 

The vampire’s victim is found in one of the Tavern’s private room.  The orientation of the private rooms re-constructed into shared bedrooms with private storage.  The same idea will apply to the Carpenter’s House.


By late summer, 8 of the 10 migrants are showing signs of thirst and hunger, and are sleeping. 
The remaining suspects are Guard S. L. and Farmer L. R.  The other 8 are released.

A few days later, Farmer L. R. shows sign of thirst and hunger. 
Guard S. L. is only showing a sign of thirst, hunger and sleeping so it is released.

Before summer’s end, Forge K. A. is taken by a fey mood and claims a Craftsdwarf’s Workshop and completes her creation as autumn arrives.

Spoiler: Bone Sword (click to show/hide)

Forge K. A. makes a bone sword and she is renamed to Bonesword K. A.


Early autumn as preparations to move Farmer L. R. to the vampire’s mansion, he went to sleep and is hungry and thirsty and reluctantly released. 

The vampire hunting resumes, and this time the dungeon capacity is up to 14.

/ooc Aww crap, Farmer L. R. is went to sleep.

The caravan from Shovethmistem arrives with no outpost liaison?  How curious...
Another 5 silver spiked balls worth 15k☼ is traded for nickel cages, weapons, cloth and leather.

21 Limestone

Day 1: All 14 suspects are locked in the dungeon.

Day 8:  Few dwarfs are showing thirst.  Those who feel asleep are released: Spear D. Ii, Spriggans “The ScareLess”, and Guard E. B.

Day 20: Some more dwarfs shows hunger. 
Two dwarfs in particular: Imic and Farmer A. M. are not showing signs of thirst.

Spoiler: Vampire Screening 2 (click to show/hide)

On mid-autumn, Farmer A. M. went to sleep, so Imic is likely the vampire and shows no sign of thirst or hunger.

Spoiler: Imic (click to show/hide)

Imic is removed from The Robust Gear and put in his own squad, The Order of Books.

Resume squad training.  Imic is released from the dungeon and he dashes out in a blur through the central stairs.  He disappears?  No.  He is being followed and it is the correct path to the mansion.  Imic did not need to pick up any equipment and begins individual drill in his own gold armor stand barracks.  An orthoclase door is locked.


Early autumn, while the second batch of the vampire screening is going on, the construction of the “Butcher’s Shop” starts.  The building is planned to house 2 sets of 8 shared-bedrooms with private storage on the 1st and 2nd floor.  With stairs in the middle to climb up to the 4th level with 10 archery range. 

The 1st basement is currently flooded because it’s an aquifer, and plan to be an indoor bone pile and garbage chute.  The 2nd basement will house the butcher, tanner and leather shops.  Digging further down to the garbage smasher. 

The aquifer breach will begin from below, through the “Butcher’s Gate” that connects into Twigtorch proper. 

With the Butcher’s gate secured for flood prevention, and the portable drain is set, dig up to breach the aquifer commences.


“The Harvest of Plotting” tavern is opened to all with twelve bedrooms for the inn.


Late autumn, Admin M. V. has been found dead, completely drained of blood!

Spoiler: Fast Imic (click to show/hide)

Damn, Imic is fast.  He was being followed as he was released to move to the Vampire’s Mansion.  The Admin’s office has a private bedroom in the back, and Imic must have gone there quick on the way to the Mansion.  Well, he is off training now and will now be a full time record keeper and manager.  Admin M. V. was doing those before he died.

Oh, Twigtorch is now a Village, and the mayor is Mace Z. K. has been elected earlier and it is mandating 3 ballista parts.  There is no Mayor’s Mansion being built yet.

However, a 2nd basement is being dug below the Carpenter’s house for a siege workshop to meet the ballista parts mandate.

Spoiler: Butcher’s Shop (click to show/hide)


Winter has come and oh shit, the dead walk!  A siege coming from the southwest.  Everyone to Safety Inside.

Eh, well, the undead was probably just passing through. The siege is gone.

Aha, a necro got caged because the hills ramps were removed to trapped choke areas.

Spoiler: Un-Siege (click to show/hide)

“Greetings Kadol and welcome to Twigtorch.  May you serve many overseers.”


Mid-winter possessed Craft K. S., an already legendary Glassmaker.  A glass furnace is built, and a green glass earring is created.

Spoiler: Glass Earring (click to show/hide)


By winter’s end, the two sets of 8 shared bedroom with private storage is available at the Butcher’s Shop.  The 10 archery at the top is also complete, but the future marksdwarfs are still training hammer.  The Butcher, Tanner, and Leather is below, and at the bottom is the Butcher’s Gate to the fortress, and below that is the functional indoor garbage smasher.

The Trade Depot Drowning is filled and ready via water reactors and aquifer.  The drain controls should theoretically work. 

Some work to caverns trapped hallway breaching the Cavern 1 is mostly complete.  Overseer Sanctume hoped to capture Giant Cave Spider, and has prepared web collection as well as webbed trap engineering design.

Spring comes, alas, Sanctume passed the burden of duty to the next who would take it.  The Tavern is open in Twigtorch.


The Save

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #47 on: November 10, 2017, 05:53:11 am »

Well, it's convenient the embark is non-reanimating. Skeleton warriors might attack otherwise.

The map is pretty large and hilly. Deramping is an attractive prospect; one that was already fulfilled.

RE: Administration

Do you call the Miner/Mason/Mechanic set the builder class because one used to require masons to build walls?

RE: Small dungeon

The two tile bridge in front of the fortress door may be unfortunate choice; any building destroyer is going to stand on it, which means a titan is going to prevent it being closed as they go to work on destroying it.

Lots of traps, though. 43.05 tho...What's for ammo?

RE: Outdoor complexes

Tavern seems to have fully fledged survival readiness. Well, almost - the entrance is missing a sealing bridge, but otherwise it's a bunker.

RE: Elven trading.

Shame that the settlement is po-wait. Scraped together some gems? There's mountain of gold.

Ah well.

RE:26th Granite

Yikes. A werelizard on top of migrant wave?

That's quite the danger. Not even behind war bears yet.

The tapir should be rewarded, but the lizard is sure to return. Better prepare - the cage traps along the terraces do nothing.

RE: New industry

Outside again? Daring.

Though, I'm not sure how good a platinum sword is at cutting. Iirc better than copper, worse than iron?

Wish it was hammer.
RE: Vampire

What misfortune! But the candidate list is limited. And could turn it around into fortune of a vampire coven.

Also, why are all your dwarf..Ah. Sceening through thristiness.

I don't think a kid can even topple a statue in worldgen. Certainly, I've never seen it.

But...I take it you released everyone from screening?

So the bloodsucker is still at large.

A secondary solution would be to train everyone to be so tough a vampire's feast doesn't kill them. But that's infeasible to do before next victim.

RE:second sword.

I take it the K.A. didn't get their weaponsmithing experience in time.

Could have been mildly useful iron sword with forbidding, though otoh ceremonical weapon has more sentimental value.

RE: resumed screening

It was clever of the vampire to wait till next  migrant wave. Or maybe their first snack survived.

Regardless, you don't let yourself be deterred.

RE:Butcher's house.

A mere portable drain can't handle full power of aquifer.

Or so I thought - you clearly manage to build the house.

I take it the Butcher's gate lever is for the bridge right next to it.

That's...Another entrance? I fear someone will miss some entrances, walling up in face of a siege.

RE:Late Autumn

It's very convenient that Mr. Bones removed their predecessor in particular. No need to look for a replacement.


Hm, poofing siege issues. Maybe should harvest some trees near to it or use fix/stuck-units.

Undead aren't fond of dodging,so they'll run straight into traps.

But a vampire, now a necro...

Could combine the two for vampire necro.

RE:Glass earring

What glass crafts have you been creating? Spiked balls?

Refresh my memory as I don't recall. Will dwarves wear artifact earrings on their own?


Jeez, trading in Twigtorch is scary. At least it isn't ‼lignite block‼ trade depot, but that's not much of a consolidation.

For now, though, all caravans have left alive. They suspect nothing.

As for Melange, they were last active on the 8th. We'll see.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • hellomouse
Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #48 on: November 10, 2017, 10:11:11 am »

I'll PM them. They have two days to respond, otherwise he will be skipped.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #49 on: November 10, 2017, 10:22:51 am »

Well, it's convenient the embark is non-reanimating. Skeleton warriors might attack otherwise.

The map is pretty large and hilly. Deramping is an attractive prospect; one that was already fulfilled.

RE: Administration

Do you call the Miner/Mason/Mechanic set the builder class because one used to require masons to build walls?

It has to do with mood eventually.  I don't put priority to groom someone who likes table, chairs, armor stands, weapon rack, grates, flood gates but I would try to make them pursue mason first, before I toggle them to do mining and mechanic for resetting cage traps and lever linking. 

I usually apply to the founders for early jack of all labor needs.  I think I've even created the the Builder labors in DT so I can easily set migrants to do those jobs.

RE: Small dungeon

The two tile bridge in front of the fortress door may be unfortunate choice; any building destroyer is going to stand on it, which means a titan is going to prevent it being closed as they go to work on destroying it.

Lots of traps, though. 43.05 tho...What's for ammo?
I was going to make it a bridge bunker, but I got the impression Moony wants it to be more of an open fort, so I went for cage traps.  I thought the bridge would help steer the pathing.  The double hatched from above (left of old depot) should be secured from BD since there will be no path when both are set to forbid.

RE: Outdoor complexes

Tavern seems to have fully fledged survival readiness. Well, almost - the entrance is missing a sealing bridge, but otherwise it's a bunker.
That was the initial idea.  Can still be done by moving the stairs 1 tile north, and extending the front door and go for locked hatch system also.

I think my initial vision is the entire surface will have something self-sustaining areas of a metropolis.

RE: Elven trading.

Shame that the settlement is po-wait. Scraped together some gems? There's mountain of gold.

Ah well.

Despite a dwarf having Metal Craft+10, there were no gold crafts not even goblets that spring.  I spent my first few days moving the corpses to the viewing room.
I though it would be fun to have a sieging necro raise MoonyTheHuman (and Fath) zombie which should get caged trapped out of that room. 

RE:26th Granite

Yikes. A werelizard on top of migrant wave?

That's quite the danger. Not even behind war bears yet.

The tapir should be rewarded, but the lizard is sure to return. Better prepare - the cage traps along the terraces do nothing.

The migrant wave spawned in the east edge of the map.  The werelizard spawned in the middle north part of the hill.  So it was luck.  No one was far outside since I did not start flattening the hill yet until after the first 2 buildings were built.

RE: New industry

Outside again? Daring.

Though, I'm not sure how good a platinum sword is at cutting. Iirc better than copper, worse than iron?

Wish it was hammer.

I know that there were a few platinum bars, copper and silver bars.  No iron bars/ores, and I did not bother to see if there are meltable iron.  The dwarf prefers short sword, so I left it alone when a platinum bar was picked up. 

RE: Vampire

What misfortune! But the candidate list is limited. And could turn it around into fortune of a vampire coven.

Also, why are all your dwarf..Ah. Sceening through thristiness.

I don't think a kid can even topple a statue in worldgen. Certainly, I've never seen it.

But...I take it you released everyone from screening?

So the bloodsucker is still at large.

A secondary solution would be to train everyone to be so tough a vampire's feast doesn't kill them. But that's infeasible to do before next victim.

This is my first time playing and dealing with a vampire in a fort.  I've read about them from other stories, so the implementation is new.  I was not sure if a vampire can fake thirst or hunger.  But I recall they do not sleep, so I wait for the 'Z' icon to blink. 

In the second screening, Imic did not blink thirst, hunger at all.  But I used sleep as the "pretty sure" indicator.

RE:second sword.

I take it the K.A. didn't get their weaponsmithing experience in time.

Could have been mildly useful iron sword with forbidding, though otoh ceremonical weapon has more sentimental value.

Yeah, that dwarf has a bone craft+1 and the weaponsmithing was still not yet 1.  But also prefers short sword.

RE: resumed screening

It was clever of the vampire to wait till next  migrant wave. Or maybe their first snack survived.

Regardless, you don't let yourself be deterred.

I've thought about that, and it's probably because there were not a lot of beds, not even dorms setup.

The Tavern and Carpenter's House had the first beds built, and one in the Admin office.

RE:Butcher's house.

A mere portable drain can't handle full power of aquifer.

Or so I thought - you clearly manage to build the house.

I take it the Butcher's gate lever is for the bridge right next to it.

That's...Another entrance? I fear someone will miss some entrances, walling up in face of a siege.

There was an already 3-wide exploratory dig heading to that Butcher's Gate.  When I dig down from above, the first layer is already an aquifer. 
I've done portable drain, and it works quite well for at least a 5x5 stairs, and this one is larger.  I have 5 miners, and 3 are legendary miners at this point.  I closed the 3 inside and dig up.  Once one stairs is draining down, the other miners starts digging from above since it is no longer water logged.

RE:Late Autumn

It's very convenient that Mr. Bones removed their predecessor in particular. No need to look for a replacement.

That was just nuts.  I 'F'ollwed Imic and it seemed to pause in the stairs.  It was quick and I did no see him bite the Admin in his back bedroom past the office.  The 'F'ollow continued to his mansion where I manually forbid the door.

Anyway, I have a 5x5+ air lock room near the mansion for future overseers to have fun with.


Hm, poofing siege issues. Maybe should harvest some trees near to it or use fix/stuck-units.

Undead aren't fond of dodging,so they'll run straight into traps.

But a vampire, now a necro...

Could combine the two for vampire necro.

I put effort in clear cutting the south west hills off trees.

I hate hillsides and prefer flat ground.  But removing ramps encourages pathing to choke points.  I like those ramps+1 tile primed for cage traps in this case.

RE:Glass earring

What glass crafts have you been creating? Spiked balls?

Refresh my memory as I don't recall. Will dwarves wear artifact earrings on their own?

I have at least 2 migrants with Glassmaker+10 already.  I don't think there is sand around for glass making.  The green glass came from trade depot.


Jeez, trading in Twigtorch is scary. At least it isn't ‼lignite block‼ trade depot, but that's not much of a consolidation.

For now, though, all caravans have left alive. They suspect nothing.

As for Melange, they were last active on the 8th. We'll see.

My initial plans was to excavate the 7x7 space/room right of the drowning chamber.  I wanted to channel from above so the area is lighted and where the squads can train.  And make it part of the fort entrance with the drowning chamber as a backup plan for defense.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 10:24:40 am by Sanctume »

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #50 on: November 10, 2017, 12:17:30 pm »


Hm. Someone who likes furniture only...That's who I'd make dabbling weapon- or armorsmith. I strongly prefer artifact equipment to artifact furniture, as artifact furniture's unique benefits - indestructibleness - is greatly diluted once all entrances are secure.

That aside, I imagine most of them mood as miner, since 120? exp for digging out four tiles > 30 exp for using the resultant rock in a workshop.

DT is convenient.

Re:Re: Small dungeon

Aha, I see. Yeah, that explains it. Dungonness....

Dungeons are used for prisoners, I guess, so I guess that's something for next overseer.

Though forbidding hatches doesn't seem to prevent path to main fort.

Re:Re:Outdoor complexes

Kinda more like an alliance of city-states than single city, then.

Re:Re:Elven trading

I approve of founder zombies in the dungeon. Excellent idea! Maybe best place them next to their slabs, as a way of rememberance.

Massive PITA to do that for everyone who dies, though.

Re:Re:New industry

Yeah, it's kinda...It'll do for unarmored, and once it's replaced by steel it's best choice.


Sleep...They don't claim bedrooms in particular, so in other forts could have used that for older waves, given how long ago Imic arrived. Here, I guess the thought of sleeping wold be absent, but it took a while for bedrooms to get up.

For now, I foresee it shall contain mostly werebeast in the future, though.

Re:Re:Butcher's house

Portable drain matching 5x5? That's quite something.

I recall, I think it was Spriggans, who ran into 1x1xmultiz stairs in aquifer overwhelming 1-wide map edge drain.


Probably my favourite is 1 or 2 tiles higher central map area with all map edges being lower and same height. Can do organic and deramping, can see all enemies at once, won't have to work around an aquifer or scroll up/down much.

In the absence of that, flat is good.

Re:Re: Glass Earring

Well, maybe some air biomes have sand? It's a long shot, though.

Defensively, perhaps most appropriate would be to combine dungeon with military so that they visitors don't die before seeing it at all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #51 on: November 10, 2017, 12:42:51 pm »

This is quite fun.  It would probably have spoiled some fun for future overseers if I had played for more than 1 year. 

But I think it's a good foundation so new overseers can to add their flavor to however this Dungeon ends up being.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #52 on: November 10, 2017, 01:21:01 pm »

It's 11:50 pm here. I've had a long day and I really can't go through the write-up atm. Will start working on it tomorrow afternoon.
It's like regular childcare, except with more dogs, and less care.
The science of burning innocent children could be perfected into clockwork.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #53 on: November 10, 2017, 01:24:59 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #54 on: November 11, 2017, 05:32:10 am »

"I ain't got no fear !"
-- Spriggans

I arrived in this place a few months ago.
Pretty place. Lots of cool building. Plenty of gold.

I am Spriggans, and I am Fearless.
I came here in looking for excitement.
I specialize at escaping and surviving dangerous places or situations.

I survived the great booze shortage back in the mountainhomes. In a previous fortress, I clamb my way out of the caverns after a stupid overseer ordered the lever pulled and trapped me in.
I have resources. I know how to survive.
I am a cunning master of the art of escape !

I came here because it is told it will become a great dangerous Dungeon.
TwigTorch ! I want to test its dangers !

I am Spriggans, the Fearless, Dungeon Tester ! (tadadaaaa !)

It began easily enough.
"A vampire alert !", Sanctume said one day
After that I was tossed in a dirty cell with a useless lever, and I had to find a way out.
I was veeeery easy to escape. I simulated sleep and got freed. Easiest escape of my career.

So far TwigTorch ain't challenging.
But the Dungeon is growing.

I look forward to the incoming challenges !

BTW, amazing update :)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 05:33:53 am by Spriggans »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2017, 07:13:29 pm »

If you're still naming dwarfs, a dwarf named "Banjo" would be fun. Don't care about the details of sex/profession


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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2017, 07:49:39 pm »

So.... He ran out of time. RIP.
Who's next?!
Grabbing kingawsume.

Khan Boyzitbig

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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort [NEEDS PLAYERS NAOW]
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2017, 06:20:06 pm »

I would like to claim a dwarf too. Maybe a turn, depends when that would be.
////;::;\\\\ Scuttle Scuttle...

Milk for the Khorneflakes!

Luminous Bolt of Bacon
"Excuse me sir, You are on Fire."

Fleeting Frames

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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort [NEEDS PLAYERS NAOW]
« Reply #58 on: November 17, 2017, 04:18:39 am »

Right now would be good, I guess.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DungeonKeeper, the Dungeon Fort [NEEDS PLAYERS NAOW]
« Reply #59 on: November 17, 2017, 06:56:05 pm »

I'll take a turn I guess, and a dwarf. Anything is fine. I haven't read through the thread yet, but hopefully by Sunday I will have. Or I could go in completely blind, which is always fun.

Edit: I'm going to have to repeal my offer for taking a turn, but I still wouldn't mind a dorfing.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 06:25:23 am by MottledPetrel »
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