Major Actions:
- Rusyn Public Library: To encourage literacy among the karls, we will build a public library in Kiev, with a pan-Slavicist collection and volunteer-led literacy classes. All other cities will be encouraged to follow suit.
- Meritocracy: In order to stifle public unrest regarding corruption, all political and military appointments must be strictly meritocratic; high-level appointments will be argued in public so that all may know the rationale, while lower-level appointments must merely be based on thorough reporting on a prospective appointee's ability. Anyone found falsifying reports will be executed.
- Economic summit: We must invest in industry if we wish to have any economic relevance in the world. To develop strategies toward this end, we will sponsor a summit of the best economists our schooling system has produced, and any from other countries who wish to join. The summit is to provide reports and policy recommendations directly to the Grand Prince.
Research: Kievan Rus' has some of the best education in the world (at least for the upper classes), and we must leverage this advantage as far as possible. To this end, we wish to stay on the cutting edge of theoretical physics, directing our research toward newly discovered concepts like the atomic nucleus, isotopes, and the proton (not to mention the neutron if anyone has discovered it yet in this timeline). In particular, we'd like to develop practical applications of the mass-energy theorem (I'm assuming
that's been discovered by now) for harvesting energy from rest-mass.
Engineering: On more immediately practical matters, though, we must engineer new ways to extend naval power; our ships are utterly decrepit! We'll look into designing new battleships and perhaps even make an attempt at submarines.
Minor Actions:
- Colonel Pavlenko is formally promoted to hold his current position permanently, rather than inviting the opportunity for more corruption in replacing him.
- We shall sponsor several small math and science competitions for children and young adults in the educational system.
- The Grand Prince will of course personally oversee the annual Festival of Thunder and sacrifice a great ox to Perun.
Nothing else immediately comes to mind.