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Author Topic: The Chronicle of Agedtrades  (Read 647 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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The Chronicle of Agedtrades
« on: November 09, 2017, 05:15:32 am »

Athira Alino is dominated by three mountainranges: The Oracular Tower in the south-west, the Towers of Sliding in the south-east and in the north-west The Crest of Releasing. The north-east of the island opens to The Contested Seas in a large bay. There are two large bodies of water, adjunct each other: The Ocean of Filling in the center of the island and just to the east of it The New Seas. The Seas of Scalding is a smaller body of water just between the former too. There are some marshes on the western shore, called the Undignifies Turmoil-Bog and in the east there is The Dune of Connecting, badlands where little good is living.

Now, there are dwarven settlements in the two southern ranges, but The Crest of Releasing is yet unstricken by any dwarven pick. So, I set my eyes upon those mountains. After much research I found a likely patch of land on the north-eastern slope in a woodland region called The Steppe of Scales. It is on the southern shore of the river Labortrotted in an area with a warm climate. It is defined as being a land of untamed wilds, so there should be some wildlife that we need to be aware of. Some crossbows should be of use early on.

Our party: The Axe of Gullies

Paul Warmgold, the scribe
Paul is an impatient fellow who makes up for his lack of strength with a bright, creative mind, good memory and excellent communication skills. He will be the one who keeps track of everything from the very start.

Rianne Floorbrands, the hunter   
A very focused lady, moving with a lot of grace and always aware of her surroundings.

Sven Wheelblow, the axeman
Sven is our woodcutter, but also our first fighter, wielding his big axe with as much talent against aggressive animals as he does against trees.

Nick Vaultfainted, the crafter
Maybe the outsider of the pack, Nick is quiet, socially awkward and very weak. But be it wood, bone or hide, in his hands everything turns to art.

Marit Wallspeak, the miner
Marit is a hard working woman who goes on and on until the pick is blunt. She hums all day and whistles while she works.

Haico Soundcastle, the provider
Be it farming, picking berries, brewing beer or cooking up delicious meals from meager scraps, Haico is the man you want. Very creative and always in for a chat while working, he never forget a name, face of favorite dish.

Sebastiaan Gudgelpolished, the stoneworker
While handling a pick with great talent, Sebastiaans true strength lies in forming the stone he handles into furniture, mechanisms or structures. He shows great patience and can really get lost in his work.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: The Chronicle of Agedtrades
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2017, 05:18:57 am »

15th Granite   
The river Labortrotted flows from the east to the west through the northern part of our area and form a natural barrier that we would be foolish not to use. Since we have no hills here I sent our miners to channel into the earth near the water edge and thus create large slope leading down.
Rianne immediately got into a fight with a giant slug, shooting many bolts into it without apparent damage to the animal.

18th Granite   

Sven has felled three trees that stood near our digsite and now Nick is building his first carpenters workshop in the open air. In due time we will move it inside but for now we need barrels for meat and plants that Haico collects.

19th Granite   
Rianne has finaly done it and killed the Giant slug. He now has to drag the giant, slimy thing all across the field to where our camp is. I do not envy him.

26th Granite   

Rianne finally arrived with the slug at the cart. He now has to build a butcher shop before the sticky corpse starts to rot. While he was hauling the heavy thing around Marit and Sebastiaan have been working on the ramp and have now arrived in the dolomite, four levels beneath the surface. I hope that they will be able to construct the first halls just beneath Labortrotted.

3rd Slate   
It took me some time to figure out why the Giant Slug was left lying next to the cart. It turned out that the butcher show was too far away from the corpse. So now I got my dwarves hauling it to a small stockpile next to the butcher shop manually.

12th Slate   
The Slug is finally butchered and we have now so much meat lying about that I built a food-stockpile next to the butcher shop to store the meat safely in barrels so that it does not rot.
14th Slate   
Somehow my dwarves have decided that they want to transport ALL the food to the stockpile, so this might take up quite some time and space. Given that, I decided to build an outdoor kitchen next to it so that we can reduce the quantity of raw food items and stock up on prepared meals. Haico immediately got to it and started rendering the enormous amount of fat we got from the slug.

17th Slate   
While the other dwarves are still working on the stockpile, Rianne has picked up new bolts and left for another hunt. He appears to have targeted a Yak. However, the beast seems to strong for him as he keeps running out of ammunition. Maybe he is just a lousy shot.
18th Slate   
Rianne has officially run out of ammunition. Oh well, for now we have enough meat anyway. In the meantime Marit and Sebastiaan have finished the first part of our entrance hall and have started on the second quarter.
19th Slate   
The first quarter of the entrance Hall will for now be used by Nick as a stone workshop where he can make goods from stone so that we can clear out some of the stone that now just lies around the halls. I put in an order with him to make some bins first so that he can use those in his workshop. More than a month has passed since we arrived here and things look promising.

22nd Slate   
I noticed that there was still the mangled skin of the slug lying about in the butchers stockpile so I gave the order to construct a tanners workshop, also outside. We will eventually have to move all of our food and shops underground, but not right now. For now there are other priorities.

25th Slate   
Our miners are working faster every day. The second quarter of our entrance hall is about finished and I gave the order to construct the third and fourth. I also decided to move the carpenters workshop into the second quarter, because it is rather close to the entrance. I planned stockpiles for wood and wooden articles and sent my dwarves hauling.
5th Felsite   
Our kitchen now indeed takes the meat from the butcher shop to turn into meals. We have some delicious slug stew in our barrels.

9th Felsite   
The wood-related stockpiles are almost filled, our miners are back at work, expanding the main hall, it is time for Paul to start his work as a scribe so we had Nick build him a table and a chair to start recordkeeping. We wouldn’t want to lose insight in our stocks.

21st Felsite   
The entrance hall is done. In the south-eastern corner I put the masons workshop with its stockpile. In the south-western corner will be the trade depot with a stockpile for all other finished goods that are not made of wood or stone, so that we can keep those close to the center of commerce.

24th Felsite   
Time for expansion. While ordering the first stone doors to be crafted I opened up the entrance hall to the south, planning a corridor leading to the west and to the south.

6th Hematite   
While Sebastiaan is making doors, Marit has dug out what will be the fishery and has now started on excavating the indoors butcher’s shop. I am working out the blueprint for the food- and drink-facilities and it is going rather well, if I say so myself. 

11th Hematite   
The butcher’s workshop is done. Now to plan ahead we excavate another room on the other side of the hallway to house our bonecrafter’s workshop as well as our jeweler. This way those will be close enough to the Trade depot as well as to the butcher shop.

21st Hematite   
The kitchen is done and we have designed two stockpiles, one for resources and one for prepared meals. Now it’s time to haul all of those inside so that our food stays nice and dry.

2nd Malachite   
Now that all rooms needed to prepare an animals corpse are done, I designated one of our animals of burden, a Water Buffalo Cow to be slaughtered. Rianne immediately got to it.

8th Malachite   
While Haico is busy rendering the Buffalo Fat an preparing the meat into meals we let Marit excavate the still and dining hall and haul the drinking stocks inside.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: The Chronicle of Agedtrades
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2017, 05:20:37 am »

11th Malachite   
A group of migrants arrive:
-   Solveig Snarledlances, who knows how to trap animals, she also brought her pet Goat Zulban
-   Bart Talkstandards, who is an High Master Weaponsmith
-   Frieke Mirrorkindled, who has some talent setting Gems
-   Anja Helmsbolt, who is an adequate macefighter as well as an adequate alround crafter
-   Yolanda Stableringed, who is talkative and talented at negotiation
-   Dennis Wetlashes, who is a High Master Cook

These are the changes I made to the job distribution:

-   Dennis will take over the job of cook, leaving Haico the task of brewing drinks.
-   Bart will eventually start smithing weapons but for now he takes over as second miner from Sebastiaan, so that the former can concentrate on Masonry
-   Frieke will take the job of jeweler, cutting and setting gems
-   Anja will take over as Stone- and Bonecarver so that Nick can focus on carpentry
-   Yolanda will take the seat of broker, conduction our trade. In her spare time she will help collect plants and eventually work on the fields.
-   Solveig will for now assist everyone as a Hauler.

15th Malachite   
Our new arrivals were directly put to work, hauling stones to the new designated stockpiles near our stone crafter’s and masons workshop, bringing the remainder of the alcohol inside and constructing some of the workshops that had not yet been completed. We sent Anja to make bolts out of the Water Buffalo bones so that Rianne can start hunting again.
We also started to put the first tables in the dining hall, even though Marit and Bart were still busy with digging it out.

17th Malachite   
While we wait for new ammunition we sent Dennis to slaughter the Cow who has been grazing outside since we arrived.

2nd Galena   
We are now digging upwards, looking for a spot near the surface where there is clay or soil for us, so we can build our first farm. In the meantime we tie two of our dogs to ropes near the entrance to our fort. We bring in the last bit of goods from the wagon (some cloth we store near the Trade depot for now).

9th Galena   
We have found some soil and now we can bring in the last of our goods from the outside, namely the barrels and bags with seeds. Our dwarves should have their work cut out for them for quite some time now. After this we will start on the lodgings. Nick has already started constructing beds.

14th Galena
The hauling slowly progresses. We gave Solveig a job: She will be processing plants and hair and for that goal construct a farmers workshop in the farming area.

22nd Galena   
We have by now started producing thread and need to think about how we are going to have our lodgings laid out. I have to consider that I want my military to have their rooms closest to the entrance but as of now I do not have any actual military. There is also the matter of a hospital that I need to be prepared for.

23rd Galena   
The blueprint is ready. We are using the space to the west for our lodgings. Around the halls containing kitchen, still, butcher shop, fishery and dining hall there leads a wide corridor. On the western side of the corridor there will be to doors, the northern one leading to the military training hall, the southern one to the hospital. From the training hall there is a narrow corridor leading to the soldiers lodgings. South of the hospital we extend the southern corridor to the west. From here you can reach the meeting hall, located next to the hospital. To the south there is a wide hall with small corridors branching of to the East and west, with the lodgings of our commoners in groups of ten per corridor. 