I had a scenario where I was using marble to make blocks to build a really long "bridge" from the north end land of the embark to the south end with ocean in between.
So it was either 4x2 or 5x2 local map embark. That is at least 48 tiles x4 => 192 tile x 11 wide => 2112 blocks needed for 1z level of this "bridge".
This was a 1 year turn, so starting from 7 dwarfs + migrant waves, the hauling capacity using wheelbarrows is less efficient compared to using minecarts.
The marble quarry was at least 7z deep, and I am building the "bridge" on the surface.
Will it be better to make temporary mason shops every 11x11 dig area as I strip mine the marble layer?
Or will it be more efficient to haul marble to a QSP near 6 mason shops on the first layer of marble?
I end up using impulse ramp to move blocks from 7z below, to the surface. Using a spiral ramp with tracks on the outer portion, so dwarfs who choose to use the ramp will take the short inner path of the spiral.
A minecart can hold 5 marble stones each load, or (I think) 70+ marble blocks.
So I was making blocks at least 7z below, and using minecart impulse ramps to dump the blocks above.
And as I dig further away from the Mason shops, I started small marble quarry stockpile (30 tiles away), then load a minecart, pushed towards some impulse ramps until the minecart dumps the stones in my Mason shops pile, the return back to the quarry.
With lots of wheelbarrows, I build stone stockpile around the boulders, and set that with minecart, and give to the quarry.
If I dug 60 tiles wide, and the last 10x10 tiles had 20 marble stones.
Will using wheelbarrows to haul 20 back to a stockpile 50 tiles away be fast?
Compared to a feeder stockpile that is 20 tiles away from the 10x10, and this feeder has a minecart that dumps 5 stones 40 tiles away per load?