I don't know the answer to your question, but I can explain a little bit about how "seeds" work.
Usually in games we want to have at least some random content. If the game was always the same, it would be boring. But, computers can't really do random. When you have a function, if you give it the same input, it will always give you the same output. The best we can do is to have a function that gives you an unpredictable and uniform output, given an input.
To give an example, our "random number generator" outputs a number from 1 to 10. It takes a single input (called a "seed"). For the sake of this example, let's say the seed is a number from 1-100. For every seed you input, it gives out an unpredictable output. So if I enter a seed of 1, the output might be 9. If I enter a seed of 2, the output might be 5. For every seed input (from 1 to 100), I get a different output (from 1 to 10) and it is "hard" to guess ahead of time what the output will be (that's what we mean by "unpredictable" in this case).
Every time I call my "random number generator", I can just increment the seed. So the first time I call it, I will use a seed of 1. The second time, 2, etc. And my output will seem to be "random" -- it is "hard" to guess ahead of time what the output will be from the input and the output is evenly distributed (all outputs from 1-10 have an equal chance of being output at any given time). But it's not really random. If I enter a seed of 1, the "random" number I get out the end is *always* 9. If I enter a seed of 2, the output will *always* be 5.
Now, our "random number generator" also has a "period". There are only 100 different seed values. So if I start at 1 and increment the seed each time, then I can generate only 100 "random" numbers. After that I have to start at 1 again and the pattern will repeat. We say that the "random number generator" has a "period" of 100 (because the sequence repeats every 100 times).
Dwarf fortress has a much better "random number generator" than the one I've been describing. It doesn't just generate 10 values -- it generates huge numbers of values between 0.0 and 1.0 (i.e. it might generate 0.544223323 one time and 0.32456732 another). I'm not sure exactly how many distinct values it can generate, but it is "a lot". Also, we start with an "initial seed" between 0 and about 2 billion. Each one of these "initial seeds" generates a distinct set of "random" values and each of them has a massive "period" (I'm not sure what algorithms DF uses, but likely the period is several million if not more -- good random number generators have periods of more than a billion).
Remember that with the "random number generator" when you enter a seed value, it *always* returns the same output. And if you have a defined way of finding the next seed number (we incremented it in our example, but the algorithms that DF uses will do something more complicated), then the sequence of random numbers that you generate will *always* be the same.
So this means that if I start with a seed of 42, then the sequence of random numbers will always be the same. For world gen, DF uses 2 random number generators. Each has an initial seed. So if you always use the same values, you will always create the same world (barring bugs, or implementation differences on different platforms).
However, remember when I said that the output is uniform and unpredictable. There is no way "easy" way to relate the seed that you started with to the output that you generate (or speaking a bit more clearly, you can't predict what it will be other than to run the random number generator itself). So this means that you can't do what you want to do. There is no way for you to look at a bunch of desired outcomes in world gen and calculate the seed that you would need to generate it. It's just like saying, "I need the 12th number in the random number sequence to be 0.5444332. What seed do I need to start with?" Apart from sitting there and running the algorithm over and over and over again until you find a seed that satisfies your demand, there is no way to do it.
As an aside, we call such a function a "one way hash" and it's the basis of all modern cryptography. It's relatively easy to find the random number from a seed (we just run the random number function once), but it is very difficult to go the other direction. Because the output is unpredictable (even though it is defined), we have to run the random number generator potentially millions of times before it outputs the value we want. So you can imagine that we could have a series of "seeds" -- one for each letter in our message, and we can generate an "encrypted message" simply by running the random number generator on the seeds. Nobody can decrypt the message to find the original "seeds" because it would take millions or billions of tries to do it. With encryption algorithms (as opposed to random number generators), we can provide a "hint" in the form of a "key". If you know the key, there is an algorithm that will relatively quickly find the original "seeds". As long as the "key space" (number of possible keys) is large, then it is still infeasible to try to decrypt the output without the key.
Hope you found that interesting, though it is a shame you can't do what you want.