The Second Dwarf Fortress Tournament is being held at! This year, there are 64 participants ranging from the familiar Dwarves and Humans to exotic races from all over the world!
Hosted and created by redditor BritishBean, without them none of this would have been possible to the same extent!I will be updating this as the tournament continues.
Mostly Copy-Pasted from the post:
Come one! Come all! Welcome to the arena!Last year's tournament, the first of its' kind here, was a huge success. We saw 32 gladiators (and managers) fight to the death over 5 weeks for the title of CHAMPION OF THE ARENA! Memorable fights, great fan art and even custom t-shirts resulted in a wholly fantastic event, with famed dagger-wielding lizard-man Beorge Gush (managed by /u/MisterMartijn) just clinching the title in an edge-of-your-seat finale. Due to popular demand, and with your great feedback in mind, the /r/dwarffortress gladiator tournament returns for another month of bloodshed and drama!
How does it work?The /r/dwarffortress Gladiator Tournament is a fun contest that uses the Dwarf Fortress Object Testing Arena to create a subreddit wide bloodbath. Redditors will assume the role of managers and will use the information and rules supplied in this document to create their own gladiators, complete with skills, equipment and back stories. These gladiators will then be seeded into a standard single elimination tournament, fighting in progressive rounds of single combat until one undefeated gladiator triumphs. The results of the tournament will be posted by round, with each matchup being documented in bloody detail including gifs and combat logs. Between rounds managers will have the chance to upgrade their gladiators' skills and equipment (providing their gladiator survived), forming persistent characters who get stronger with each victory. Spectators can go over the gory details of each fight and discuss future matchups. Losers will have a chance to redeem themselves in a losers' battle royale held before the grand finale. The tournament will last around 4-6 weeks, depending on the number of contestants.
This Year's Master Document: 1 ResultsThe first round has finished, and there are now only 32 gladiators left! The results of Round 1, with descriptions, GIFs, and combat logs can be found here: Status: Round 2 brackets are being set up, and the Arena Master is gone until Monday.If you want to see what it was like last year:You can see last year's tournament master document here: can see last year's tournament signup post here: can relive last year's tournament by starting here. I've put links in each post to the next one, read through at your leisure! year's tournament was a huge success, thanks to all the people who took part. Memorable fights made unforgettable characters - who can forget the ladle wielding 'Dat Boi' or the crazy monkey man 'Bobo'? From all that we had some fantastic stories and some. incredible. fan. art. Several changes have been made to the rules for this tournament, and these can be found in summary on the 'rules' tab of the new master document.
Promotional Posters from last year: Shirt Created by Fans of Last Year's Tournament: of Last Year's Champion, Beorge Gush, at the Moment of Victory: and feedback are always welcome, just comment below or PM me!
May the odds be ever in your favour!
Just a note that I am not BritishBean and thus not responsible for creating the tournament or deciding much in any way, I'm just posting it here so others can see.
The /r/dwarffortress Gladiator Tournament II - Round 1 - Bracket - Now with betting!Original Post: Link to Bracket: Generator Used to Generate The Bracket: Copy-Pasted From the Original Post:
Here is the bracket for Round 1, in two images (too big for one!).
As in the last tournament, all matchups were done by random single-elimination seeding using the Bracket Generator linked above.
As always, detailed information about the tournament and gladiators can be found in the master document linked. I've recently revamped the master gladiator list and added some nice juicy stats.
Some things you might find interesting:
This is a much more racially varied tournament, with humans being the most prevalent at just over 15% (10 total).
Last year dwarves made up 25% of all gladiators in round 1 - this year that is down to just 9.4%.
Large daggers are the most popular main weapon (wielded by over 14% of gladiators), with spears following at just over 10%
Just under 12% of the gladiators are female - similar to the first round of last year's tournament (12.5%)
Despite the variation, the average gladiator size is 79 - just above that of a human (70) and a dwarf (60)
Betting!Another new feature I've implemented is betting. This will take form as a simple 2/1 betting ring, with each new user starting with 100 dwarfbucks and trying to make the most money by the end of the tournament! Please refer to the 'bets' tab of the master document linked above for full information - but it's pretty straightforward. Anybody is welcome to bet, manager or not! Simply place your bets below in the reddit comments at the Original Post Link,, (or post them here and I'll give him your bets) and I will add them to the document.
Example bet:
'80 dwarfbucks on Sir Killalot II'
Simple as that! Please please read the rules in the 'bet' tab of the master document before placing a bet! I have to go finish binge watching game of thrones so I don't want to have to explain rules again and again
What happens next?
Now that the seeding is done I will begin to run the fights and record the results. Please be aware that in the interests of fairness I only ever run each fight once, so it takes time as I make extra effort to make sure each gladiator is correctly equipped, skilled and otherwise placed. I then have to record and write up 32 fights, each of which can take anywhere up to an hour. I will endeavour to get the results posted one week from now, give or take a couple of days, but please be patient! This is looking great so far - I can already see a few matchups that look particularly interesting.
PodcastNolan Williams and a friend put together a sports-podcast which will describe the events of the tournament as it happens weekly in the style of a professional one. The first one is already out, and they plan on interviewing managers and The Arena Master himself for the others. They are willing to take constructive criticism and suggestions.
Reddit link to podcast: Link: Year's FanartZon Moisstab the Unhinged: Reddit Link: Direct Link: Great Snake Mr. Killian Fillian: Reddit Link: Direct Link: Exiled Whisky Thief Sniffly von Mischief: Reddit Link: Direct Link: Beak The Eagle Man Sword Master: Reddit Link: Direct Link: Fancyslug: Reddit Link: Direct Link:, The Giant Tortoise Man: Reddit Link: Direct Link: Nicholson, The Crab Man: Reddit Link: Direct Link: Iron-Bitter, Lone Troll of The Arena: Reddit Link: Direct Link: