Interesting. Do you plan to release it as a library or is it for your own use?
Initially I wanted to use it for a game, but I ended up liking the project so much that I haven't progressed into a game yet. I have had thoughts of releasing the source and making it into a library but had some doubts about it. Mainly if it would actually be used and if my code is too atrocious for others to improve upon. It's still a possibility though, I have more time now being out of college for the summer.
There is no need for others to even check your code.
For example, if you make a stable (exteremely important!) library where you can set dimensions of the world and some parameters and it output the outcome to a .txt file (like 0123456789 is height of terrain) AND to memory if someone desires (in such case the user needs to provide a pointer to a 2D table with allocated space) it might be of high use to some people (like in game jams). Then other people can improve the generator without touching your code (they would just start with the terrain your generator produced and only place cities and rivers for example using their own separate code).
I visualize it like that:
Extremely handy I would say