yes, In the end there was a missing tag inside of 2 files, that allowed the creatures to still be capable of spawning by the script, even if everything else was turned off. They are failsafes for if the comment out for the job command in init fails, or if the player accidentally calls the TESB command from the console. additionally in the restructure, the new call for the job command does fail to be commented out in v1.25.
So I'm adding those missing tags back into the raws, they are testing correctly right now. the comment out tag in the init is rather slippery... I can move the TESB call back to its original location which will make it comment out correctly, but I moved it to "group" it better with when it should be initiated. Its original call was on world load, which is what is done when embark screen/start playing is ran, along with world gen and other things. I moved it to when the map is loaded (after embark is completed or when the map is resumed) where it was needed to be. The "MW launcher" doesn't seem to want to read that file, which was not something I expected, so I'm at a loss... I really like the split init process as it cleans up the readability of what is going on in that section, but I may have to have to accomplish more !!FUN!! and !!SCIENCE!! before I get that to work correctly... for now if I can't come up with a solution before 1.26, I'll just move it back to where I know it will turn itself on and off correctly with the current launcher.