"We have Griffons at our disposal! We can use them!" You exclaim. Clalus looks taken aback. "I... don't think they would like to hear that."
"Can they carry a satyr? Or even a Centaur? They could drop them right inside the gatehouse so we can open it from the inside!" You see signs of horror from Clalus. "Centaur?! In the air?! If you want to, go ahead, but I am staying on the ground." Clalus hated the idea, but the Satyr leaders liked it quite a bit, or at least, they liked it more than the previous plans. After a quick consultation with the few Griffons, they agreed to the idea. All parties told the plan to their respective species. The Shokan had sobered up, and once they realized the situation they were in, they were delighted to fight some more humans (although verbally annoyed at whoever it was that brought them here. They hadn't figured out it was you.) Night fell, and it was time to strike.
You were the only Centaur who was willing to be carried off of the ground, two Griffons held you in a large cloth. The remaining Griffons were each carrying two willing Satyrs, one riding on the back, and the other clutched in their massive claws. There were clouds covering the Crescent moon, so your attacking group was completely concealed by the night. You hovered silently over the fortress, and just as planned, the grounded Satyrs and Centaurs unleashed many volleys of flaming arrows. This served two purposes, it distracted the defenders from your attack, but it also ruined any night vision the defenders had. This would give your aerial assault all the more chance of succeeding. Without warning, the Griffons carrying you started a decent, sending your stomach upwards in a rather nauseating way. The Satyr commandos landed first, silently killing nearly a dozen humans near the gatehouse before they were noticed, and the alarm was raised.
Immediately, humans taking cover from the flaming arrows turned inside their own fortress, and saw a dozen goat-men approaching the gate's crossbar/ Only a few humans stood in their way, but they were quickly being swarmed by humans from deeper within the compound. Some archers started shooting at the Griffons carrying you, and one of them was shot in the flank, which caused them to drop you. You fell quite a distance, but managed to land on some rather unfortunate soldiers, who cushioned your fall with their lives. You dropped behind the humans who were attacking the satyrs. The wounded Griffon landed clumsily next to you. It was unable to fly, but it could still fight. Between the gate and the Satyrs were about a dozen humans, but between you and the Satyrs was two dozen humans, the measly force of Satyrs had lost their element of surprise, and were quickly becoming overwhelmed.