[9] Revised Armor
For some reason you feel as if you have been frozen in time. A thick layer of dust coats you and your fellow summoners. One summoner happened to be speaking and it seems as if a spider built a nest in his mouth halfway through his word. Rather unpleasant for them. Rather stunned at this random hiccup in time, you decide not to think about it too hard, as the more you do, the more your head begins to hurt due to the incomprehensible nature of time. Vowing not to dwell on this inexplicable anomaly, you resume working on revising your armor.
After a few rather awkward attempts at fixing your boxlike armor, you manage to make it actual human shape. Its nothing particularly flashy or stylish, but it does get the job done. It no longer hinders movement or has sharp edges. The process of creating the armor is slightly simplified as well, not enough to make it any cheaper, but it does make up for the added steps required to make it actual armor instead of hard leather boxes.
I'm implementing an experimental additional phase: The Strategy Phase.
Basically during this phase you decide which units will go to each theater. Furthermore, this will be the time for you to give any orders/strategies that you'd like to use in that theater. Order rules are changing a little bit due to this. They will get two effectiveness rolls, and will take the average of the two, plus a modifier based on how reasonable I think it is (so an order like "use our archers/[inert ranged unit here] to take our supporting troops" would probably get +2 to +3 because its a simple strategy, but an order like "have our soldiers use their weapons to break shit and litter the battlefield with debris" likely would get a -1 or something like that). I'm still a little iffy on this bit, especially the orders section, but I really wanted to give the players the ability to strategize their actual combat instead of me just doing it for you. So we're gonna give it a go for a turn or two and see if you all like it, or if we should not fix-what-isn't-broken.
It is now the Strategy Phase.