yeah humans for some reason are missing permissions for all of the clay sieves....
dwarves have permission for the ones that are written, and to add aggravation.... the clay that can be sieved, can't be targeted for retrieval, so the reactions
are useless, unless a trader shows up with those clay(EXTREMELY HIGHLY UNLIKELY, you can't even request them from the trade liaison).
The code snip above will fix it for Dwarf and Kobold. humans have an odd 'cheat' where they still have access to the old reactions that never were removed, but late in the game as they get use to using foreigner workshops... they come across the problem and its the same reactions that are fixed by that code snip.
########### On the subject of clay ##########
Soils - collectable? - sieve reaction? - accessibility?
CLAY - Can be clay collected - doesn't need sieve - can be used by all races.
SILTY_CLAY - Can be clay collected - no reactions - current masterwork setup blocks usage for humans* dwarfs+ and kobolds+. succubus!/orcs@ have 0 problems.
SANDY_CLAY - Can be clay collected - no reactions - current masterwork setup blocks usage for humans* dwarfs+ and kobolds+. succubus!/orcs@ have 0 problems.
CLAY_LOAM - Can be clay collected - no reactions - current masterwork setup blocks usage for humans* dwarfs+ and kobolds+. succubus!/orcs@ have 0 problems.
SANDY_CLAY_LOAM - Can NOT be collected - has sieve reaction - ?dwarf/kibold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
SILTY_CLAY_LOAM - Can NOT be collected - has sieve reaction - ?dwarf/kobold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
LOAM - Can NOT be collected - has sieve reaction - ?dwarf/kobold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
SANDY_LOAM - Can NOT be collected - has sieve reaction - ?dwarf/kobold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
SILT_LOAM - Can NOT be collected - has sieve reaction - ?dwarf/kobold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
LOAMY_SAND - Can NOT be collected - has sieve reaction - ?dwarf/kobold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
SILT - Can NOT be collected - has destruction reaction - ?dwarf/kobold access to reaction? - AQUIFER
PELAGIC_CLAY - Can NOT be collected - no reactions - AQUIFER - under ocean
CALCAREOUS_OOZE - Can NOT be collected - no reactions - AQUIFER - under ocean
SILICEOUS_OOZE - Can NOT be collected - no reactions - AQUIFER - under ocean
FIRE_CLAY - Can be clay collected - doesn't need sieve - can be used by all races.
+ Kobolds and Dwarfs only have the reactions to make clay items through DWARF_MAKE_CLAY_XXXX reactions which are in the reaction_kobold.txt raw. these reactions are
setup to only accept CLAY not the other versions of clay. Dwarfs get access to these reactions in the Pottery building and Kobolds in the Clay Shaper building.
* Humans have access to the DWARF_MAKE_CLAY_JUG at the Kobold potter.... which is a race workshop, most humans don't get that far, they usually are far into their
industries by the time they get the needed materials for such a shop, the kiln provides access to MAKE_CLAY_XXXX reactions that don't have the same restrictions as
the DWARF_MAKE_CLAY reactions, but also will target any 'clay' available to the shop(you can't detail it)
! Succubus have access to the kiln reactions MAKE_CLAY_XXXX which don't care which clay is used, but will also target just about any clay available to the shop.
@ Orcs have access to make items through the CLAY_XXXX_ORC reactions, that don't restrict clay access, and are set up to allow detail selection. Orc players can choose
from the reaction which clay is to be targeted through (d)etail.
Furthermore the MAKE_CLAY_XXXX and CLAY_XXXX_ORC show one other interesting aspect... no need for a seperate reaction for FIRE_CLAY/KAOLINITE items
I'm not fully for sure where he was going with it, but it looks like this.
Dwarf/kobold - shape the item(greenware), fire the item(ceramic), glaze it if you want(jugs, statues, crafts, large pots only), done. 3 steps.
Human - either the succubus/orc way or the dwarf/kobold way...
succubus/orc - shape the item, glaze it if you want(jugs, statues, crafts, large pots only), done. 2 steps.
What needs fixing?
1. Standardizing of the system. its either all in or all out.
2. If in, then sieve reactions written for SILTY_CLAY, SANDY_CLAY, CLAY_LOAM.
3. If in, then need to make SANDY_CLAY_LOAM, SILT_CLAY_LOAM, LOAM, SANDY_LOAM, SILT_LOAM collectable, the silt reaction is only to get rid of silt left over from other reactions.
4. If in, then the shape reactions need to be designed to allow access to CLAY, FIRE_CLAY, KAOLINITE in one reaction.
5. If in, then the Fire reactions need to be designed to allow access to GREENWARE_EARTHENWARE, GREENWARE_STONEWARE, GREENWARE_PORCELAIN in one reaction.
6. All races need access to a building that provides all these reactions. It doesn't have to be the same building for all races nor does it have to be,
the same building for all 3 steps (shape, fire, glaze). But they all need access to the same reactions. It simplifies the system, additionally they need to be able
to do it quickly, either at the kiln, an easy building like the pottery, not a multistep building like orcs have (muckracker - needs captive kobold, received from raiding,
or purchased at shadowbroker. raiding requires raid building, wood for boat, 5 metal weapons, and has a chance for failure... shadowbroker requires platinum and
orchalcum bars... you probably wont have platinum on your map, which means you got to raid for it see above, or trade for it. You will be lucky if a platinum object is
brought by the traders, doesn't cost too much for a first year purchase, and smelts into 2 bars... then you still have to pay for the kobold at 2,000 platinum coins, another
4 bars worth.....) and the humans have (Kobold potter, which I'm not even sure how they get anymore; I need to try it out).
As I said there are currently 5 reactions for each item to shape them, CLAY_XXXX_ORC, MAKE_CLAY_XXXX, and DWARF_MAKE_CLAY/FIRECLAY/KAOLINITE_XXXX its way too much,
and it can be simplified.