Re: 3x4 & 4x4, I don't think so. I was just using them as parallel pumps. Or, in a recent case, the one pumping east in a 3x4 was waiting for the west-pumping to be done, then it would commence immediately instead of waiting for the pump to be deconstructed, then reconstructed pointing the other direction. I still think that might turn out a little faster, though it might be better described as a 2x4 with "horns".
Re: 1x aquifers, yeah, hatches work. As does replace the ramp/stair with a wall. That makes it maybe two weeks earlier. I still have mixed opinions about that. It feels a little like cheating, but I could be convinced. Please.
Sorry about the board choice. It's not obvious that things in this board apply to all modes, nor that things in Dwarf Mode apply only to Fortress. By that standard, there appear to be a lot of threads in the wrong place. But as I only play fortress, I'll restrain myself to the Dwarf Mode board in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience.
For instance, most things in "Gameplay" are Fortress mode. I don't understand the reason for that board at all. Seems to me there should be only three gameplay-type boards -- Fortress Mode, Adventure Mode and Things That Apply to Both Modes. Yet there are four.