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Author Topic: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey  (Read 1110 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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(SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« on: March 20, 2017, 11:55:20 am »

AUTHORS NOTE: I am not sure how many people here played the Divinity games, or how many played Divinity 2, however I have wanted to make a game somewhat related to it for some time now. I loved the story, characters and overall feel of the game and there are some plot points I wanted to use.
This will by no means be a carbon copy of the game. For one, that is a low effort thing to do and secondly my memory is nowhere near good enough to remember enough of the game to quote it verbatim.
SO, if you have played the game Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga, you may recognise some of the background and plot points. I will also keep it fresh by making both major and minor changes to names, backstory, the world at large and many other things.
I hope you guys enjoy!

Also, please excuse the length of the below introduction and Prologue. I got a little bit carried away…..


Six decades. That has been the time since the end of the Great War, the War of Gods. The Pantheons Chosen, the Divine known in his human form as Davrus, and his close friend Muldrinus, Chief Wizard in the Wizards of Order, led the forces of Good against the Black Mass and their Lord of Chaos in an effort to prevent his summoning to the material world by the Black Mass’s cadre of dark wizards.

During the fighting, the Black Mass managed to complete the first ritual that brought the Lord of Chaos to the world as a small girl named Milandra. Davrus and Muldrinus hid the existence of the girl from the Black Mass as best they could, with Davrus even adopting the girl in order to teach her to tame the Chaos and use it against the dark evils of the world.

Unfortunately the reach of the Black Mass was long despite their defeat at war, and they did eventually learn of the girl. They sent the Dark Sorcerer Risenda to influence and corrupt Milandra in an effort to turn her towards the Black Mass and ultimately against her protector, Davrus.
When Davrus learned of Risenda, her membership of the Black Mass and her plot to corrupt Milandra, he confronted her. In the ensuing battle where Risenda tried to kidnap the girl, Davrus was forced to kill Risenda.

Milandra had grown close to Risenda, seeing her as a mother figure during their time together. The young teen thus saw Davrus’s killing of Risenda as a major betrayal. Davrus’ actions drove Milandra into the hands of the Black Mass better than anything before.

Davrus and Muldrinus chased the teen and her Black Mass supporters across the Continent of Larathas. Four years later, Davrus, Muldrinus and they party of Companions found and fought the Black Mass at Bleakmount Keep, a mighty fortress near the Dwarven mountains.

Although victorious, Davrus couldn’t bring himself to kill Milandra and instead banished her to the Alter-Dimension of Nemesis. Without their leader, the Black Mass shattered, with most branches of the foul organisation being rooted out and annihilated by the Divine Legions, the Elite soldiers of the Human Kingdoms that work as an extra-national force for good comprised of all good races.

Despite the banishment, Milandra, now older and even more powerful, managed to break her imprisonment. Slowly, she built up the Black Mass once again, this time also infiltrating and forcefully corrupting members of many of the Knight Orders present in the world that fought the worlds many vicious races and predators.
And so it was, 35 years ago, the Second Great War, or the War of the Damned One, when Milandra revealed herself and led her might armies to war against the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and others. The fighting was fierce, and almost constant for the five years it raged.

The war sucked in everyone and everything with a love of everything good or orderly. Knightly Orders joined by the dozen, the Divine Legions never stopped, and the armies of the kingdoms marched. However, the unyielding tide of demons, dark magic users, fanatics and cultists rarely abated.

Eventually, the Divine One, at the head of his mighty First Legion, led the forces of Good in a final battle, one attended by the revered Dragon Knights. These individuals were the chosen of real Dragons, gifted with the ability to transform into the might beasts themselves. Many wizards believed them to be half dragon hybrids sharing the blood of their patrons, created through the use of Old Magics by the ancient beasts.

During the climax of the battle, Milandra’s forces were folding under the assault of the Divine Legion and its allies. Playing her last card, she called upon her corrupted followers in the Dragon Knights. One in five of the Dragons and half of the Dragon Knights, compelled by the corrupting Chaos magic they had been exposed to (usually without their knowledge), turned on their allies, inflicting terrible damage on the forces of good. Davrus himself had to put down a dozen of these mighty warriors and several dragons that had been turned.

Once the battle was over, and Milandra had been supposedly killed at the hands of Davrus, the Dragon Knights were outlawed despite Muldrinus’s protests, maintaining the knights that had turned on them had been forced against their wills.

As word of their outlawing spread many rage-filled Knights, who had lost comrades to the Dragon Knights betrayal, banded together to form the Dragon Slayers. Despite many of the Dragons and their Chosen going into hiding, many still remained trying to clear their name or trying to hunt what remains of the Black Mass and their leader who many, including the Divine Himself, believe to be lurking somewhere in the netherworlds.

And so it has been for the last 30 years. Dragon and Dragon Knight hunted and killed for no fault of their own. The once mighty fortresses and towers of the Dragon Knights lay abandoned and in ruin, sieged and broken by the angered Knight Orders many years ago.

Any Dragon or Dragon Knight seen is treated with fear, and reported to the Dragon Slayers as quickly as possible. It is still not an uncommon sight to see the Slayers powerful zeppelins chasing wounded Dragons across the horizon, cannon and magi-launchers firing at them, driving them to the ground where they can be dispatched.


(Authors Note: I am going with some rigid character details here, similar to some previous stories/games I have run. Please let me know if you want to change anything).
This is where you come in. You are a young slayer trainee, the third daughter of the Redthorn family. Your name is Evalyn Redthorn. The family history of the Redthorns displays a long tradition of Knightly warriors in the Order of the Blessed Way and loyalty to their Kingdom of Anudrau. Your great grandfather led the Redthorn contingent in the Second Great War, beating several numerically superior enemy forces and, alongside his allies, breaking the Damned Ones right flank.


Your family is honourable and brave, however your Great Grandfather lost one of his sons and several brothers to the Chaos corrupted Dragons. As such, it has been a family tradition for tertiary heirs to the family, such as you, to join the Dragon Slayers, whilst the other children are destined for the Knightly Orders.

The Dragon Slayers are fierce warriors either recruited from young hopefuls or sourced from veteran warriors already battle-hardened under a Knightly Orders banner. All races are welcome in the order and all work towards the common goal of revenge.

Slayers are identifiable by their bright, sky blue but cloudy eyes which allow them supernatural sight and the ability to see a dragon or dragon knights Draconic Aura. The Slayer Sight can also uncover secrets, such as magically hidden doors, chests or other objects people may not want found.

Today, you arrive at the city-fortress of Farglaz to undergo the Slayer ritual, which will imbue a shard of Draconic spirit into you, giving you the Slayers Sight and augmenting your physical and mental abilities. You will also be required to choose your Slayers Path, from which your equipment will be specialised. Despite training for 5 years in the Slayer Academy, Slayers do have to specialise, as specialisation is important when composing a Slayer kill team.

You, alongside 7 other Slayer Trainees are currently aboard a Slayer Zeppelin heading for the Fortress Keep of Farglaz where the Slayer Oracle, who will guide you through the ritual, is located. Accompanying you and the other trainees are two veterans. Mageknight Alanra Silverleaf, a tall, elegant elf from the forest kingdom of Elacteil and Paladin Durien, a human from the Kingdom of Uristal. Both of whom have been training you and the other trainees for the past 3 years.


The journey has been boring and uneventful, all subjects of conversation petering out as you neared the Fortress. Now, only a thick air of tension and nervousness permeates the air, as all of the trainees have heard of the times the ritual has not entirely had the intended results, usually driving the trainee mad or mentally crippling them. Or, as in one case, overloading the trainees magical reserves leading to a rather bloody explosion.

You look out of one of the armoured windows, and see the Zeppelin dock is nearing. It isnt long before you hear the tell-tale clunk of the zeppelin docking. A few minutes later, the large ramp to the cavernous passenger area you are in is opened and lowered, allowing you and your colleagues to disembark.

With a chuckle, Alanra watches you and the other trainees as you gawp at the size of the fortress. “Much larger than the training post in the Varsa forest, isn’t it?”
You can only nod dumbly as your little contingent walks forward into the keep proper. It seems everything has already been prepared for your arrival, as when you enter the ritual hall, the Oracle and her assistants are waiting. There are several wizards, mages, clerics and veteran Slayers around the hall likely waiting to induct whatever new recruits they get from this intake. Despite the relatively small size of your group compared to most, the Slayers still look to you with a smile.

You watch as your compatriots go first. Of the seven others than came with you, one chooses the path of the wizard, another two choose mages, one chooses the role of Mageknight, two choose the path of the Cleric and one chooses the role of the Paladin. All your compatriots are disoriented from the ritual, and are already been led off by their appointed new trainers. The ones that chose Mageknight and Paladin move back to you and the two accompanying trainers, as your group already knew anyone who chooses Mageknight or Paladin would continue their tutelage under Alanra and Durien.

Now, it’s your turn.

“Please, step forward, young one” The Oracle, a wisened human woman of incredible age, made undying by the power of the Divine One, said with a voice like silk. Not wanting to keep her waiting, you step forward into the Ritual Circle without hesitation.

“As you may already know, you will now undergo the Slayer Ritual. All Slayers go through this in order to attain the power needed to destroy the traitors. Be mindful, however, that until the stabilisation ritual is completed by your Path trainer, your mind will be open to influence from powerful magic sources. As such, do not attempt any summoning spells or other such magics that may expose your mind to the Old Magics of ancient times” You nod, certain that you will not be that careless.

“Now,” She says, as she approaches you. “Close your eyes and clear your mind.”

You close your eyes, suddenly becoming aware of the Oracles amazing magical power. You can feel the power as it radiates from her very being. As she reaches out to you, you start to feel a faint burning sensation in the base of your skull. As she touches you, the pain explodes and you struggle to stay standing up.

The pain is excruciating, however it does not last as long as you thought it would. When you open your eyes, you find that you are, like your compatriots, dizzy and disoriented. Struggle to stay standing as the Oracle asks you what path you want to choose.

You have put in much thought to this choice throughout your training in the Academy. You are highly trained in weapons, archery and magic, however you excel at both melee and magic more than anything else. As you carry your families Slayer Sword, a hand-and-a-half bastard sword specially made by the Redthorn master smith, you think deeply on what you want to do.

Your choices are between a Mageknight and a Paladin. Your ideas are influenced by your care for your trainers, and the knowledge that they are based out of your home town which is known for its unusually high number of Dragons and Dragon Knights as well as its very high number of monstrous beasts which you know are great for training on.
After several minutes’ deliberation, you choose the path of the Mageknight. Known for both their prowess with sword and blunt weapons, as well as the sheer magical mayhem they can throw around, Mageknights are a force to be reckoned with.

As you turn back to your trainer, Alanra smiles at you. “Congratulations. I am proud of all you have accomplished. However,” She says with a glint of humour in her eye. “Don’t get too full of yourself. You still have training to do, although now it will be getting used to the far superior mental, magical and physical capabilities you now have access to.”
You nod your acceptance of her advice.

“Tonight we rest, as tomorrow we will get you fitted with your Mageknight armour. Then, we will return to your hometown for the completion of your training.” She says with a smile. “And you’ll be able to dazzle your little brother with your new mind-reading capabilities.”


As Alanra said, you woke the next day and, after going through your morning ritual and using the pre-prepared bath the servants ran for you, the first stop was the armoursmith who took your measurements and selected the parts of your new armour that would fit. Using his armoursmithing cantrips to subtly shape the armour around your gambeson covered body, it took half a day for the armour to be fitted around you, with some reinforcements adding to various parts of your armour.

With a finishing touch, the armoursmith turned a full body mirror towards you so you could look at yourself in your new splendour.

A pair of plated boots with good grip gives way to scale mail leggings, with plates covering the front, rear and outer side of your thighs. Articulated plate faulds over a scale skirt hang down from your breastplate that covers your entire torso front and back with strong armour over a chain under covering that protects the few weak points in the armour (such as the armpits). Your upper and lower arms are also protected by articulated steel plates over scale mail sleeves. Your armour lacks pauldrons, instead having a scale ‘cape’ like attachment that covers your shoulders. On your hands are articulated gauntlets and finally, a helm with a pivot visor, that is formed around your nose, leaving your eyes and mouth open. All made out of gleaming Brightsteel.

In all essence, you look every bit like the Slayer you feel you are.

Just in that moment, you are surprised and disorientated by a wave of nausea and dizziness. Alanra notices and tells you that these things will be periodic until the stabilisation ritual is performed to fully entrench the Slayer abilities into your mind.

Just as she finishes talking, a rather harried looking messenger runs up to Alanra carrying a message from Durien. Apparently around the town of Gothringen, a powerful dragon that has been repeatedly seen in the area eating the local livestock has been wounded and brought down in the nearby forest. The town guard is requesting Slayer intervention in order to rid the area of the creature.

Alanra gives you a worried look. You understand why. This is something that needs doing urgently, or else the Dragon may heal itself and flee. On the other hand, you are still vulnerable to Old Magics, and Dragons are masters of manipulating Old Magic. The message states that Durien and the other trainee are going as the stabilising ritual has already been partially completed for him and as such he is considered secure from the influences of the Dragon….

The only uncertainty is you.


What do you do? Do you risk it and rush to the area without completing the stabilisation ritual? Or do you work with caution, completing at least part of the ritual before going, but risk losing the Dragons trail if it flees?

Choose Wisely!

- Slayer MageKnight Brightsteel armour
- Redthorn Family Slayer Bastard Sword
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 12:00:33 pm by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 12:55:29 pm »

Man that was a long read.
A good read though.
Anyway, I think we want to live and not die by dragon, so...
Partially complete the stabilization ritual first.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 12:58:52 pm »

Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't give us the choice of paladin or mageknight.
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2017, 01:46:06 pm »

Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't give us the choice of paladin or mageknight.

If you want me to change it I can. I thought after such a long intro, having a menial choice instead of a bit more of a significant choice (as the one I gave you could (depending on dice roll) change the entire story path) was a bit better feeling for me.

Do you want me to change the choice to Paladin? If you want to play a Cleric/defender type instead of a mage/warrior type that would be OKK with me either way. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2017, 01:53:28 pm »

Just sayin'.
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2017, 03:16:10 pm »

Man that was a long read.
A good read though.
Anyway, I think we want to live and not die by dragon, so...
Partially complete the stabilization ritual first.

“I would rather go in at least somewhat prepared,” You say, with more confidence than you feel. The message states that the Dragon seen looks to be battle scarred and old, which means it is very dangerous.

But you are a slayer. You don’t shy away from your prey.

Alanra nods, folds the message away and motions you to follow her. You make motions to pay the armoursmith, however he quickly tells you that the armour is paid for by the Order. You nod again and hurry after Alanra, however she has sped on ahead of you. You feel something nudge at the edge of your mind. Opening your mind slightly, you feel Alanra talk to you mentally.

“Meet me in my accommodation”

You start running towards Alanra’s room in the Trainers section of the Slayer complex. You reach her room just in time to see her finish a quickly drawn, rushed ritual circle.

“Quick, get in the circle and clear your mind!” She says, breathing heavily. An elf may be faster than a human but they can still get fatigued.

You jog to the circle and clear your mind as ordered. You feel Alanra close her hands around your head again and start chanting. After several minutes you feel the magical energy of both you and Alanra start to mix. As it does so, you feel your mind stabilise a bit, however you can still feel the mental turmoil raging in your core just as you learned during your time at the academy. It is now just much less than before. You breathe a sigh of relief as Alanra lets go of you after an hour of chanting, deep breathing and magical unity.

After a deep breath, Alanra says “That is only a small fragment of what is needed to harmonise the draconic energy within you with your human mind and body without eliciting unwanted changes. Now, we need to hurry to the Zeppelin launch point.” She sounds tired, if not exhausted.

Fortunately, the town of Gothringen is half a day away, so she can rest during the Zeppelin ride, at least a bit.

Grabbing your sword again, you aim to leave, however Alanra grabs your hand. She opens a moderately sized box and withdraws a rather skeletal looking contraption which you recognise as a magical focus gauntlet, also known as a Mageknights Claw, due to the sharpened claw-like tips to the gauntlets fingers. Alanra fits it over your left gauntlet.

“You know what this is, and how it can amplify your already significant magical powers. Use it should you find yourself alone with the Dragon. It will help even the odds and also act as a beacon from which either myself or Durian can home in on in order to render you aid.”

You stare at the gauntlet. It is a very valuable piece of equipment, and not something given lightly, especially not to a newly minted Slayer. You grab Alanras hand and thank her deeply. She smiles and nods, accepting your gratitude.
“Now, lets get to the Zeppelins”.

You both rush out, and half an hour later, you reach Zeppelin dock 7 where you meet Durien and the newly minted Paladin Austus, as well as Alanra’s other protégé Mageknight Glurina. You nod to both of them, who return your greeting. Durien motions to Alanra and they move off to the side to talk, about what you know not.

Austus moves to talk to you, eyeing the Mageknights Claw. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Definitely. I’m as surprised as you are. Giving this to someone like me is unheard of” You say, still surprised.

“She definitely likes you. You always were her favourite student.” Austus says with a smile.

Its then that you catch some of what the trainers are saying.

“The Dragons been identified? How?” Alanra asks.

“Apparently a Slayer who left the order after a grievous wound inflicted by a Dragon-worshipper lives in the town and identified the Dragon as Telana Firegift. Apparently she has a series of distinguishing scars on the flanks of her Dragon Form that makes it easy to identify her. She is infamous, apparently. According to Slayer records she has survived being cornered four times already. Last team that went to kill her she ate.” Durien states, a grave edge to his voice.

“We need to be careful”.

“Definitely” Durien agrees.

They turn back to you and your two friends.

“Right, everyone on the Zeppelin!” Alanra states, putting on a fake happy tone, seemingly oblivious to your eavesdropping.


As it was early morning when you got news of your first deployment, the Zeppelin managed to get to Gothringen by mid afternoon, giving your party a good 4 to 6 hours of search time before night falls. During the journey, Alanra and Durien split the group into two teams. Alanra will take Austus and Glorina as a three man Mageknight-Paladin team, whilst Durien will take you with him.

The Zeppelin touches down just outside the town, and is greeted by two dozen guardsmen. The Captain of the guard greets Alanra and says he has dedicated two teams of guards to augment our teams and help in the search. They are veteran guards, bloodied against bandits and slavers.

As the Slayer teams are undermanned, with only 5 people, the guards are quickly taken on, with 12 going with each team. Whilst they don’t have the training required to take a Dragon, they do have very good equipment due to the towns status as a rich mining hub, and they are also hardened and as such unlikely to run at the first sight of a dragon.

After half an hour’s organisation, the two teams set out into the great forest that surrounds Gothringen. Alanra leads her team down the valley, searching the old ruins of abandoned mines and old ore processing workshops there to see if the Dragon has taken refuge in one.

Durien and yourself head towards the hills, where there are more ruins and an abandoned Dragons Tower. Half way up, the path splits, one going low into dense underbrush and what looks like a ruined temple, and the other going high, towards a series of shrines and the abandoned Dragon Tower.


What do you do?

Do you go high, towards the abandoned Dragon Tower and the shrines?


Do you follow the low path, towards the overgrown temple?


Do you do something else?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2017, 06:50:47 am by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2017, 04:46:50 pm »

((If there is an issue, let me know. I cant help but notice I have been getting views but no posts. If the audience isnt happy about something, let me know. I did say I would change the original character set up if needed :) ))


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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2017, 03:57:07 am »

Bumpity Bump.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2017, 01:04:10 pm »

An overgrown temple would be very hard to spot from zeppelin, so the dragon would probably hide there.
Follow the low path, towards the overgrown temple.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2017, 02:29:40 pm »

Please Note: All rolls are done using 1D10.

An overgrown temple would be very hard to spot from zeppelin, so the dragon would probably hide there.
Follow the low path, towards the overgrown temple.

You think for a moment about your course of action. You deduce that a dragon would be more likely to go down where a Zeppelin wouldn’t be able to see it very well. As such, you decide that the best place to check for a dragon would be the dense underbrush, unforgiving forest and ruined buildings of the temple on the lower path.

Although, from your teachings you remember that Dragons do also like to try and take refuge in the old monuments of their power, such as Dragon Towers and Draconic Fortresses. You tell Durien that you will look in the temple. He nods when you tell him your reasoning. Despite that, he is adamant that all areas need checking, and as such he takes 6 of the guards towards the shrines and tower, leaving you with the other 6 guard veterans.

Motioning to your followers, and mentally reminding yourself of the flare cantrip in case anything went wrong that may lead you to needing backup, you start down the densely overgrown path towards the ruined temple.

As you walk cautiously the path, on the lookout for anything telling, such as blood (as the Dragon is said to be wounded) or dragon prints in the soft forest floor, you start to see evidence of another type of inhabitant in this area of the forest. Totems, tepee-like tents, piles of bones, tatty rubs and rusty weapons become more and more common the further you venture. No sign of a dragon though.

Seeing the evidence that someone or something has been living here, two of the guards start chatting quietly to one another.

“I seem to remember reports that there was a powerful goblin shaman around here. The Skullreaper tribe follows him. We better make sure we don’t surprise them as they’d likely outnumber us,”

The other guard chuckles. “You really think a rabble of goblins would be any match for a Slayer, let alone a Slayer and us six? We’ve been up against worse odds than that before. Remember the time we took down that band of trolls?”

Not mollified, the first guard continues. “None of the ones we faced before had magic users. Goblin shamans, if that old bounty hunter back in town is right, usually have an assistant and an entourage of apprentices with them. They aren’t something to be taken lightly...”

You zone them out as you focus, trying to utilise your hearing which, like your eyesight, has been augmented by the Slayer Ritual in an attempt to pick out any possible enemies lying in wait.

((Roll = 6 +2(Superior hearing)))

You manage to pick up the faint pitter-patter of feet in soft footwear up a head, but also to your left in what looks to be a cave. You motion for your allies to quieten down, motioning that there are possible goblins nearby.

With now even more caution, you move slowly ahead, until you come to a large, open, relatively untouched area that looks to be some sort of central plaza, maybe the centre of the old temple.

It is here that you see a large totem, with seven goblins at its base, surrounded by three dozen raggedly dressed and lightly armed goblin grunts. At the head of the group near the totem, a large (for a goblin) and imposing creature stood with an ornate headdress.

((Roll = 1 +2(Slayer stealth training) -1(Shiny Armour) -1(Colleagues inexperienced in stealth)))

Unfortunately, at the moment your group exits the dense underbrush into the less covered plaza, heading for some cover in order to observe the goblins, the head goblin turns around, spying you instantly. He roars in a harsh voice, and then starts laughing.

“SO! Did tall ones deign to attack me, Great Ghaz’Zul, with such tiny force? Flay the flesh from them and make me a broth!” With a shout, he directs his followers to attack you and your guardsmen colleagues.


What do you do? Run? Or Fight?

You are outnumbered 36 to 7, however you have better equipment, training and discipline. The grunts themselves may not be much of a challenge, however the goblin magic users, Ghaz’Zul, his assistant and his 5 apprentices, may cause havoc if not dealt with quickly. Goblin shamans can also summon assistance from spirits and nature.


- Slayer MageKnight Brightsteel armour
- Redthorn Family Slayer Bastard Sword
- Mageknight Claw (Also known as a Slayers Claw), a magic focusing and amplification device that is attached to your left gauntlet.

Attributes and Proficiencies:

- Skilled Swordswoman
- High heavy armour proficiency
- Skilled magic user - Magic known: Elemental (mainly Fire and Wind), Energy (Magic missile and suchlike), Some types of Shielding, manipulation (Levetation etc), everyday Cantrips.

Current Condition:

Healthy, no wounds.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2017, 02:31:25 pm by kahn1234 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2017, 03:11:00 am »



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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2017, 10:18:16 am »

I think a tactical retreat should be in order.

Order our guards to withdraw. Use our fire elemental magic to create a barrier of flames between our force and Ghaz’Zul's.
Max avatar size is 80x80


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2017, 04:36:59 am »

((There will be an update later today))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Hunter to Hunted: A Slayers Journey
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2017, 04:35:59 pm »

((I've been thinking about this. Whilst trying to write the next update, I keep thinking this needs reworking. Nothing I write seems right.

For this reason, I am closing this one down. I may recreate it later on as a much improved version once I have it worked out.

Sorry about this.))