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Author Topic: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.  (Read 1350 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« on: October 08, 2016, 12:35:22 am »

So sorry if this breaks some unwritten rule or a code or some such by posting here but writing on a tablet sucks! So I'm skipping the whole introduction post where I proclaim that I am new. Because honestly the post count speaks for itself. Okay done with the anti authoritarian Rant...

Okay so I got a "New" Ubuntu When the local middle school sold a few computers. And I was determined to use it to finally post and create a Few New Stories. It was a battle going from a Windows adept to a Linux Noob. But I did it. A several Week battle of me vs ignorance vs a computer that crashed every time I typed the glorious sudo. But I pulled it of. I got audio recorders. A paint program. A video editor. One of the best free typing programs ever. And most importantly D!W!A!RF Fortress! I started writing about my playthroughs tried to record a video and a podcast.  This is the first of three attempts on this beast. The second I lost. And the third Is in it's third year. (I won't continue continue Without you.) I hope to improve my writing and strategy through this post. Hopefully with this post I can improve enough to really be an asset to legacy games. And judging by a few stories I have read I will no doubt have much help on both sides. Now then. I will have to double post. But this Next one is the first part of my first attempt. So sorry for the stupid preamble.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 12:46:04 am by Wight »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 12:44:54 am »

Seven We left, For to service the throne. Two miners two farmer two builders and I.
   The woodsman of Ash Armour.
   Dan is my name. Or at least the one given to me. We've been shipped off to explore and attempt to colonize a small island. Rumors abound about a volcano that managed to find it's way to the surface.
Such an opportunity was too good to pass up. So as is traditional seven of us have left to attempt to strike the earth. Gods save us.
   Alice, Hannah, Maria, The three Women a miner a mason and a carpenter respectively.  Stannis, Nathan, Paul, The three other men. A miner and two farmers... But that Stannis. He has a strange gleam in his eye. I doubt he'll be a lowly miner for long.
   With us we bring an axe. two battle picks two geese two dogs and two cats. A variaty of seeds and foodstuffs are also coming with us. I also have noticed a few crates of yet unopened supplies. Probably something inane and useless... Like sand.
   Not even a day in and our work has already began. Paul has decided that he should be in charge and as no one seems willing to challenge him I suppose that puts him in place. I've been tasked with “Chopping the trees up.” While Alice and Stannis are digging out a few rooms for everyone to hide in. Paul and his little group of cronies promise they'll get to work as soon as a few rooms  are dug out. Somehow I doubt it.
   Well wouldn't ya know it. Seems  Paul was actually speaking the truth. Just as soon as Stannis had cleared out a room no bigger than Three by three urists he set to work on getting a farm set up. Maybe this won't be as terrible as I thought.
   Paul insists that we need to start moving our food supplies inside Immediately. I've been alternating between cutting down trees and packing in seeds all afternoon. How am I supposed to get us a reasonable supply of wood when I've got to stop to lug seeds around? I'll ask him about it later I suppose.
   Paul saw how much work I'd been putting in and decided to try to lessen my load a bit. First he “ordered” (with a smile and a wink) that I sit down by the wagon and speak with him.
   “See you've been carrying in those seeds for us.”
   “And you've been cutting down those pesky trees too.”
   “Well that's just my trade.”
   “Aha. True true. Well For now why don't you focus on a specific area. After all there's no sense in you running around like a chicken with your head cut off.. For now I need you to make sure that an area of eleven by eleven urists is cleared. Right over THERE.”
He pointed to the spot that made the roof of our temporary shelter.
   “Hmm... I suppose I can do that. “
   “Great. And ah. Hey. Keep up the good work.”
   With a slap on the buttox he sent me off back into the fray. I wonder what he's planning.
   It seems Maria has had enough of hauling foodstufs inside. She declared that she would be making her workshop in the first of the newly dug spaces. Paul seemed less than ecstatic about it but honestly carpenters gotta... Carp? Do whatever it is carpenters do. Besides now someone will have a use for all this wood. And if my skills aren't useful I'll wind up swinging this axe at more than trees.
   Paul hasn't noticed yet but I've already cleared out that eleven by eleven area. I've gone back to cutting down large areas of trees. I'd rather not get stuck hauling random foodstuffs again.
   I fell asleep outside while cutting down a tree. Not the most comfortable place to do so but I suppose it is about what I expected. Hope someone digs out a dormitory soon.
   Of course it figures that just as soon as I wake up I step inside to hear talk of the new dormitory. Just my luck I suppose.
   Spiders have been harassing Maria. Or she's just looking for a convenient way to get out of work. Talk of possible military action echoed into the forest. Hope Paul picks a miner.
      Summer has arrived meaning that we can all expect to be seeing a few new crops. But for me it just means that my work is a bit hotter. Perhaps  I should spend the season taking the wood I've harvested inside the fortress. Or maybe I'll just sit inside and swing this axe around. HA as if!
   Remind me to make my little jokes a bit quieter. Paul concerned about the alleged spider threat has decided to create a one man militia. Who is the one man? WHY ME OF COURSE. I guess he thinks that swinging an axe at a tree is the same thing as swinging it at a giant terrifying spider. I'll be training for the whole season. What a bunch of...
   I don't know why but Stannis has come into the little area I've decided to train in and has started to train as well... What kind of madness is this?
   Paul isn't making himself very man friends lately. Just got the first four bedrooms dug out and who does he give them to? Why his farmer and crafter friends... What an ass.
   Today Stannis and I went out to kill a rodent. Trying to get a bit of live fire practice. Besides. It's not like we're going to get any better just sitting in the barracks pretending to know what we're doing.
   HA HA! I killed it. Though to be honest I wouldn't have managed it had Stannis not pinned the grey fucker down.  It was exhilarating. I charged in bellowing like a madman. And while it was watching me Stannis came up from behind and embedded his pick into it's leg. Then I simply slashed it to bits while Stannis twisted and yanked. I guess he'd gotten it stuck. Judging by how quickly he can mine with that thing I'm betting that getting it stuck was the only reason why he didn't manage to kill it himself.
   This fight has gotten me thinking. Though I certainly did enjoy the thrill of the fight I'm not sure that I'm fit to be Capitan of the guard. After all I didn't devise the strategy that allowed us to kill it without a scratch. Perhaps Stannis would be better suited to such work? I'll have to talk to Paul about it this Fall I suppose.
Shit. So much for talking to Paul about that militia thing. Looks someone or something killed him. There are a few sets of bootprints around. There was most certainly other dwarves around... I'll look at his wounds.
   As I knelt down to examine the corpse it came. A raptor.  Doesn't take much for an unarmored fool to get killed. Just a push to the ground while everyone else runs to safety. Luckily for me Stannis was keeping a close watch and killed it before it managed to take me out. If we hadn't been so busy with that damn rodent... I've decided. We need to seal up. There is no way we can handle the dangers ouf the outside. Not without some major changes.
   The remains of the old outpost found our little settlement. They're still a bit feral. But as the only person with any authority I elected to allow them to join. Extra hands means we can seal faster. Besides. Someone shoved Paul to the ground. And it sure wasn't any of these new arrivals.
First step will be to wall off the pastures and the entrance. Sealing off the celling (ha I'll have to remember that one) will also be essential. Unfortunately Paul had the miners dig out a piece of our precious ceiling. Was he TRYING to let the sunlight in? Suppose it had something to do with the Eleven by Eleven square he wanted cleared. Personally I'd rather just seal the hole and be done with it.  All other work is canceled until sealing is complete. Well except for food and liquor production.
   Our new arrivals are Bartharamule (I think I'll call him Bart), Agnes (Wife of Bart), And Hankie(Who is complaining of a bruised Left buttock(Naughty girl)), They all tried to tell me what their jobs were in the old fortress but honestly I can already tell by the stench. Tanner, Farmer, and a Hooker. Hearing this brought shame to the faces of Bart and his wife but only a slight grin to the face of Hankie. Suppose a whore might have some use in a place like this. But for now they're all fucking farmers and haulers. (Note to self: Build whore house)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2016, 08:04:27 am »

Not bad for a first attempt.

Try to include a screenshot or two, unless this is just a recounting of a memorable fortress.

Also, welcome to the Forums, leave your Sanity by the door, and just dump your Morals in that Trash Bin.

Might I direct your attention to Gloomdiamonds, since you take a keen interest in story telling.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 11:24:06 am »

Yeah sadly my screenshots did not work until the third try. This is more the story of me adapting to a new operating system. I did have a video of the second attempt but it was only two years long so I just. Quit... Hmm.
Any Ideas what versions I would need for these gloom Diamonds? I mostly use masterwork because it keeps a decent framerate.
Morals huh... The only morals I have relate to Bedroom size. Now to post the rest of Ash Armour.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2016, 11:25:25 am »

   I've decided to drop my duties as Capitan of the guard and focus entirely on my duties as overseer.  Besides this axe was meant for chopping down trees not rodents..
   Oh dear god. Appointing Stannis to capitan of the guard may have been a bad idea. He immediately tried to solve our raptor problem. And got himself killed. Then some moron decided to bring all of the corpses he could find inside... Now every time someone wants to build on the seal they have to pass fallen friends. Paul, Stannis... And some other fool. Guess he was with the Hooker and her friends. God I could use a whore about now.
   More migrants. Hope theres a useful one in there. Maybe a warrior of light?
   Two Fools. Jiggles a fishery worker, and Dr. Wiggles. Wiggles claims to have killed forty two odd creatures... Something about him is off. I'm assigning him to guard duty. Someone has to protect our construction.
   Someone decided to build a few coffins and put those corpses in them. Good decision. After all nobody wants to see dead bodies every time they try to eat. I've taken up carpentry so I can help build this shit just a little bit faster. We need to seal. Too many dead. We're down to ten. Alice, Maria, Hannah, Jiggles, Wiggles, Nathan, Bart, Agnes, the whore and myself. How in the hell are we going to survive with so few? Winter has come and our chances do not look good. At least it does not seem to be too could... Yet.
   Today I was walking around gathering what wood I can before the fortress gets sealed and what should I see but our resident whore carrying stone up. Like she wants to be a mason. Still I'm in whole support of it. Especially if she's up off her ass.
   Shit. Another dead dwarf. Guess I'll never find out if my suspicions about Wiggles were right.
   Booze. Ahh gods. Someone finally brewed some. We've been drinking stagnant water for the past few weeks... Got too focused on this damn seal... Still we're almost done.
   SPRING! We've mad it. A years worth of insanity and we've somehow managed to avoid death. I wonder when the mountainhomes will be sending in merchants... Or if they'll send any at all. Traditionally we could expect to find them in the winter months. But they didn't come at all... Then again a sealed fortress isn't exactly going to be doing much trading anyway,
   It has occurred to me that Paul's bedroom has been unoccupied since his death. Since we aren't exactly digging out any more bedroom space I suppose it'd be good to give the room to someone. So since she has suffered the death of her husband I have given the room to Jiggles... Hope it lessens the loss.
   More survivors. These ones claim to be from the wrecked merchant ship. So the capital was sending supplies... Too bad these fools didn't bring anything with them...Guess we'll have to make do with extra hands.
   OH HELL NO! Looks like I found out what our new friends were running from. Weretortise. Good god. Now I really wish they'd just left it be... We're not sealed up. We aren't ready... EVERYONE INSIDE!
   We found out who was the damn Weretortise was. Sending out a few random peasants to take it out... Removing emergency status.
   Sealing progress is slow as shit. Looks like most of those migrants were kids... Not much use for them... Think I'll put them in a “Daycare” center... But after the sealing.
   Summer. And we're forty dwarves strong... Ha... Too bad most of them are useless. What purpose does a gem-cutter have? Masons.. Now a good mason or two.
   Too many dwarves. Not enough food... Much death will come.
   One of the damned kids has become possessed by a spirit... Probably going to stand somewhere and wail about how he needs a pile of mithril ore or some shit
   A massive farm ten urists by ten urists has been built deep within the bowels of our fortress. Plump helmets are about the only seed we have so that's what we're going to grow... Hopefully we can harvest before mas starvation... And riots.
   More migrants... Where do these fools keep coming from? We're on a island in the middle of the ocean for Armoks sake!
   Our masons are hunting for vermin to eat... Why would they migrate in groups of thirty? Why would they come here? Who told them that we were ready for such an undertaking? The massive farms should alleviate some of the burden... But honestly... I don't think we're going to make it... I'm issuing an order to slaughter every animal we have left... Hopefully it'll delay the riots for a bit.
   Another season come and passed... Cannot even remember what one it is now... Too tired.. .Too hungry.
   Plump helmets never tasted so good. Still... It's a temporary fix... We don't have enough to feed everyone... Looking at the juices on my shirt I feel guilty... Still. These new fools are the reason why we're in this mess... they should have just tried to start their own fortress... The animals have not yet been slaughtered. But now that a few of us have eaten maybe someone will get to work.
   Fights are breaking out now... Looks like I've not delayed the inevitable enough... We're going to starve to death. But while we wait we're going to beat each other to death... And whoever is left is going to have to bury a few dozen bodies...\
   HELLS! Like we don't have enough already more idiots have arrived... Gods. Please smite us now.
   Someone made a particularly nice  figurine... Maybe it'll lift spirits enough for us all to NOT starve to death.
   Someone brought some geese . We built a few nest boxes and they're already to work laying eggs... Food. Our pile of foodstuffs might just start growing. Too bad someone decided to immediately throw a party... Squandering food on something so idiotic. Someone also gave birth... One more worthless mouth to feed I suppose.
   More coffins have been built. And still we need more... Wish I had just stayed home... Never got this close to starving at home... But still we've managed to survive the starvation. We are going to make it... We are no longer starving... Unfortunately we still have a few issues with the outside... Seal is almost complete. So close.
 Just one more block. ONE MORE! And who decides to take a nap? Why our resident whore of course!
   Seal is complete. We're safe... Well kind of. Starvation is still a potential issue. And we are lacking in beds and... Well almost everything else. At least Hankie didn't seal herself outside.
   We're in full production of beds now. I intend to have the dormitory constructed soon. And the dining room should be almost ready soon. Three tables for sixty dwarves is insufficient.
   Some crafter started running around like a madman. If the others are to be believed this means that a spirit of some sort has taken control of him and will produce an object truly worthy of awe. I think it means that we have one less effective worker.
   Our miner Alice was working on a bit of a secret project. While the masons and carpenters were working on the sealing she was digging towards her goal. She's nearly done now. See we came to this island to investigate romours of magma touching open air. But I didn't think we'd really find it... We'll have to get to work on the magma forges Just as soon as she's done with the workshop areas. Maybe once we're better equipped we can afford to crack the seal. I'll make a more definitive decision later. She also dug out a few store rooms 13 by 13. Luck obsessed Woman.
   I've decided to give Paul's old room to Jiggles. After all she has recently had her husband die and regardless of his possible demonic connections she doesn't deserve to suffer any more than necessary.
   Tables and chairs are underway. Since we are sealed I've decided to reduce wooden object creation. Wood is for beds and charcoal only.
One of the untrained peasants approached me today.
   “OY! Overseer!”
   I looked up from my papers. “Can't you see I'm a bit busy making sure we survive the season?”
   “Pah. What use is survival if we live like a bunch of prisoners?”
   “Oh let me guess. You want to send everyone out unarmed and unarmored to fight off all that threatens us.”
   “No. No' quite.”
   “Well what do you propose?” Genuinely curious I tried to lower tensions with a genuine question.
   “Thou' you'd nevah ask.”
   He then explained that even though we lack arms and soldiers traps can do a decent job of shredding our attackers. As if that wasn't enough he informed me that the local sand could be used to make razor sharp saw blades and other trap components.
   “Well shit. You're right. Say, what's your name?”
   “Anne. Of the clan Madre.”
   “Welll Anne I bet your's will be a name to remember. I'm appointing you as my head mechanic and Trapmaster.”
   It was two days later when I realized that Anne is a woman's name. Hells. She's a dangerous one, good choice.
   I took a stroll down to the catacombs and...How can I put this? Who thought we needed onehundred and twenty one coffins? Still I suppose that this means we won't have to worry about unhappy spirits. So that's one thing. Our bed shortage is slowly becoming less of an issue. The lack of bedrooms is becoming ever more evident. Once all the beds are prepped and spaces dug I intend to construct cabinets and coffers. Our spaces will be five by five. Twenty one urists square more than the two by two apartments back at the mountianhomes.
   Our refuse pile is insufficient. Sixty odd dwarves seem to make sixty times the trash of ten. I will have a temporary zone set up in one of the storerooms. Door production will have to supersede tables and chairs for now. Besides ten tables is enough for now. In the future we will set up a way to dump trash directly into the magma but until I have a way to keep the smoke out of the rest of the fortress I feel it is for the best to just leave it be. Besides all those bones could come in handy someday.
   We're lacking a certain level of variety in our food supplies. Most of our food is egg and plump helmet related. So far nobody else seems to have noticed. But it won't keep on going this way forever. Most of our seeds were eaten when we ran out of other food supplies. I do have a reasonable supply of sweet pod and plump helmet spawn but not much else. One or two seeds for a dimple cups and pig tails and such but not enough to supply the whole fortress. By extension of this food problem we also will soon have a lack of variety of booze... I know that somewhere Paul managed to hide a few stocks of above ground growing seeds. But even if I could find them we can't hardly grow those inside. Still Rum is one of my favorite types of booze. We have to start preparing for the opening of the seal.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2016, 11:26:26 am »

Okay. So I have a few problems that need solving before I can open the seal.
1. Weaponry and Armor
2. Quarters and “Recreation”
3. Training.
   Now I'll expand on each of these things later but for now each thing has a few requirements that we have yet to have met. Though we are now beginning to dig out areas for each of these things construction on them is FAR from complete. The miners will likely take a season or more to dig out enough living space for even twenty dwarves. And judging by projections once we unseal we can expect to be populated by at least a hundred dwarves. So I shall have to build a hundred rooms. We will need armor and weapons for four squads of five dwarves and training for at least four decent leaders. So needless to say we are far from ready. For now I will assign people to forge and smelt. Though I Cannot hope for very much from our inexperienced smiths.

   1 Weaponry And Armor
   Okay so this is the area where I expand on my goals related to the above mentioned subject. I;ve decided to forge ten crossbows, three hammers, three axes, two spears and two swords. I'll need twenty sets of armor hopefully all metal but if all I can make is leather so be it. Now I do not know how much metal it takes to forge each of these items as I am FAR from a smith but I am almost certain that our current stockpile of ores is nowhere near enough. I also seem to recall some issues with impurities. So I'll have to create an ore processor... This should be fun.
   OOC: Hmm... I looked everywhere I could think of... I swear there was a way to do so... But it could be the version.
2. Quarters and “Recreation
   Now I'm sure you THINK you know what I mean when I say this. I of course refer to the need to dig out space for damn near a hundred dwarves. Of course right now we aren't quite that far. But I shall never again be caught unawares by a massive wave of migrants. To dig out a hundred rooms I will require a ridiculous amount of both space and furniture. Each room will need a bed a chest a cabinet a chair and a table. Each zone of bedrooms takes twenty four doors (for four bedrooms) since I need 100 bedrooms 100/4=25 25*24= 600 so yeah. I'll need a lot of work done. But these large amounts of doors should give everyone something to look at besides plain rock. Later perhaps we can smooth some stone and perhaps even engrave the stuff. But personally I feel that some furniture will do more good than all the engravings in the world. There are of course a few 11X11 rooms mostly for those who have earned my trust and such. I intend to of course move into one of these. But considering that I've been working on this for so long (and since ours are to be the last rooms dug and furnished) I don't really feel bad about it.
   I will also need a larger dining area and a few “daycare” centers. Due to dwarven laws regarding where I can dig and such I have discovered that I cannot use the area we are in the maximum efficiency for bedroom spaces. So I have decided that the southernmost and easternmost sections of the sleeping areas can be used for daycares.
   Now I will use the floor above the quarters for some actual recreation including:
     A bath
   A zoo
   A Prison
   A statue garden
   Whatever else I can think of.
Of course recreation is a lower priority task but having the spaces dug should keep our miners busy and hopefully distract from the decided lack of things to do in this... Place
3. Training
   Originally I was simply going to set up a few ranges and perhaps some training barraks but Anne suggested a much better idea. See if we can just manage to capture a few foes and disarm them we can equip our soldiers with training weapons and have them beat the living shit out of them. Of course this requires further use of her trap system and likely a setup we cannot quite manage without some careful planning.
OOC: I was going to do danger rooms for soldiers but I think I will just do that for the children. That way I'll basically have a delayed reaction for several years our military will be weak but once we have some of  those kids become adults? Well we've got a few naturals who simply haven't learned how to use a weapon or armor. Not QUITE as cheap.
   Okay. So work on the equipment has started. Someone made a bunch of sliver quivers and backpacks. SO I suppose we're stuck wit that now. Our only available metals seem to be lead, Silver, and copper. I'm sure that there are a few metals deeper down but personally I don't feel like risking breaching the caverns below. Silver bolts will do. And silver makes a hell of a war-hammer. I wonder if there's some way to get a hold of bronze? Or anything better than copper. With our current available metals we have little hope of making effective weaponry.
   In other news our bedrooms are nearly ready furnishing wise. Doors are of course pretty far behind but beds are aver halfway done. And I think we can wait on those until we have more wood anyway. Our coffers are in production as well. The miners decided to prioritize digging out the statue garden first so... Yeah that\'s built. Then they decided to do a bit of exploratory mining. So we've got plenty of silver but nobody has bothered to get bedrooms dug out. At least they've got a plan already.
   Training is MILES from being ready. No armor or training weapons as of yet. Not like I've even selected a troop. I don't think a draft would go over well right now. What with most people sleeping in a packed dormitory/hospital/barracks... But perhaps after all present are housed.
   Trap production is underway. Our supply of mechanisms would make any mechanic weep with joy. And so far as I can tell Anne has produced them all singlehandedly. I wonder how long we have been down here for? Without the stars it's hard to know the date. Surely not very long. We've hardly gotten any work done.
   I swear it was just a moment. I just left for a mome3nt. I was buys working on the plans for our new defenses when I heard a ruckus outside. When I exited I found that many dwarves had started to fight openly in the halls. What madness. I guess the damn brewers decided to take a break. So we lost a few good people. Hopefully our booze will begin to be produced en masse soon... Damn this saltwater hellhole.
   Okay. Crisis mostly averted for now. People still aren't happy but at least they have something to drink. Most seem impressed by our dining hall. Which is good because I can say we sure aren't going to be upgrading for awhile. All production has to go to coffins now... Fucking corpses stink. And we sure as hell don't want to leave them just sitting. Let em forget about this...
   Hankie is among the dead... Looks like I won't be opening a whorehouse after all.
   A stain of blood marks the remainder of the page.

   It is I Hannah. Mason of this living hell. Dan is dead. God only knows how. Everyone else seems to have lost their fucking minds. Fights breaking out... Don't they know that if they just stopped fighting long enough to brew some Liquor we'd be fine? I'm making coffins. Dan's last order... Hopefully I'll be able to bury the dead quickly enough. I've heard what happens when you take too long.
   OOC: Well we all know how this goes. Everyone died slowly due to a spiral of unhappiness. With about six dwarves left everyone fought to the death and the death. I intend to make a new fort now... Hopefully this one lasts a bit longer... Left the damn thing unattended for five minutes and...

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2016, 01:52:02 pm »

Any Ideas what versions I would need for these gloom Diamonds? I mostly use masterwork because it keeps a decent framerate.
Morals huh... The only morals I have relate to Bedroom size. Now to post the rest of Ash Armour.

HAHAHA, Gloomdiamonds is the Sequel to Doomforests, the greatest Fortress to ever grace these forums. I meant that we could use a Roleplayer like you in our Plot. If you like, you can even read THE Doomforests. You'll be on the floor laughing in some areas, and on the edge of your seat in suspense in others. Check it out though, see if you like it.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2016, 04:15:48 pm »

   To the glaciers we go, through fields of ancient snow.
   The year is one hundred and four. A recent invasion of a series of dwarven fortresses has lead to a great panic in the capitol. Fear abounds and extinction seems to loom ever closer. But on the horizon a beacon of hope looms. Some say that deep beneath the glaciers there is a deposit of the legendary metal adamintine. With a few samples of this metal we might just be able to fend off our attackers.
   Okay! A glacier run! And this time I'll even try to record it! YAY! So I”ll set up a few rules. ONE: I am reusing my old world meaning that this is technically a continuation of my other attempts. Though I think I'll only be posting one of those.
TWO: Temprature is actually on this time along with weather so yay.
THREE: To compensate for the FPS loss caused by temperature our population cap is set to 35. This should also make it easier to avoid things like starvation. And I'll have less of an excuse to not name all of my dwarves (If you'd like to request a dwarfing Let me know)
FOUR: Our starting seven will have NO skills enabled. WHY? Because I can that's why. Though I suppose there is a significant chance of one or more of them being a member of some sort of guild.
FIVE: Left blank for future use should I come up with a new rule.

   Diary of Chaz.
   We've made it. What a glorious sight. A massive wall of ice and death awaits us. Still if I had to die somewhere this would certainly be my choice. It's beautiful. The three wimmins grabbed our picks and set into the ice. I see a spot of clay that we might be able to coax some plants out of. Xeo has decided that as soon as we have a space dug out he will start trying to make us a few beds. My kind of guy! Mark insists he knows how to farm but I know better. We were picked because we were of no value to the remaining fortresses. I have decided to put and end to the misery of our horses. Better to die of a quick clean cut than of starvation and frostbite.
   I've got blood all over me... Turns out killing a horse isn't as easy as I thought... Perhaps it would rather have died of starvation... But I've got it figured out for the next one... I hope. Xeo has already built a few beds. We won't even be sleeping on the ground. Much better than most expeditions for sure!
   We're getting ever closer to having an actual place to live. A few farming areas have been dug out and we've even found some sand. Sand means glass. Glass means... Something. I don't know what for sure. But Anne was VERY excited about it. She has already started building mechanisms in preperation for... Whatever it is she wants to do. She's also made a few pots out of stone. I guess to store our liquor in? I'm not very sure. I'm just so excited for our first few harvests. One of our miners told me that she had decided where to start digging our dining area. Maybe Xeo will start making chairs to furnish it!
   It's summer now and wouldn't you know it as soon as the season changed some new people decided to move in! I wonder what they do? Maybe one of them is a glass... A glass maker person guy! Or maybe we'll get someone who knows how to cook good food!
   6 adults and three short adults... Or whatever you call those things. One is a metalsmith. Two are fishermans and three of them are farmers. Sadly that means that my practice as a butcher and farmer have gone to waste... But it's okay. Because I got my very own office. I'm going to keep books! Whatever that is.
   It seems nobody else is quite sure what that means either. So I've decided to just start writing stuff down in all these empty books. Maybe that's what the job is? If that's the case then all this diary keeping stuff really means I'm good at it already! Maybe there IS something I'm good at!
   More migrants have come! I wonder what they are good at! I bet one of them is good at making glass. Anne says we really need a glassmaker. I wonder how we will make glass without fuel? But I'm sure Anne knows how. She knows lots of things.
      Anne got very excited today and ran into the craftshop. I wonder what she's going to make! I read one time about these people who get all excited and then they make cool things but if they fail they go crazy. I don't want Anne to go crazy though... Cause if she dies then who will tell us how to make fuelless glass?
   A caravan has come. Maybe they'll know what Anne wants... I'm worried about her. What if jshe doesn't get what she needs? What if she goes crazy? She's too smart to go all crazy! She'd kill us all!
   The merchants traded us for a bar of some metal and sure enough Anne grabbed it right up and ran straight to her workshop and gut to work! I hope she makes us something cool... Like... A stick... With some metal on it. Or something.
   She made an amulet. It's probably a magic protective device of protection! And she says that now she's even better at crafting stones than she is at making mechanical machines! WOW! The merchants haven't left yet. I hope we can buy some wood from them.
   OOC: Kay so it crashed... And I'm ending my session because OF THAT. My recording got fucked... So yay. But it looks like I messed something up somewhere along the line... I'm clearly not in a glacier. Or at least not a complete glacier. I expected to see a little bit of Tundra on the bottom left corner but instead it seems to be smack dab in the middle... I donno. But I'm too lazy to restart the whole thing just because of some minor technicality. And besides this'll make it easier to avoid starving to death.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 02:17:00 pm by Wight »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2016, 02:17:55 pm »

   Diary of Chaz.
   The merchants have left bringing most of theirs goods with them. That's bad because we needed to trade with them. I've also noticed that we have more dwarves than food. As such... We might just start to starve to death. That is also bad. But it's okay because we can always cook seeds... Or maybe even kill a few animals. I hope that our next harvest manages to prove my thinking wrong. Cause otherwise we're in for a spot of trouble.
   We built a Fishpond today. Hillary is in there fishing with a bucket now. Maybe that'll help us not starve. I wish we had a normal river for her to fish in. Then we'd be SWIMMING in fish. Ha.
   Spring has come. And somehow we managed to make it. The only person who was really complaining of hunger was Hillary. And really if she was better at catching fishes she'd have had food sooner. We cooked all of our “useless” seeds. Things we cannot make grow here. We also started building a second fish pond. I hope we don't run out of buckets.
   A LeEhSon came by today. He said he wanted to know what we wanted the traders to bring next time. I said wood and wood spores and lots and lots of shiny new toys! Cause the kids don't have anything to play with right now... Maybe I can make Anne Build them a few toys.
   Anne said no toys cause now the kids are too old for toys. But for a birthday present she made them instruments. I wonder when we will get more kids? I should have asked him to bring children in the next caravan!
   Hillary told me today that she got a new baby. But I didn't see her trading with the caravan... Where did she get it?
   OHH! More migrants! I hope they all like it here. Cause there isn't anywhere else to live around here... Unless you want to live with the Satars. Or however you spell that word.
   SO I've been thinking about the baby thing. Now Hillary said that it was HER baby not a baby. Which must mean that it was either given to her or that she made it. Now since her husband Bill is far from the giving type I bet that she made it... But what sort of skillset is involved in the building of a baby? Did she take the fish she was catching and assemble them into another mouth to feed? It must have something to do with fishing because that's really her only skill. But if she was using those fish to make a baby doesn't that mean that she was responsible for our depleted food stocks? Did she do it on purpose?
   Carlos has taken over a workshop and is now screaming about how badly he needs some wood... Too bad we don't have any. I heardthat there may be a layer of caverns below this glacier that could contain some wood... But is it worth the risk? I heard that the caverns contain some bad stuff. Like monsters and stuff. I don't want monsters to get into the fort! We will have to discuss this matter in a great meating! Meeting? I donno. Meating sounds like there will be food there...
   Anne locked Carlos in his crafting room. She said it was to make sure he didn't hurt anyone... The miners said that we cannot breach the caverns right now anyway. Something about having too much work to do anyway? I hope Carlos comes out of this okay.
   More new people have arrived. We need to start making more bedroom spaces soon. We can't keep sharing the same six beds. New spaces for some rooms are already dug out. We just need beds... For now I think we can just fill a room with the six old beds. I heard that someone had a plan for making beds out of gems... That sounds cool.
It's fall now and We have a new bed! Sure it's just the one but what can we expect when we only have one person working on it? Martha said that she'd start cutting our amythests as soon as she was done practicing on shale. That's good because shale isn't really a gem.
   Anne said Carlos died to death in the crafting room... So he's being buried in a coffin... Hopefully that makes him feel better.
   Calub is doing one of those strange mood things now too... I hope he dosen't die to death too!
   Even more migrants! We're nearly filled to capacity now.
   Calub couldn't build what he wanted to. So now he's all sad and moping around... I don't think he's eating... He must be hungry.
   New caravan! Maybe they'll have wooden wood!
   The Le A Son asked me what we wanted to see more of. I of course requested more wood and some bars of shiny iron. We will need a place to build weapons and armor soon. After all we have none right now. And those saurapods look nasty.
   It's winter now. Hard to believe we've been here for two years. But I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. And starving. And Freezing... And sleeping on the ground. And eating while standing... All those things make time fly like a big flying thing in the sky with wings and the ability to fly.
   Something called a Grave cat came by today. But the merchants killed them dead. Since our own forces didn't do anything I told El-Sue-You-Are to trade with the merchants for some armor... We now have gauntlets helmets and boots... Just enough for two dwarves. Hopefully nobody needed to have their chest region protected. Nothing useful in there right?
   Our millitia leader died today. Nobody bothered to feed and water him. Probably cause we don't have any water... Guess it's time to solve that problem. Into the caverns we go... Just as soon as these bedrooms are dug out.
   Now one of the cooks is acting strange... What is making everyone do this?
   He made a very nice chair... Out of bones.
   OOC: It seems my population cap isn't working... I do not know why... I guess I'll have to find an .INI or something... Shist. I am getting mighty tired of this Ubuntu crap...
   Jeorge is getting a strange mood now too! She's a smith of some sort so maybe he'll build us a cool set of armor.
   Jeorge built us a weapon rack. That she named after herself. This will have to go into our barracks. Well once we have one.
   Summer time! And we've got a few bedrooms ready now! (Well besides the first six or so that we built right away for those of us who first came here in the beginning.) So people are moving in. Most are ESTATIC about their huge 121 square urist bedrooms. Except for Hillary... She got a tiny three by three so she could live next to the fishery.
   Fall. And another dwarf has started to act strange. He's demanding bars of metal. But we don't have any. Where are we supposed to get metal from if we cannot find any ores?
   Some maniac named Iton decided to try and ambush us today... The military is coming out to deal with him... Hope they're fast enough. In other news it looks like we will not be able to do anything about the whole bar thing. No clue where we can get metals from... And since copper bars aren't good enough he;ll just have to sit in that workshop with the doors locked until he is done throwing his little hissyfit.
   Today a strange person approached me and told me that there was a way for us to get water. All he would need was a totem and a few other things we already have laying around. I agreed to these terms and as soon as I did so they ran off laughing like they had just heard the funniest joke on the planet. I wonder what it was... I hope I get to laugh that much. I don't seem to be having the easiest time keeping these books... Maybe I need a bigger office? I do not know. I guess I'll have to figure it out later.
   I asked Anne about the totem pole and she told me that I'd just had an encounter with one of the worshipers of Armok. God of Blood. Sounds tasty. She kept on talking about it for quite awhile but I was not very interested. Moldath and Tolsid are the only gods I care about. This blood guy might make the best sausage in the world but it will take more than that to get my attention.
   Wouldn't you know it the merchants have come again! That means we're going to get to trade some of the awesome stuff we've been making! And we might just get some metal or armor! Though I suppose just wood would be good too.
   Something called an orc came and stole one of the children today. I'm sure the parents are devastated.
   We traded with the traders and bought all their metal and wood. Then we had enough left over to get some cloth. Maybe we will make some clothing out of it. Or maybe it's just to make sure that we have some in case anybody gets in a strange mood.
   Winter has come. And so the merchants will be leaving soon. What a bummer. At least we got a few good things though. And now we can make a tonne of charcoal. That should help us make some metal... Just as soon as we find some ores.
   That Lie Ehe Sun came by today. I told him we need more bars and more wood next year. He ran off bewildered. Like he thought six bars of random metal was plenty.
   I don't know why but the miners finally decided to go investigate the caverns. Maybe they got tired of not finding any good minerals up above?
   Spring. And we're now going down searching for the reason why we came here... The legendary blue green metal of legendary legends of legend. I heard that with it one can forge a war hammer so light it floats in water. Or you know... Something useful and nearly indestructible...
   OOC: Okay. So I'm ending another session here. It's actually been kind of scattered through out the day. But I still count it. Not bad huh? We didn't starve we didn't get our faces ripped off and it only took me... 3 years to enter the Caverns. AND GUESS WHAT! I figured out how to take screen shots. So I'll attach a few. Likely one of my apartment zone our huge dining area and maybe where I want to dig out the magma forges. Oh and of course the list of dwarves. You know. So people can get Dwarfed. For now I'm not continuing until I have posted a few more pieces. So now is the time to make requests or suggestions. Or just rage at my general incompetence. I mean I sure as hell do... What kind of idiot brings seeds he can't even PLANT? Or starts digging out a reservoir before he has any smart way to fill it? I'm not entirely sure what versions I'm using but if you like I can zip my whole DF folder and send it out. I am using Masterwork though (In hopes of saving a few precious frames) Hope the first little bit has been a fun read thus far and... Yeah. This is mostly just practice for when I start writing a bit more seriously. And if anyone has any ideas for what my next go should be let me know.
Also. How do I link photos to this?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2016, 06:09:17 pm »

Fort status as you can see... We are not yet dead!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
List of units a bit outdated but still close.
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Floor 2

Floor 4-8 three is just a staircase for now


Magma Zone

I already aave another turn done and will post. Tomorrow. Uploading iimages is a ass pain!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 08:58:01 pm by Wight »
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2016, 08:53:23 pm »

OOC: Kay so I'm replaying winter... And unfortunately this also means that some layout things will be a TINY bit different. Not a huge deal and hopefully the story will MOSTLY match up.
   We found the sea of magma! It's a glorious sight. Sadly Femala Fell into it and is no longer among the living. We've lost a fine soldier a Legendary miner and a Steel pick on this day. But we have magma now! And we can use it to create fuelless glass. Metal objects of great strength and worth and so much more! I'm going to make a little separate dinging area and living quarters down here for the metalsmiths. Then they can live RIGHT next to their workshops.
Below is a shoddily made image of a magma zone in pixels and silicon. It menaces with spikes of spoiler tags to keep from being annyying as hell itself.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also! Secret note! (Not for orcs or those who fear spoilers!
   Something called a dusk ogre has started to run around and generally mess with everyone. I don't know where they are but I am sending our militia after them.
   Summer now and still not much has been done about the dusk ogres. Digging on the metalworks is well underway. Though the loss of a good miner has cost us quite a bit of time. I want them to only sit on things they themselves have made. That way they will remember to make better furniture and the like. OHH! And maybe I can finally get to work on the whole glass making thing.
   So I need to get down there and see what is going on. I guess they need my services as an architect. Figures that they'd start on something like this just as I begin eating. Still I think I can make it down there shortly. If not I'll just make someone else do it. After all that is one of the things I can do.
   I did it. Made a few nice designs and I made it one step closer to obtaining our endgoal.  The start of our mass production of weaponry. We're supposed to be arming the entire army. As well as a few of  our own. I hope that our tools are all set up now.
   Many babies have been produced lately. Perhaps this will lead to good things. At the very least we can soon start work on our daycare.
   A berserker came up and cut the shit out of me. Then someone decided to try and steal some of our children. I wish I had just stayed inside.
   Our weaponsmith Ryu has taken over our only operational Magma forge.  Luckliy a group of merchants is now looking to trade. I'm sending out a lot of crafts made of stone... I'm seeing a LOT of figurines of Calub's death. Sad sad thing to memorilize...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
   Winter now. El isn't at the depot trading yet. He refuses to do so until all the goods are at the depot. Should have made some finished goods stockpiles. Nothing is in a bin so everyone is wasting as much time as possible running around carrying one item at a time. This will take awhile.
   Ryu has made us an heavy steel piston. What I can do with that I do not know. Still he claims that this will mean he is much better at making weaponry than before. If only we had materials besides copper to work with.
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More secret secrets not for orcs!
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   Spring now. We're getting a thirst problem. I'm not sure how we managed to run low on alcholo. Or why we haven't started on filling up these reservoirs. Guess everyone got too involved with hauling stuff around. So I'm now decreasing the hauling labors of each citizen down to four items.  That should help. And of course the metalsmith community is now officially burrowed down in the deep. There isn't  much furniture to speak of and we haven't got a stockpile of food ready but we will soon rectify this little problem. Eventually we will construct a underground farm and pasture zone. This will mean that we can truly seal the metalworkers off; but for now we need to gather up our minerals and put them down there. I intend to devote the majority of the area down there to stone stockpiles. Though I do intend to have a few other raw materials stored down there as well. Perhaps a stock of one of each type of material known to dwarf? So that strange moods won't result in mass chaos post sealing. Now do I want a bedroom down there or one on the outside... HMM. I do not know. I'm certainly putting Nobel quarters down there so that they can be close to precious magma. Anne says that it's a good idea to put nobles down there cause sometimes they get cold and need a little magma bath. I'm not sure that that's true. But then again I doubted her on fuelless glass and she produced! So maybe nobels are more resistant to magma than the rest of us! Does that mean I can survive a magma bath? I don't know that I want to try it...
   OOC: Kay so I guess that's that. Honestly I just am ending the session cause I am tired and stuff. But I think this is a shorter post. Attaching some photos of the fortress including the Cotton Candy and Stocks screen. The Artifact kept crashing so I don't have a picture of it's description but it's kind of boring. Not sure what I want to do with... A steel piston? I guess I can put it in a weapon trap in someone's tiny ass bedroom? Like as an alternative to killing nobles with magma just use weapon traps... I do not know. But if That was the plan then of course little Chaz wouldn't know about it. Hmm... I'm kind of setting up Anne as a possible backup protagonist should I decide that my current perspective is inadequate. But I really am doing this so I can get used to a certain perspective... Donno. Will think more later.
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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2016, 01:25:33 pm »

A piston? What's it's description say?

Also, sounds like a mod.

What is that tileset/color set? Rather vibrant. Purple on grey is nice.


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Re: First Attempt at Fortress Storytelling.
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2016, 10:47:31 pm »

I Think there is a picture of the piston. And yeah it was a fey mood. I am trying to stay in character as much as possible so I pretend to know less than I do. It's Phoebus With vanilla plus colour I think. But I am playing SOME version of Master Work... (It was the first Dwarf fortress version that worked on my Ubuntu.) Thanks for reading and such! I am paused for a day or two so if you want a Dwarf or have some Project ideas I'm kind of just doing whatever.
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