Good Evening,
I've been noticing this for a while, but it's starting to come to a head for me. As I get older (I mean like into my 20s older) I have begun to feel like it's getting a lot harder for me to concentrate. It's manifested in a lot of ways, but the most noticeable is my writing. I love to write, I really do enjoy it, and I'm inspired a lot, but I just struggle with motivating myself to do it. I mean... Sometimes for papers I spend hours upon hours sitting at my laptop working my way into working on a paper... It's usually the deadline that forces my hand. Even RIGHT NOW, I'm procrastinating on a project for school that I really want to get done, but it just takes me forever to get in to it. I WANT to write, I WANT to work on this project, but for some reason I just can't and it's starting to worry me.
In addition, I don't want to say I feel dumber, but I definitely feel like I've somehow slowed down since I was younger. I'm not as quick-witted, not that I was ever that quick-witted, I feel like even my voice has gotten lazier.
I've done stuff with meditation and hypnosis (to great success) where I concentrate the shit outta my inner self, but once I'm outta trance, boom, regular old can't focus on getting work done Scoopbeard. Most of the stuff I have trouble focusing on is writing or school work. I focus very well on my summer job and when I'm working out, but for whatever reason I have an incredibly hard time sitting down and writing a lot... As someone who wants to be a screenwriter and even perhaps write a novel one day, this worries me, ALOT. This is not to say I can't force myself to write, but it is... difficult, and I'm starting to question whether this behavior is normal or some form of low grade ADHD that has started to express itself the more complicated my life becomes or even a side effect depression (which is not to say I'm struggling, cause I'm actually the happiest I've ever been.)
In any case, I need to change the behavior ASAP. Suggestions from Bay12? Should I go see a doctor? Am I just a lazy fucker (which I am in some cases)?