Wrestling has been overpowered for quite a while. Grabs are just too useful.
Specifically, successful grab attacks made by your character, whose purpose *isn't* to advance anywhere beyond the grab itself, serve to clog the NPC's attack menu. This is a huge bonus since it can cost the NPC a few ticks or more during combat, with zero downside to your character. If the NPC chooses to grip break, it either struggles with the grip or breaks free. You get a free action. This works against a creature of any size from humanoid to titan. What's sillier than a titan who needed to break the grip of a little dwarf?
I'm proposing that when a creature is much larger than the size of your character, the grip break should not just result in a grip break. Negative outcome would be determined first by size difference, then modified by level of strength and/or toughness.
1) Your character falls to the ground/is shifted around by one tile as a result of the grip break (if your character is strong enough to limit the effect)
2) Your character falls to the ground/is shifted around by one tile, and is stunned/injured (similar to a throw) as a result of the grip break (your character isn't tough enough to limit the effect)
3) Your character is flung several tiles as a result of the grip break along with the attendant damage (creature is twice your size, your strength and toughness don't matter)
I recognize that the dev page indicates fleshing out wrestling to include relative position, but I believe this might be a helpful addon, or is hopefully useful a standalone suggestion.
Any thoughts?