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Author Topic: Listurdim - Gazetowers  (Read 781 times)

Gem Hound

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Listurdim - Gazetowers
« on: June 29, 2016, 04:35:11 pm »

OOC: I haven't actually written a story about a fortress before so here goes nothing. I might need help with figuring out how to beat back the necromancers in the future, should they come with 100 plus skeletons. I have the Lazy Newb Pack running on DF .42.06 and have the population set to 200 with 100 visitors on top of that.

For the most part, 149 years after creation, our world only saw wars between the undead and the living. One could perhaps call it world peace. Once the fall of 149 hit though, something... changed. The goblins appeared from outside their cubby holes and began to march. Then the elves next marched out of their forests. Our kingdom is on the verge of collapse, with the mountainhome of Limaruzol under siege by the elves. The goblins worship these beings from the hells themselves while the elves believe they are better than the “lesser races” and so seek to subjugate them, much like the goblins do.

This is what the site looks like.

These are our local enemies. The Humans do not really count since they only have a single village in the region.

Granite 16, 250 AC
I, Kumil Moruldeleth have decided to write this journal incase other Dwarves find our remains. We set out from Limaruzol merely 2 months past, and our numbers have dwindled. We started with 11 Dwarves, one for each deity. We lost 3 Dwarves while breaking out of Limaruzol, and another disappeared while he was foraging. Then this happenned. Alligators ambushed us while we were travelling alongside a river we do not have a name for. It was too fast. The alligators ripped apart Konoscerol and Eshimushrir, leaving us without a woodcutter and a farmer and cook. May their deaths bring some purpose to this madness. Tulon though, she was on the scene as fast as she could be and avenged them both. I have decided to stop here, since I believe we will not reach a better place, considering we have lost half of our expedition, as well as the fact that our only axe is at the bottom of the river. As it stands we have these Dwarves remaining:
Eral Onolral, she is our mason, though I have ordered her to help the miner for now.
Kumil Moruldeleth, which is who I am. I am the leader, medic, book keeper and trader. I've decided to also take over food production due to what happenned.
Monom Nakuthetur, He is our miner, and probably will be until he dies.
Thov Romekbesmar, He is our carpenter, I've told him to figure out someway to dig the axe out of the river so he can actually perform his duties.
Tulon Oboknefek, She is our bronze guardian. Even though she is covered in Bronze, she was able to nimbly dodge around all of the alligators at the same time and  kill them while being completely unscathed.
OOC: I lack a picture as it seems I forgot to take one. I must have been too busy.

Granite 26, 250 AC
I butchered the alligators and arranged for the miners to dig. After that, Eral and Monom have been digging into the hill beside us.  They have already found tetrahedrite! I would prefer an ore of iron or some lignite but this works for the forseeable future, that is once we get an axe to make fuel.

Slate 28, 250 AC
The Gate to our outpost is built and we are just beginning to move our resources and equipment underground. The miners also have hollowed out a good place to farm.

Felsite 24, 250 AC
A permanent living area is being designed. The first plump helmet harvest will soon be underway, and two more storage areas have been dug out. Tulon keeps a watchful eye on the gate, ensuring that nothing... unwanted can get in before we can lock it. The horses and dogs are being moved into our little courtyard behind the gate, perhaps someone should train them to become war dogs?

Hematite 4, 250 AC
We have spotted Wild Boar roaming the fields. Tulon begged me to let her go out and try her hand and killing some of them and I quickly agreed, since their meat could prove useful. A mason's shop, butchery and tanner's shop  have been built inside the fortress near the stockpiles. Hopefully she catches one.

Hematite 20, 250 AC
I am... amazed. Tulon actually caught and killed a wild boar with her hammer. When she told me I immediately dropped everything to run out and get it. She says she is chasing after more and now I believe she can actually catch one! The flowers are dropping from the trees and soon we'll be able to collect fruit from them as well. I believe our food situation is well under control now. The rooms have been dug out, all we need now is for Thov to run through and smooth them out before we put any furniture in. We have began to make furniture as well as two memorial slabs out of Diorite.

Malachite 3, 250 AC
Dwarves? Here? Were they simply a caravan that was raided by those evil elves? I'll write more tomorrow.

Malachite 4, 250
I have spoken with some of the new Dwarves, and have found out that they were an expedition from the hillock of Swordchanced, that was heading to a place called Spearwill. They claim to have been set upon by undead, but I highly doubt that. This place seems too..... alive to have undead in it too.
Regardless, they brought some more bodies and a little talent with them. For an example, I no longer will have to take care of the wounded. The new Dwarves are as follows:
Kadol Balmonom, She is a good for nothing with no skills that I immediately drafted into the army.
Rigoth Ostmorul, A papermaker and a metalcrafter. I may get her to make paper in the future should I run out of space in this journal, but I believe she will be our metal smith.
Rovod Othiloslan, An animal trainer and gem setter. I'll have him train the dogs and also make him learn to cut gems  and take over the farming.
Tholtig Itonsezuk, A wood burner and a strand extractor. I've also added furnace operating and stone crafting to her duties.
Zas Edemetas, A woodcrafter(yuck), architect and doctor. He is better at treating patients then I am so I will happily let him take that job from me.

Ground Level

One Level down

OOC: I plan to make a trap corridor that leads into the courtyard, so I can still shut an invasion out should they break through the traps. The military will begin training within the next month, though equipping them will be hard due to the lack of fuel for the smelters. The stockpile near the gate is an area I've marked off to dump corpses in, I will eventually channel it down several stories and make it so undead cannot escape the stockpile. All the graves will be memorial slabs. Eventually the workshops will be dropped to their own level. I will eventually dig down to the caverns, though I may be able to get away with leaving the horses in the courtyard for now. Tulon has since tracked down four other wild boar and a doe rabbit. The doe rabbit was so fast it actually made Tulon lose consciousness, only for her new recruit to finish the rabbit off with her bare hands.

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Embark screen. I didn't take extra wood, so the Dwarves are limited to the wood from the wagon until an axe can be procured.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 11:13:36 pm by Gem Hound »

Gem Hound

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Re: Listurdim - Gazetowers
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 07:40:22 pm »

Limestone 18, 250 AC
It has come to my attention that we have a Dwarven caravan that has reached us. They complained that our destination is unreachable, only they were a little stupid and tried to take their wagons down here from the top of the hill. I've ordered the channeling of a road out along the river so the caravans know where to come from. I just have to hope that they brought an axe. We have also heard that 9 more Dwarves broke out of Limaruzol, and that they were following the caravan.

Limestone 23, 250 AC
The migrants have arrived and I've talked to a few of them. They are as follows:
Datan Lisiddumat, He is a plant processor and book binder. I'll give him the task of butchering any animals Tulon kills.
Edzul Isakerith, He is a soapmaker which will be useful in the future, yet right now will be a tanner and a bone carver.
Litast Ritasathel, She is a fisherdwarf, that is also an accomplished glassmaker. Getting fish into the Fortress would be a good thing.
Minkot Reglektad, She is a miller and a brewer.
Monom Likotimik, She is a stone detailer, hunter, miller, plant processor, cook, milker, spinner and pump operator.
Reg Beramud, She is a Hunter and a Blacksmith. She is now our metalworker when a forge gets built.
Stukos Morsigun, Is a second Carpenter and Brewer... I have drafted him into the army.
Unib Othlesttun, He is an animal trainer and a bone setter. He is now in the army as well.
Zaneg Sublimistem, She is a bone setter, soap maker, and a grand master wax worker. He will be the beekeeper if we decide to raise beehives, and the fortresses bone setter.

I spoke with the Liason from Limaruzol, and have asked for them to bring iron ore and coal next year. We have as of yet been unable to find either material. In exchange he wants us to sell the merchants footwear, rings, ash, fish, large gems, and ammunition next Limestone.

With what little we had to trade we managed to get a bronze battleaxe, a copper shield, and a bin of cloth.

Sandstone 20, 250 AC
Eral has managed to somehow smash up her fourth finger. I've designated an area for Monom Nakuthetur to dig out a medical ward. He has managed to get himself stuck in a tree while he was digging out the future place of our road.

Timber 23, 250 AC
Apparently these other Dwarves are idiots. I had ordered them to build a platform out to the tree so Monom could escape but no. They were running around collecting animal parts while Monom Nakuthetur dehydrated in the tree. I've pulled Stukos Morsigun from the military and made him our new miner, since the other miner is also down for the count. For now he'll use Eral's pickaxe.

An image of Monom tangled in the branches.
Granite 1, 251 AC
Monom's replacement has been busy. He dug out the road and then continued on with clearing out the hospital, a memorial hall, and another set of rooms. He is now digging out the future workshops area and Eral has healed her finger. We have also set up our dining hall to serve as an inn as well and already humans and goblins have come to see the inn. Now that it is Spring, I have to wonder what the new year will have in store. Already only 4 of us original Dwarves remain...
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Re: Listurdim - Gazetowers
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 08:06:55 pm »

Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane

Gem Hound

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Re: Listurdim - Gazetowers
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2016, 07:25:06 am »

Granite 18, 251 AC
More mouths to feed! As if it was not bad enough! Our food stocks were already dwindling and suddenly we get swarmed with 18 good-for-nothings? If only there was some project to sacrifice them into... At least our military squad has a full ten Dwarves now. Regardless, I'll continue writing a little information about each one of them.

Aban Likotedtul, She is a bee keeper and weaver. Drafted into the army.
Bomrek Sazirablel, He is a miner and a... gelder. Permanently ordered to just mine.
Bomrek Zatthudatis, He is a terrible leatherworker... Army.
Erib Nakuthkol, She is a gelder and weaver... Army.
Fath Sodelrungak, He is a hunter. Due to low food supplies, he'll find whatever bolts he needs.
Geshud Buzatmeng, He is now a recruit.
Iton Kadoldostob, She is a stone detailer and a spinner.
Libash Amostodkish, He is terrible at training animals and terrible at dyeing. Also makes paper. Army.
Lolor Kibkokeb, She is a terrible cook and siege operator. Army.
Lolor Tiristkol, He is recruited.
Minkot Nosimerith, He is good at animal dissection, siege operating and terrible at wax working. Assigned to farms.
Oddom Nilvumom, She is good at weaving, and terrible at plant gathering. Told to learn to process plants.
Onul Ostudib, She is a good stonecrafter, and a decent tanner.
Stukos Shisiden, She is a good fisherdwarf and decent stonecrafter.
Tun Lorbamgatiz, She is a terrible weaponsmith, blacksmith, and metalcrafter.
Zefon Eshtanossek, He is a decent wood worker, and is good at sewing clothes.
Zon Keskalsoloz, He is a butcher.
Zuntir Mengerith, He is a terrible brewer and leatherworker while being good at making clothes and metal furniture.

Another farming area has been designed, and the workshops area design has been expanded. Once the workshops are finished I'll look into getting the miners to make a proper military training room rather than just stuffing them all into that bedroom.

Slate 8, 251 AC
It has come to my attention that Zefon Eshtanossek has had some strange and wild idea pop into his head. He burst into the newly mined out clothesworkers workshop and claimed it. He is demanding metal bars and cloths. I have yet to order any of the tetrahedrite to be mined out, as previous events have set us back from my plans by several months. Monom... HOW did you get stuck in a tree of all places? Fath Sodelrungak is running around outside killing nearly everything he sees now while Zon Keskalsoloz is cleaning up after him. Plant stocks have been diverted fully to the production of alcohol. Another note is that the population of dogs in the fort is heavily on the rise, with 15 dogs in total now.

Slate 26, 251 AC
Zon ran in through the gate today screaming about undead. At first I thought he had lost his mind until he clearly described  a human waving his fingers at one of Tulon's kills. It's bone frame had slowly risen from the ground. I immediately ordered Tulon to charge to the area with her militia. The boar skeleton had fallen back to the ground, and the necromancer was nowhere to be seen.

Hematite 9, 251 AC
Zefon is still in the Clothier's shop after all this time. The Smelters are refusing to do their jobs... I'm only hoping that these humans have brought some metal with them, otherwise I fear that Zefon may lose his mind. Rumours have also began to float about about sightings of Monom haunting the halls. His memorial stone should be up in any day, even if the rumours are false. The crafting area is now completely dug out and many workers are plying their trade inside.

Hematite 17, 251 AC
Zefon had the gleam of madness in his eyes when Dwarves finally began to smelt metal bars. I believe we had saved him from madness by mere days if not hours...

Hematite 21, 251 AC
Zefon has emerged from his seclusion holding a.... BAG? A BAG???? Wait... I've looked at it better... How did Zefon even know of Monom? He clearly depicts in copper and cloth Monom dying in his tree... Regardless, trade was extremely profitable with the humans. We bought a bronze bar, a warhammer, two shields, a couple of anvils, tons of picks, countless bins of cloth and leather, and infinite amounts of cheese and fish. They were asking for Dwarf-sized clothing which I find very strange.

The Artifact BAG
Malachite 5, 251 AC
We have received more migrants it seems. At least these ones are not all useless. I've designated the beginnings of the barracks floor, and have started the quarry. The smelters have finally run out of tetrahedrite so I've also designated the tetrahedrite vein to be mined, only above the living area. If we break through our hillock anywhere, it would be good to get miners in there immediately. These are the new migrants:
Bomrek Sazirber, He is a soaper, suturer, and potash maker. He is also a woodcrafter.(pff Elf Lovers)
Libash Edemshetbeth, He is a presser a presser that has now been drafted into the mining corps.
Kogsak Nebelsolon, She is a stone detailer that now also mines.
Mistem Seloramost, He is a potash maker, glazer, and an accomplished weaponsmith.
Urvad Dorenurol, He is good at chopping down the tree huggers greatest love, and is also a plant processor.
Fath Kellanir, He is a soaper that is an accomplished armorsmith.
Thikut Etostsakzul, She is a spinner and glazer, whom I have assigned to the mining corps.
Endok Alathusen, He is a master presser, tanner, and glassmaker.

Galena 14, 251 AC
Stukos Shisden took over a Craftdwarf's workshop and created an olthiz? What is an olthiz? Oh. Its an... instrument of some kind.

The artifact instrument
Sandstone 12, 251 AC
The merchants from Limaruzol have once more arrived at Listurdim. I have already spoken with the liason, and have once more asked for iron bearing ores and bars. In return they want these items:
Shields and bucklers
Prepared Meals
I am sure come the next year that we will have many shields, providing our hillock does not get invaded. We may even have spears. The merchants have also stated that the Elves as of yet have been completely unsuccessful in breaching into the mountainhome. We managed to grab much steel and iron equipment off of them plus the ores I requested Limestone last year. While the other Dwarves were transferring trade goods to the trade depot, I arranged for the new winding corridor near the gates to begin being filled with traps. There is enough mechanisms already to fill up one third of it with cage traps. I also have to write that we received yet more mouths to feed.
Degel Cattenamkol, He is a leatherworker that is now in the army.
Ezum Durzaneg, He dabbles in everything. As he claims he was once in the army, he will become a captain of the militia.
Fath Ingtakaban, He is a hunter that is a terrible diagnostician.
Fath Ozkakkilrud, She is a gelder that will join Ezum's new squad.
Iden Olinlanggud, He is a mason, clothesmaker, and blacksmith.
Olin Ingizkekim, She is a gem setter and gem cutter that will also join the new squad.
Rakust Dumatlibash, She is a woodcutter, presser, and fisherdwarf that will join the new squad.
Udil Tobulamem, He is an animal dissector and milker that will join the new squad.
Then it was only after the new migrants came in that a mayor was elected in... I am not the mayor.

Moonstone 1, 251 AC
Nothing much happened over the past month until today. Not only is today the start of winter, but the Undead have come! The miners that were removing the ramps on our hills escaped to tell us of this. The main gate has been closed and the militia has been stationed between the gates with the war dogs. Tulon is expected to defend without losses, with only 5 warhammers... The trap line has not been finished yet so the mayor has ordered a wall to be built inside our pathway. The undead are too numerous, numbering at 50 or more with 3 necromancers, according to the two miners who saw them firsthand.

Moonstone 6, 251 AC
Three soldiers foolishly ran out of the fortress before it could be sealed. They were struck down.

Moonstone 12, 251 AC
Due to the inability of the Dwarves to build a wall, the Undead have taken the courtyard. Five dwarves died in holding them off long enough to close the gate. The death toll is now at eight Dwarves.... All that training, for nothing. We have captured 9 of them, though we will now have to line the main tunnel in cage traps to even survive.

Opal 5, 251 AC
Now that the surface has been lost, our only hope is the caverns. The mayor decided to get miners to try and find a cavern. Today, the miners found gold, galena, and a cavern. A grazing area is now being dug out for the grazing animals that we saved. The cavern has both water and fungiwood. We may have to devise a way to cut it safely, or grow fungiwood ourselves.

Granite 1, 252 AC
The fort is almost sustainable. The only thing we need is a fuel source, and no matter what attacks Listurdim from the outside, that will make us nigh on impregnable. Regardless, the metalsmith is now making cages to catch the undead, and we have secured a foothold in the caverns that is safe against all but swimming and flying creatures. Once the gate opens, the undead will be helpless.
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OOC: Apparently according to the kills screen, my surviving military took out 25 undead before I shut the door, so once I open it it should be relatively easy.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 01:47:20 pm by Gem Hound »