Hey all, I had been posting this elsewhere, and the response has been positive. Thought I would bring it home to the forums for all the people here who love tales of High Dwarven Weirdness.
What this is: An action report/ story fort told through short text snippets and in-game gifs, inspired by the bloody freaking amazing Roomcarnage saga (which has been my favorite way to read a Fort story that anybody has come up with yet. I have a different kind of story going on over here, though.).
Fort is in vanilla 0.43.4. No mods or anything.
The details:
The world generation was tweaked to produce extreme environments and savage biomes; the entire world-spanning ocean is Terrifying. Pretty much every society seems to be on the brink of collapse due to giant animal attacks and whatnot and iron (and steel) seem to be rare.
The fort is located on a remote peninsula of Joyous Wilds surrounded by the Terrifying Ocean. So we have things like gentle Giant Hamsters and evil Zombie Albatrosses
murderizing each other and then being fed to the bards coexisting on the same map. I haven't seen a zombie unicorn happen yet but with the way things go here, it's probably only a matter of time.
The original conceit behind the fort was to become the beachfront entertainment capital of this crapsack world. So Beardbeaches doesn't turn down any visitors (at least not until the fps starts to suffer for it. 200 or so combined visitor/citizen bards and climbing!).
Meanwhile the dwarves work behind the scenes to keep the taverns clean, safe, and stocked with booze, which is complicated by Every Giant Bird That Exists, unfortunate zombie reanimations, and booze fights. And also poor gameplay choices on my part.
Hope you'll check it out. I have ten chapters so far, linked below, and if I can, I will start migrating some of that from Imgur to this thread so people don't have to go anywhere to see it. Juggling this with work and other unrelated projects though, so we'll see.
Comments/questions/gripes/requests are always welcome.
I: Zombie Birds and OSHA Violations:
http://imgur.com/a/821gUII: Return of the Return of Doc Furnace:
http://imgur.com/a/IvD2JIII: Military Incompetence and Ballista Obsessions:
http://imgur.com/a/0t7H9IV: The Great Outdoor Fight:
http://imgur.com/a/zfeAXV: Blameswindled and the Thong of Command:
http://imgur.com/a/DgMWJVI: Unlucky Scholar and the Hairiest Dimetrodon:
http://imgur.com/a/SxMIKVII: When Megaconstructions Fall Down. Repeatedly:
http://imgur.com/a/CYKjIVIII: The Leech, the Spider, the Worst Lever Room:
http://imgur.com/a/R0CXOIX: The Zombie Beach Party:
http://imgur.com/a/PTShtX: Spider Traps and the Memorial Death Coaster: