In 0.40.24 dwarves got good thoughts from high quality meals, and it might still work for stress/morale.
However, the 0.42.X needs system seems to require one of the very few (sometimes one) thing they like to satisfy the Decent Meals need. I've done some investigation by following what every dorf ate for a month or two, and my conclusions were:
- Favorite booze probably counts as Decent Meal. Most of the dorfs who liked some of the kinds of booze I have were not badly distracted (one or two was, but then some morons are distracted due to not hauling their asses to the very accessible temples for praying).
- I've seen a dorf go to the food stockpile, pick up a mug, and then pass by a fair number of barrels to home in on the Rye Beer one he liked.
- I've caught several dorfs eating their raw favorites. Now, I use a quantum stockpile for plants/fruit, so it might be they're able to search a single tile pile for what they want.
- Most can't be satisfied, since they want stuff I can't make, grow, breed, or trade for.
- I was able to catch a single dorf whose favorite ingredient (rutherer) was available as the main ingredient in a couple of meals, and the bugger had picked up something else.
I've also made a suggestion to adjust the food needs so there's a reasonable chance to meet them, at the suggestion board ( that didn't generate much interest.
Since I think raw ingredients satisfying meal needs are more likely to be met than cooked meals, you may not want to make ingredients harder to get. Another alternative is to store everything in a single minecart quantum stockpile and see if they can pick up what they want if everything is on the same tile. I've heard storage out of barrels (but still in food stockpiles) increases the risk of vermin destroying the food, but haven't seen it myself.