Does anyone have a problem populating maps of larger than Small with roughly equal race populations? I find that the more civs there are, the more and more goblins outnumber every other race. At 15 civs, the goblin:other parity is okay-ish sometimes by year 125, when I normally stop, but for a medium map that's a pretty empty map. At 20 civs, goblins begin to get out of control. I think there are roughly two reasons. The first is that goblins seem to reproduce really fast which combined with being immortal gets a bit silly. The second is that goblins almost never seem to lose wars or battles, so they wipe other civs out really quickly.
I did a sample of 50 Medium world generations with standard settings (other than civs, which were set to Low (20)) to 125 years, and found on average that 2.6 civs went extinct, most frequently a kobold civ, then a human, then a dwarven, then an elven, then a goblin. The overwhelming cause of civ extinction was war (92%), followed by forgotten beast/megabeast (8%). Only 1 goblin civ in the entire sample was wiped out through war (to an elven civ). The average population was 23,232 goblins; 4,745 elves, 3,830 dwarves, 3,712 humans, and 826 kobolds. I've not done a sample test for higher settings as my potato would take forever at it, but using custom settings that are otherwise the same as a standard Medium and doing 3-4 tests, more civs makes this problem worse not better as the ratio of goblins to civs increases as the number of civs increases.
Does this not seem a little crazy to everyone else? Is there nothing that can be done about it?