Anyway, since there is no reply in this thread from the OP, I'm assuming they haven't seen a doctor about it yet. Well here's my take on it.
First, step 1: Write down in explicit detail exactly what's bothering you on piece of paper. You don't have to show it to anyone, just have it written down. Don't read any further until you get that done. If you can't even write it down on a private piece of paper, then you have problems too deep for a life advice thread to answer.
I'm waiting...
Good, now that that's done (I hope
) we can continue to step 2
Of course, before
actually continuing to step 2, we need to figure out the specific nature of your problem. Are you incapable of telling anyone about your worries? Do you have no confidant? If so, then why? Is it because you don't trust anyone enough? Or is it because you are so alone that you literally have no one to talk to? In case it's because you don't trust anyone enough, then go to step 2. If you are a loner skip to step 4.
Step 2: Tell the person you trust the most about your worries. Now this may be incredibly hard to do depending on how you feel about this issue but try anyway. If you really can't tell them, then go to step 2b
Step 2b: Remember that note you wrote earlier? Remember how I said not to show it to anyone? Well, I lied...
(Please read this next part like a 12 year old squeaker)
(End the squeaker voice)
Eventually they'll get so sick of your waving shtick that they'll ask you about your note. Because of how shy you are, you'll refuse to say no and after a lot of prying, eventually show them your note. They'll have a good laugh or whatever, and then you can begin doing something productive. Believe me, this will work, I've literally asked out girls using this trick.
Step 3: Now that you friend knows about your deepest darkest secret, I think we should review the significance of what you've done so far. You've managed to tell the secret to someone. Although someone close to you, you still managed to pass on the burden of you secret to another human being. Be proud of yourself, this is no small achievement.
So, back to step 3. Make arrangements between you and your friend to see the doctor together. Have him make the initial ice-breaker (as in telling him/her about your worry), and then get him to leave. You're probably gonna want to have a private conversation about this. If you made it this far then congrats, you're done.
Step 4: If you're a loner, here is my advice. Schedule an appointment and pass the doctor your note. He'll read it and you'll know what to do from there.
And if you fail: Keep your note, read it everyday and understand how serious your issue is. Google it on the Internet and read about how people like you suffered because they were too afraid. Do this everyday, make it your routine, and maybe someday, you'll have the courage to do what's right.
Anyway, that's the end of my wall-of-text. How was the tone? Was it angry and condescending? Because that is the worst case scenario if you tell the doctor about your condition. He might be a bit annoyed, but he'll help you anyway.
Good luck