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Author Topic: Arms Race - Southeast Asia (1951) (Information/Turn Repository)  (Read 2416 times)

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Short Note: The hub thread, not this one, is being utilized as the OOC thread at the current time.  This thread is to contain information known to both sides, the rulesets, and the turns of the game for easy perusal to catch up or for rereading at a later date.

Arms Race Hub Thread

Federation of Malaysia Design Bureau Thread

Republic of New Guinea Design Bureau Thread

It is the end of the fifth year since the end of the Second World War.  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has recently conducted its first test of an atomic bomb, rapidly followed by successful tests in both Forenia and Tropico of their heavy automatized mecha.  While it is not yet determined how they will reel in the deployed prototypes, both governments assure they are working on the problem.  Furthermore, the Korean War has begun, with both sides deploying numerous amounts of both Forenian and Tropican arms, that diplomats from both nations express apparent amazement at their presence, while commenting on more effective deployments and thanking both sides for resources that are being so generously provided to both islands.

Within Southeast Asia, the governments controlling the region have largely collapsed. After being liberated from Japanese contro, the forces from Forenia attempted to expand their cultural influence within the region.  It had become present in some quantities over their multi-decade war, but these organizations rapidly increased its influence.  Before the zeal could be fully tempered, outside diplomatic pressure by both the United States and USSR caused Forenia to back off their control, leaving the territory it had captured in the hands of various governments they created.

Unfortunately, a majority of the culture that was spread was in line with the wartime Arstotzka and Moskurg thinking, a line of thought based upon holding spite against a certain group.  This line of thought had still been present within Forenia before the Second World War and may have caused the country to collapse, but due to the Second World War, the mindset of the populace changed.  With exception to a few nationalistic organizations, the Arstotzkan and Moskurg peoples had their identities reforged into viewing themselves as a united Forenian people and were unified.  Sure the island had a rivalry with Tropico, but it was more subdued than the Arstotzka and Moskurg aggression.

With this line of thinking uniting the populations, most of the governments collapsed.  The Federation of Malaysia and the Republic of New Guinea managed to survive through directing their populace to focus upon the other nation rather than at each other.  While both nations were separated by a fair distance, it was viewed by both sides as only a minor obstacle to go through to reach the object of their anger.  Design bureaus have been created on either side in order to expedite this goal, and there are some elements of the outside world looking in upon this place, out of fear of another conflict on a scale to Arstotzka and Moskurg, or as a chance to get new weapons for their own gain...

Designs known to both sides

Army Distributions

(Equipment distributions limited to that country's design threads.)

Federation of Malaysia
11 Infantry
3 Armor
3 Aircraft
4 Ships

Republic of New Guinea
11 Infantry
3 Armor
3 Aircraft
4 Ships

Obsolete Designs

Spoiler: Federation of Malaysia (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Republic of New Guinea (click to show/hide)

Current Map

Light Gray denotes conquerable land under neither nation's control.
Dark Gray denotes territory that belongs to other nations not within the conflict and cannot be conquered.
Green denotes land of the Federation of Malaysia
Red denotes land of the Republic of New Guinea
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 03:29:04 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon

Zanzetkuken The Great

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Wizard Dragon
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Re: Arms Race - Southeast Asia (1951) (Information/Turn Repository)
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 03:32:23 pm »

Ruleset Utilized

The phase count has been reduced to the original two phases for the sake of increasing the amount of updates created within a short period of time.  Both are the standard design and revision phases, with only a singular change made to the latter.  Within the revision phase, there is a second revision that can be done on anything but the other revision performed on the same turn.

Resources have been expanded to account for five separate types of resources.  These are the standard Ore and Oil, with the addition of Uranium, Chemicals, and Exotic.  Ore is to be utilized to account for usage of steel, aluminum, copper, and similar resources that are utilized enmass for the construction of various components.  Oil is utilized both to power machines based upon gasoline engines and also for items that utilize large amounts of plastics.  Uranium is utilized within fission reactors, nuclear weapons, and within ammunition and armor that is composed of it.  Chemicals are utilized for both weapons that utilize poison gases, rocket fuel, and in the production of machines that are highly electronic.  Exotic is a catch-all for utilization of items that do not fall into the other categories, such as rare earth metals and similar items.

Expense Levels
There are six expense levels to be utilized within the game, Inexpensive, Expensive, Very Expensive, Excessively Expensive, Major Effort, and Theoretical.  The final of these levels marks that it is impossible to create such a device with the current situation of the nation with its current technology or resources.

If a technology has been produced for less than 5 turns, then it increases the cost of the items it is utilized in by 1 expense level.  Another way for the expense level to increase is being short resouces.  Consult the following chart for how much being short on resouces increases the expense levels.

Resources Short      Expense level increased
Not Short/SurplusNo change
1-3+1 Expense Levels
4-6+2 Expense Levels
7-9+3 Expense Levels
10-12+4 Expense Levels
13++5 Expense Levels

General Form for Designs/Revisions
Name: (Name of Design/Revision)
Type: (Personal Equipment (Small, Medium, Large), Vehicle (Very Small, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large), Ship (Very Small, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large))
Designation: (For Personal Equipment, this is filled with either Officer or General Infantry.  For Vehicles, this is filled with General Infantry or Specialized Unit.  Ships skip this.)
Description: (Description of Design/Revision
Projected Cost: (X Ore, Y Oil, Z Uranium, A Chemicals, B Exotic)

Due to being removed from the hands of the player, Espiionage now works base upon a d100 roll.  See the chart below for how the results would go.

00-09  Spy Captured (Loss of Espionage Action for next turn)
10-79     Unrelated to Bureaus
80-83  Sabotage Design
84-85  Sabotage Revision 1
86-87  Sabotage Revision 2
88-89  Sabotage Production of Item for 1 Turn (+1 Expense Level)
90-99  Steal Design

The following chart is a simple list of what different rolls would provide as a result with the rolls.  Sabotage causes a -1 to the roll.
0     +3 Resource Cost, +3 Problems
+2 Resource Cost, +2 Problems
+1 Resource Cost, +2 Problems
+2 Resource Cost, +1 Problems
+1 Resource Cost, +1 Problems
+1 Resource Cost
Just as Planned

Battles are determined via two separate d100 rolls that are modified based upon the tech of involved units and the number of units.  Depending upon the difference between the rolls, there are different results.
0-24   Stalemate
25-49 Victory, Territory Gained
50-74 Victory, Territory Gained, 1 Tech Captured
75+ Victory, 2 Territory Gained, 1 Tech Captured

The Unit System
I am not going to be abstracting the Army.  Rather, I am going to display how the various units of the nations you are in control of are equipped.  This is mostly going to be an abstract thing you do not have to care too much about, but there is one factor about this that at least a couple individuals may wish to keep in mind.  Below is a list of the Production rates for each category of design which indicate how many units can be equipped with the design per turn of a given expense level.  You don't have to be too concerned about it, but one thing I wish to note is the dual numbers within Personal Equipment and Vehicles.

The former of these denote how much would be produced if something is for use by the General Infantry, and the latter is if it was designated for Officers (Personal Equipment) or a Specialized Unit (Vehicles).  Take note that the latter category is generally able to be produced in greater numbers than the former, though also keep in mind the former has to be equipped as well.  Do note that just because an amount can be produced, does not mean it will (only really true in the case of Specialized Units for Vehicles, as you do need General Infantry units.)  If, upon seeing the result of your roll, you would like it to be changed to the other designation, you may do so if the other engineers agree.

One final thing to note in the case of ships.  The Medium, Large, and Very Large categories all require a deep water port in order to land.  The Small and Very Small categories are able to make amphibious assaults.

Key: Objects in parenthesis denote that it takes that many turns to produce 1 of the item at that expense level and designation.

Personal Equipment
Small   Medium   Large
Inexpensive   5   7  4   63   5
Expensive   4   6  3   52   4
Very Expensive   3   5  2   51   3
Excessively Expensive   2   4  1   3(2)  2
Major Effort   1   3 (2)  2(3)  1


Very Small   Small   Medium   Large     Very Large
Inexpensive5   84   73   62   51   4
Expensive4   73   62   51   4(2)  3
Very Expensive3  62   51   4(2)  3(3)  2
Excessively Expensive   2   51   4(2)  3(3)  2(4)  1
Major Effort1   4(2)  3(3)  2(4)  1(5)  (2)


Very Small   Small   Medium   Large   Very Large
Very Expensive54321
Excessively Expensive   4321(2)
Major Effort321(2)(3)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 10:50:40 am by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon

Zanzetkuken The Great

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Wizard Dragon
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Re: Arms Race - Southeast Asia (1951) (Information/Turn Repository)
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 03:56:22 pm »

Events of 1951

As for Southeast Asia, the first of the designs of both weapons bureaus come into the picture.  For the Republic, it is in the form of two landing craft, the NG-IB51c and NG-IB51c*, and a design for an assault weapon they are unable to produce at the current time, but could prove to be a valuable rifle, the AS-AR34 Mod A.  For the Federation, it comes in the form of their Bolt jet bomber, the MAR-51 paratrooper rifle, and Yellowjacket II.  As for recruitment, only limited numbers are attracted into the armed forces.  The numbers would be enough to provide for three new units on either side, but it is far below what the governments desired...

Soldiers of the Federation of Malaysia make an attempt to seize territory upon the island of Java.  The initial strikes by the Bolt Jet Fighters largely eliminate the AA capabilities held by the Hegemony of Jakarta, leaving them only able to field a force of around three thousand infantry to fend off the assault by the Federation, as most soldiers were upon their front against the Yogyakartan forces to the east.  They do not give ground easily, but the outnumbered two thousand paratroopers of Malaysia manage to capture and hold the ports within Jakarta thanks to the increased amount of ammunition they could carry with the MAR-51.  The Hegemony's air force attempts to make a strike against the landing of Malaysian UF-CV35s, but the Yellowjacket II escorts manage to provide enough of a shield for the 1st Armored and the 4th, 5th, and 9th Infantry to land within the harbor.  By the end of the year, large portions of the Hegemony's territory has been taken and Malaysian forces begin to clash with the Yogyakarta Military Junta and clearing out the guerilla forces composed of the fallen Hegemony's remaining military...

Within the East, the Republic of New Guinea launches an amphibious assault upon the island of Seram, capital island of the Maluku Confederacy, utilizing both versions of their NG-IB51c landing craft.  While it has a few major problems, the original does prove to be slightly more reliable in landing AT-25 tanks.  The slightly under two and a half thousand soldiers, backed by tanks, either landed or parachuting in battle with the three thousand soldiers of the island capital, and after a battle that has the New Guineans conquer a relatively major port, the influx of forces effectively annihilates the island's garrison.  However, the New Guineans are unable to move past the island due to numerous pockets of guerilla resistance cropping up across the islands that capitulated after the fall of the capital.  Dealing with these takes so long, a new government formed from the escaped portions of the Maluku Confederacy forms in Halmahera and some of the islands defect to the control of the Empire of Timor...

During this time, the world's attention is mostly away from Southeast asia, as the war in Korea rages.  The Forenian and Tropican arms led to the conflict to not get very far with either nation, until something happens.  During one of the many battles along the front, twin nuclear weapons are detonated, decimating both sides.  It is not entirely clear which specific side of the conflict detonated the warhead, but international powers looking in on the situation leap in and force the two nations to a treaty out of both fear and curiosity.  While America had developed the fission bomb near the end of the second World War, actions by Forenia and Tropico resulted in a Japanese surrender slightly before that of the Germans and it was never deployed near a populated zone.  The detonation of the warhead here provided the world an opportunity to study the sideeffects.  With the treaty, the borders are redrawn along the front lines in most places, except where the bomb was detonated.  After much debate, both North and South Korean borders are drawn so each nation contains one of the blast sites...

As the next year begins, a message comes down from both governments.  Due to the lackluster income of soldiers during the year, both have decided to launch a competition within their ranks to attempt to bring in more soldiers in the coming few years...

Spoiler: Current Map (click to show/hide)
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon