Nach einigen Wochen Arbeit, ist LCS auch bald auf deutsch verfügbar. Dann können Sie den Amerikanern helfen, die Republikaner aus dem Land zu treiben, und durch die Demokraten ersetzen, die eigentlich identisch zu den Republikanern sind, aber in dem Spiel die "Guten" sind. In der USA hat man zwar keine Demokratie, aber dafür hat jeder eine M16 - damit kann man auch Politik machen :-).
Es läuft bereits, und ich bin noch dabei Fehler auszubessern, und einen Server zum Hochladen zu finden. Zum Vorgeschmack, ein paar Bilder :
I am translating LCS to German. After some weeks, its now running, and I only have to fix Bugs, and find a Host. Vor preview some Pictures :
[D] Zeitungssartikel, der die Wirtschaftspolitik "Liberaler" macht. Eigentlich wird die Politik sozialer, da Helmut Kohl liberal ist, aber in Amerika heist "Conservative", liberal, und und "Liberal" heist sozial.... andere Länder andere Sitten.
[E] Bloated Haggis - A New Book descripes the dark sides of Helmut Kohl. (Kohl resembles Reagan, and Haggis is his favourite Food)
[D] Hiterwäldler, Jodler, Schluchtenscheißer und Christsoziale stürmen das Obdachlosenheim mit Fackeln und Mistgabeln, weil man geheime Akten ihres heiligen Privatfernsehens veröffentlicht hat. Joa mai, doa lägst di nieder.
[E] Rednecks raid the homeles shelter. It is written in Bavarian Dialekt, to emphasise that they are rednecks.
[D] Ey, die Hopper im Spiel, ey, die sin' so cool, di reden voll die fette Gangster Slang, Alter.
Q:"Oi Dude, I need a Gun "
A:"Oi Dude, Oi me not sellin gun to Pigs ..." "ehm me sayin, me not sellin any gun, Dude"
In the German Translation, Gangmembers get a ultra-cool Hiphop-Slang, dude.
[D] Eine voll ausgerüstete "Konspirative Wohnung" der LCS. In der USA steht schon in der Verfassung, das jeder Sprengfallen und eine FlaK zu Hause haben darf, und Panzersperren sollte man dort auch haben.
[E] A full Upgraded Safehouse of the LCS
[D] In ein paar tagem werde ich die Beta Version irgenwo hochladen.
[E] In some Days I will upload the beta Version
Features :
* good, lovely translation, like in "Die Zwei", and not like "Die Simpsons". If there are silly puns in english, I translated them to silly puns in German, instead to translate them literal.
* safefiles are compatible to 4.7.0. for that purpose, I used some tricks, for example the sex of the gouvernement is encoded behind the terminator of their name, and the sex of locations is encode in their first letter.
* I wrote an improved random number generator, using the XOR-feedback-Shift register algorithm (similar to GPS encryption). While wikipedia claims the algorith is inefficient in software, I found a way to make it more efficient than the old, by using the parity checks, that 8086 Processors have in Assembly. The most important thing, is that the random numbers are more random, preventing streaks of mediocreness.
* The Game now has more Humour. I added more curses then free speech is L+, and also made a lot of jokes about americans.
* I added some new function, that might be usefull, for the english version too : strkitten -like strcat, but appends single char) , strcatf - like strcat, but accepts format strings, addstrf - like addstr, but accepts format strings.
* I significantly increased the efficience of the code. For example, I converted the macros GIVE_WEAPON_CIVILLIAN, GIVE_GENDER_MALE and GIVE_GENDER_FEMALE in creaturetypes.cpp into funktions, reducing the compiletime. I also significantly reduced the stringduplication, for example all text to new laws appear exactly one time (with that from the beginning, the election bug would have never happened) .
* Texts now take the actual sex of a person more into acount, sounding much better. For example every job has appropriate male and female names, as it is normal in german. I just want to point out, that certain jobs like Nun or Actor should change in english too, or have you ever seen a male nun ? (Thought NetHack has female Monks :-) ...)
* Certain creatures (Redneck, Gangmember) get a silly slang, to sound more funny.
Gameplay changes (mostly bugfixes, and some grammer stuff):
* Game doesn't crash on elections
* You can kill multiple tanks, without a raid becoming unwinnible
* You can reconquer lost warehouses
* Hermaphrodites, Transsexuals and Homosexual Dating are removed, due to them beeing akward to translate. To compensate, the "Age of consent" is removed.
* Gender-neutral names are removed, due to being impossible to talk about.
* You can back out while talking in combat
* The Help on Activities is updatet, to reflect the actual gameplay
* Items have now a sex, defined in the XML files
* If you escape a raid, you get now chasers of the apropriate type (I am not sure, if you should get chasers at all ?)
* Then hostile Firemen attack you with their flamethrower, you are no longer charged with arson.
* If the founder is female, the "homosexuality option" in the starting questions mentions playing football, because making out shouldn't be wrong, if a girl does it.