I'm still going through a load of ups and downs. I think losing (geographically) two of my best friends has hit me really hard. One of them has moved from the UK to Jersey. This person is very career focused. We talk, but it's a stunted conversation because if I ever admit that I've been unhappy he goes on a tirade of how I should grow up and leave the dead - end town I'm in and find new friends etc. I know he's trying to be helpful, and it does cause me to consider action (that I ultimately will delay or not do) but it's also incredibly depressing. The fact is, my job is pretty much the same wherever, I've got contacts here, and moving somewhere different isn't going to solve the problem that I'm now without my two best friends, who, combined with the awesome job I had last year, were what I really cared about most.
Since starting this new job, I've actually gained the ability to be confident, but I haven't seen reason to use it yet, outside of team leadership. I'm also struggling with the idea that "growing up" apparently means valuing yourself highly. I understand the concept, but for me to view everyone as a means to the end is an affront to what I stand for. This may seem bizarre to you, but the idea that because I'm suddenly an adult I can start throwing my moral weight around is puzzling. I know I'm worth something - which is an improvement to before - but I still can't get to grips with the idea of putting myself before people I consider very kind.
About hobbies... I've slacked here, if I'm honest. I've been busy sorting out administrative stuff (getting credit card, signing up to agencies, planning holiday) and to be honest I haven't been troubled by too much free time. I still make cakes on occasion which I share with some workmates, although my friend says this is odd and I should stop it.
Fitness has been going rather good as well; I might try for a 10km run at some point.
No luck at all on the dating front despite my attempts to get some decent pictures (using Tinder). I guess I'll have to try extra - hard to get my goblin - elf hybrid features to look good.
My friend had been nagging me to use it for a long time, and now that I'm sort of lonely, I caved in. However, my worst fears were realized when nobody actually liked me.
If we're going to end on a positive note, I enjoy my job when I'm in the process of doing it (even if career advancement chances are pretty much zilch) and I'm totally 100% fine for cash for now and the forseeable future. I have more self esteem than I used to have, although I have trouble believing this makes me more important than other people. And I'm very relieved I've been able to share this all with you; it's made this a thousand times better. Any thoughts? Anybody have similar experiences? I'd love to start a support group for "lost and confused young professionals"! XD