The Dark Tower Asknukutsmob, seat of power to Icrozul, the umbral devil.
Surrounded by the fortress capital , which bears it as its namesake.
"An abominable plague upon the land", is what the elves call it.
"A harbinger of turmoil and war", is the dwarvens take on it.
"A place of great evil", is what the humans find it to be.
But another race, the goblin one, often plainly calls it "Home".
Underground QuartersDrums howl throughout the tunnels, waking the quarters inhabitants for the beginning of the night shift.
Well, unless they already are awake, and brimming with excitement.
Bracing this favourable day, at about thirty years of age, your tutelage will finally be at an end. Standing in the dark of your room, you tell yourself that this excitement is not unfounded. Today will come with a number of perks after all;
Most importantly, a substantial increase in your wage! Finally, meat can become a substantial part of your diet.
Not worse by any means, you will also be ushered into the goblin middle class, which will confer one of the much coveted benign curses on you.
Thinking back on it, you had a good number of choices, especially for a hob'.
Your aptitudes set you apart from the rabble, and could have paved your way into an advanced job in any of the four pillars of local goblin society.FaithPraise be
Icrozul, as his accursed
Preachers spread his wrathful message, while his demonic
Priests channel his dark favour!
MilitaryHome to
Light & Heavy Infantry,
Beast Handlers and
Scouts. Only the Bowgobs were barred for you.
MagickReaching back to the tribal days, the channellers of the dark arts are divided into the infernal
Warlocks, and the entropical
IndustryOnly few civil professions are viewed as important;
Weapon & Armour Smithing,
Mechanics and
While lesser choices were available, those were - and most likely always will be - unappreciated. As things are, unappreciated goblins easily get drafted into the war-time milita. Said militia, well; Their safety is not nearly as much of a concern, as that of the true soldiers, nor is their equipment half as good.
No, you chose wisely, and until now have not regretted Your Choice: