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Author Topic: Afteract, a succession fort  (Read 1384 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Puppysicle
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Afteract, a succession fort
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:46:33 pm »

I recently converted my girlfriend and her friend into DF players, and now that they have a bit of a handle on the basics and can play, I wanted to do a succession fort with them! We are playing Afteract, the dwarven fortress settled by The Unseen Baldness for the glory of The Hairy Arrow.

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The Healing Mire seemed like a great place to set up the fortress, seeing that it was right next to a nice river, and HAD NO AQUIFERS!!! We embarked at once, saddling up with a few dogs, cats, and as much liquor and seeds as we could.
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All of the dwarves have special titles, like Chief Pick, our glorious expedition leader. We came well rounded for whatever the site would throw at us, but didn't bring much skill in the way of working the metals of Afteract. I decided to leave them with their base names, and just note them by their jobs (because that's the only reason dwarves are important anyways, pffff.)
The dwarves finally arrived at the site, and I took a quick look around the map and delved out some quick lodgings.
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It was a pretty basic layout. Farm at the top, a stockpile for seeds, a spot for the Trade Depot, a stockpile, and a few food related workshops going down nearby. I didn't grab a screenshot of it, but there were totally dead river otters littered all over the place after my dogs wandered by and decided they looked tasty. <_<
I really don't like having such a direct route into the fortress center though, and it makes me a little worried that I would have so little space to fight off invaders before they had us blocked off from food, booze, and anything needed in the stockpile...

A few Z-Levels down, I decided that the dwarves here had a good place to live. There weren't any terrible clouds, wandering zombies, or anything intensely !FUN! from the beginning. They would each get nice rooms, even if they were just migrant scum, and I started delving out the heart of the fortress. The miners worked pretty damn quickly, and my heart skipped a beat when I realized that they were digging the whole area out of limestone (delicious flux...) and striking hematite in the process. Not even done with the spring, I had most of the makings of steel here in front of the hardy dwarves of Afteract!
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After all of the workshops I needed had been cobbled together, I thought immediately back to that hallway that scared me so badly... I didn't want to have to deal with any invaders being able to wipe me out in one good charge, I thought a drawbridge would be a good idea.
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Drawbridge is down...
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But pull the damn lever and watch them go FLYING! It makes my black, tiny heart flutter a little bit when I think of all the people I could murder with this set up, and how few could get in after that. Currently, the entire fortress can thrive with no outside contact, but it would get pretty cramped, and all of the animals outside would die...

In mid spring, we must have been doing something right! I checked the status screen and it turned out that somehow we had brought almost 5,000 dorfbucks worth of stuff with us, which had me a little confused.
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But it was a good place to start from now! I had all the makings for steel in the few layers I toiled through, but I looked out at the trees, looked back at my paltry number of workers, and thought the most pure word Armok had graced us with: MAGMA
I spent no moment wondering if it was a good idea or not, I just ordered them to dig. Down, down you go! Down to the blood of the earth, the cusp of the crust!
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Aha! The first cavern layer! This is good- wait, those are antpeople? Uh-huh... How about we don't breach into this caverns for a while, eh? I don't want their crawly little antennae thwacking my dorfs in the beard. Knowing this situation, they would get butchered and eaten... I kept ordering the digging to proceed, and had to arrange some very odd tunnels to avoid breaching the caverns and having to deal with all the muck inside of them. The second cavern confirmed my suspicion that I should just stay out of them until we could dump magma through all of it and cleanse the unholy from our proper place of living.
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A blind cave ogre with scatter remains all around it? Yeah, I'll pass on that one for now. I just want to be armed with the might of magma! I will wield steel and fire against our enemies! ...Unless I just don't get around to making a military. Peasants look better covered in the sweat of industry rather than the blood of whatever, I personally think.
All industrial thoughts aside, I ordered them deeper and aha! Cavern number three, check.
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Suspiciously empty, I thought. Hmmm... Must be a clever ruse to lure my miners in there and lose our picks! No ogre will outsmart the dwarves of Afteract, but that means there is only one thing left to do to get at the vitae of the earth! DIG, YOU WORTHLESS MINERS! NO BREAKS! NO PARTYING! DIG!
And at last! I swear I'm not crying, it's just the toxic fumes coming from the semi molten zinc, you foolish ones...
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Almost as if the rest of the world could hear our screech of victory, migrants arrived.
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Mwuhahaha! More hands to breathe life into the monster that will be our smelters and forges!
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They even brought us a weaponsmith! His previous experience with metal will be useful... In a moment of creative genious, I brilliantly and originally named him "the Metal". You would never understand the correlation, my mind is an enigma. Or perhaps the fumes of melting metal are messing with me... I distinctly remember forgetting something about a military. Oh, it must have been nothing! I have more pressing things on my mind, like the metal of the gods!
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Some of the migrants are rather ugly, I think. To keep myself from having to disgust myself with gazing on their horrific visage, I order them to man the new smelters. Boom, problem fixed. Now they all look like little motes of coal!
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A portrait of the migrants, by Urist McSmoothness:
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Even ugly migrants hidden under layers of soot deserve a place to stay though, so more rooms are made for them. Equal, but they're not quite so when I have yet to install a waterfall for them to wash off, ho ho! (And I never will install one. Dirty migrants.)
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And early autumn has swung around by now, which seems rather speedy for my miners! I really should get more people to whip them off of breaks... It would be a great investment. With early autumn comes the caravans of the dwarves! With no diplomat, or any notification that there wasn't one here... Strange.
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As you can see, our fine chefs have been cooking just about everything in sight until I remembered that cooked plump helmets give no seeds. Then they cooked every fish, snail, and item that littered the ground, walked on it, or even looked at it. Alongside of that were our crafts, which got better as we banded them with gems and such! Too bad we didn't have some steel stuff around to give to them! Drat! We will need more eager hands to-
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Someone is listening to my prayers, I think. More dirty migrants! Well, some of them aren't too terribly dirty... but the metalsmithing industry will fix that!

Ah, something in me just loves the look of these numbers...
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The rest of me says that it could be much higher once we start pouring more sweat and body parts into the liquid steel! Picks are forged and handed out to those whose jobs just aren't important, and so many are reassigned to the smoke breathing monsters I've created! Steel pours out in fountains as the leaves drop off the trees(Which I thought was DF raining blood out of the sky until I checked what it was. The leaves surprised me more than the blood...)
Everything is going well! I know I'm still forgetting something about arming dwarves or something, but it can't be important in the slightest... Oh well. It isn't like our fort even needs protection! We'll vent the fumes into invaders and get everyone so sooty they can't tell which is friend or foe.
But alas, my industrious system is bothered by this dwarf!
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A strange mood, huh? What's strange is that you stopped pumping the bellows and started derping around in some bowyer's shop! Leave it alone, it's a silly idea anyways!
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Oh, oh this is GREAT! We'll get our expert blowgunner Urist McRapewhistle to use it with the copious amounts of darts we have! It'll thwart every megabeast that will ever prowl this way in search of our steel and gold! /s
Now that you're done making this little whistle, get back to working in my little sweat smelter.
But the end of the year concludes peacefully, and without much event. 22 dwarves live in Afteract, we have zero military, but I did turn plenty of the steel into huge, huge serrated disks of death and placed them in the main entrance! Everything is moving along well, but with the first year all done and so much wealth created, I am expecting my friend to have a rough time with whatever comes after it all!
Keep an eye out for her post tonight, and after hers will be my girlfriend. If anybody else wants to get involved with these guys, I'll leave it up to them.
Forgotten Beasts just want to be loved!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Afteract, a succession fort
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 09:15:53 pm »

I recently converted my girlfriend and her friend into DF players



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Afteract, a succession fort
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 04:55:29 am »

In the whispers of darkness, I can hear the blackened cackling of one of three soulless gods brought to Afteract to watch over the flittering lives of The Unseen Baldness. My heart skips a beat pulling up this save file. Looking over Easteps's notes I was rather pleased with how much he accomplished. I did not have to worry about seeking magma or creating a metalsmithing industry. We had ample protection from traps and even a drawbridge...

Well my friends, we shall have a couple of goals to outline our year including the following:

1. Make way for a future hospital
2. Make the foundations for a beekeeping industry and refine the slopes outside our fortress.
3. Make a Military if we've the time and resources.
4. Refine the fortress where we can to be more convenient.

The first thing I ultimately noticed is we had a colony of honeybees right outside our fortress. While I didn't want to immediately make a complete beekeeping industry, I figured we could at least get started on farming colonies to eventually make mead.  It's going to take a long time to gather so the earlier we start, the better. Also while I'm at it I construct a nest box for that hen so we can have eggs come in. In hindsight I really hope Eastep put a Rooster or more hens on the list of things for the traders to bring this year.

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With that out of the way, I also begin designating the layout of our future hospital. My experience from the last two times I've tried is that I needed a water source for baths, but I wanted to make sure everything was kept internal. After a long mental debate on placement, I eventually decided second level as there were some available water sources to make a bathhouse in the future as well as its location being close enough to the surface that injured dwarves could receive treatment quickly. I won't screencap as it's small right now, but we'll get back to it if we get any further than a layout.

While that was going on, I noticed that our refuse pile could be better placed, so I switched the locations with our pasture to give the animals access to more future land once we expand our livestock. I also placed a temporary wood stockpile outside to clean up the Beekeeping area. Rather than put the refuse pile RIGHT NEXT to our fortress, I put it in the alcove in the southern end of our map after I had removed slope access.

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It seems this pleased our dwarves so much, that it summoned more migrants to our fortress! We ended up getting about...18 migrants of various labors. Alongside that we ended up with an Alpaca, a Cavy Pup and a Turkey hen! Whoop Whoop! With that all said and done, perhaps in the future I could spread enough of our men to create a small brigaid of militia to protect our fortress from thiev-

Whelp while he's going crazy, I also decided now would be the time to do a proper storage syst-


Cerol ended up claiming a magma forge in the meantime (asshole, taking away precious space from our slave-I mean, workers.) and made the most useful Item I think anyone could ever use >8C

Piece of shit.

That adventure over now and our fort safe from the beast for now, we continue onto the path of refining the fortress to be a bit more convenient. Military is going to have to wait while I catch up with a few things. Firstly, we close the season of spring with the establishment of a Farmer's workshop!

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Summer comes with the arrival of mass plant bloomage across the map, so I have plant gatherers assigned to take care of that while I continue mapping out a proper storage chamber. So far, so good:
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Afterwards, I assigned more miners to quicken the pace. I also start digging out more rooms and right on cue, summer migrants arrive. Things are about to get cramped. We get 8 dwarves, 4 of which I convert into miners. I also have the forge construct some weaponry for future military purposes as well as trap components to have just in case.  I set up more nest boxes for the new egg layers we got, and also checked on the hive and sure enough it's ready to be split! I put up another hive, split the colonies and start investing in bees.
I start also making floodgates and begin filling out more prep work for the hospital. My first step being creating a soap making industry. I build a wood furnace, a farm plot for quarry bushes and start queuing a LOT of buckets.

Time passes by with minimal updates. Summer was quite lazy. Oh..and a cat died I guess. Eh, they'll eat it.

Autumn comes and with it the arrival of the traders! (cue cheering) I've prepped with plenty of cut gems/crafts/toys so hopefully we'll get lucky and walk away with some good shit.

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I end up requesting leather, some bars, a few animals and a couple of other shit (so expect that next year elly!) and we can now begin trading! I've put what he wants below for Elly's sake.

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I spend the next billion years WIPING out this Trader's stock. Through careful spending and appeasing, I managed to pretty much grab everything sans some useless shit that I've already got plenty of. Thus, 90% of my grabs were cloth and spider silk and most importantly: LEATHER.

While this was going on however, I did not notice something happening in the alerts until I got this:

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We have a death...and this my friends, introduced to me a conundrum of strange proportions. Namely, I talked with Eastep and we both were fairly certain that NONE of the floors we had dug breached into the caverns. None of the MILLIONS of stairs poked into the lair of the FB and more importantly, there were no holes that could have possibly led to the deaths of THREE dwarves. We eventually chalked it up to a supposed accident while fortifying the mine? Who knows. Whelp, time to make memorials.

On that note though, it's not all bad. I forgot to mention we also got our fall migrants! 8 dwarves join us for a total of 53 dwarves.  The Ashery finally got put up and my Rock Quarry bushes are growing nicely though we won't be seeing the Soap Industry getting started until next year or so.

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I also made a burial room :<

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I expand the workshops  on the main floor, add a dormitory as I'm not as good as Eastep is at housing dwarves (I'm easily distracted). EVERYBODY WILL GET TO SHARE. We end up getting more hives to split! After that...everything really seemed to just go with the flow. Minor tweaks here or there, eventually our gem setter is taken by a fey mood which adds a modicum of interest. I've been doing well on minimizing idlers so everyone is working hard and we're taking in a lot of material.

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Winter comes and nothing changes really...someone managed to die of dehydration (fucking dumbass must've locked himself and went mad or some shit.) Thought it was our gem setter and nope, apparently it was an animal handler. Ah well. ANOTHER MEMORIAL FOR YOU!

Our gem setter ends up making a rather beautiful animal trap, which has its uses I'm sure.

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A puppy starved and I realized that I hadn't really paid too much attention to the animals lately. Upon further investigation I found our Fortress seems to like dogs.

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Since we're getting close to the end of my run though, I figured I might as well see how much of the military I could prep for. I've already got weapons and some leather armor constructed, then worked on making bolts for the crossbows.

Winter has literally been just letting the dwarves do the work, and just processing items at this point. As Obsidian came to a close however, the Dwarves ended up electing their first mayor!

There was a party to celebrate the occasion, and suddenly Spring just...arrived.

I think back unto how much I managed to accomplished. In congruence with my goals I managed to  chop down much of my list:

1. Make way for a future hostpital
2. Make the foundations for a beekeeping industry and refine the slopes outside our fortress.

3. Make a Military if we've the time and resources.
4. Refine the fortress where we can to be more convenient.

However I was only able to get weapons and armor done. The finer nuances of military workings were put on the back burner in favor of fine tuning and prepping the fortress for other industries. My hospital still has a little ways to go before it'll be ready to open, not to mention the soap industry and beekeeping industry are still in their infancy.

On the other side, I managed to haul in a HUGE amount of leather/cloth to make clothes and armor.  We have nest boxes, a huge storage floor and managed to make more farms/expand more workshops. There's a functioning dormitory and more bedrooms

I managed to bring the first SEVERAL deaths (go me), but overall The Year of Spork ended successfully. Good luck Elly!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Puppysicle
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Re: Afteract, a succession fort
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 05:07:48 am »

I recently converted my girlfriend and her friend into DF players


I used black magic and summoning rituals. But last I heard, she got a fisherdwarf drowned, which is awfully ironic! I think this was while she was trying to murder unicorns. She's been a big fan of the game, and I showed Spork while I was encouraging her to do her first few fortresses of !FUN!

And I have a suspicion that the beast is going to be an issue in the future. T_T
Oh well.
Forgotten Beasts just want to be loved!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Afteract, a succession fort
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 10:22:14 am »

When you say precious, do you mean valuable or weapons grade? Both have some interesting uses as a crutch.
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Afteract, a succession fort
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2015, 07:44:41 pm »

When you say precious, do you mean valuable or weapons grade? Both have some interesting uses as a crutch.

It would be criminal not to consider this.

Oh my christ THAT'S REALLY GREAT. I was thinking in terms of practicality. We had neither army nor hospital to put the item to use and that steel could have been spent on making more weapons or traps. In the end if one of our men looses a hand or something I know what we'll be equipping!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Afteract, a succession fort
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2015, 10:57:33 pm »

Hello and sorry for being so late!!
I am doing my year now so if I don't get my post up tonight I will do it tomorrow!  ; v;